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First and foremost, the researcher would like to express their deepest gratitude to Allah S.W.T. also goes to their family for the support and patience. The researcher has benefited from the help of many people during the evolution of this research, students, lecturer, and people working in the related field have generously supply and untold number of insightful comment and helpful suggestions. Our intellectual depth those people who have blazed new trails in management field will be obviously to any readers familiar with the literature of Marketing Management.

Not forgetting all the respondents from Avons dealer that the researcher has interview and answered the questions, the staff and others involved.

The researcher also deepest gratitude to Prof Madya Normah Mohd Dali, our advisor of whom guided our efforts to various stages in the evolution of the report.

Not forgetting to all group member group C, BM220 4L UiTM Shah Alam.


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