Vietnam Lesson Plan

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(WI Teacher Standards #1, 2)

State or district standard: o B.8.10 Analyze examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, or nations o B.8.12 Describe how history can be organized and analyzed using various criteria to group people and events chronologically, geographically, thematically, topically, and by issues Instructional objective(s): o Explore the Vietnam War by analyzing pictures, maps, and videos.


(WI Teacher Standard #8)

Students will fill out an activity sheet based off of videos, the presentation, and pictures. (WI Teacher Standard #3)

Materials Needed:

Video Clips Prezi Presentation Powerpoint/computer/smartboard Activity Sheet

Total timeneeded: needed: 55min __ Total time

Procedures: Procedures:

(WI Teacher Standard #7)

Introduction: (10 min) o Brain Pop Video o Discuss the Brain Pop video questions/answers Steps for instruction: (30 min) o Prezi Presentation - Discuss location of Vietnam - Go over history - Analyze War Tactic Pictures (section on activity sheet) o Video of Veterans

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: (WI Teacher Standard # 3) o They will all be working individually. I am using multi-media which I think aids to all types of students. Analyzing videos and pictures. We will go over all of the answers as a group or in group discussion which will help everyone be one the same page. As we discuss I will be walking around the room as much as I can so I can check on everyones progress.

Closure: o We will end with the talk about the War Memorial. I have pictures and fun facts on the prezi that we can talk about. o If we have extra time, we can search for names on the wall.

Name: Sarah Ward Date: 4/5/12

Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th

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