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1. Briefly walk me through your resume. 2. What are your post-MBA career goals? 3. Why do you want an MBA?

4. Have you considered Kelloggs 1-Y program? 5. Why do you want to attend Kellogg? 6. How do you motivate people on a team? 7. How will you take a leadership role in campus organizations? 8. How will you work with the other students at Kellogg? 9. What are your interests outside of work? 10. Tell me about an obstacle you faced as part of a team and how you helped overcome it. 12. Tell me three things that are unique about you. And tell me three things you would want me to tell the admissions committee if they asked about you. 13. Tell me about your undergraduate institution 14. Why I chose my undergrad school and why I chose my majors/discipline at college. 15. What would you specifically want to mention about your undergraduate experience 16. While at college, what were the efforts you made to get yourself a job? 17. Tell me about your company 18. Your role in the company 19. Compared to your peer members, how do you think your career progress has been? 20. As a team leader who is leading teams for quite some time now, what do you think were the mistakes you had done in this role? 21. Comparing yourself from the early days and now, how do you think you have improved as a team leader? 25. Contribution to Kellogg? 28. How did you learn about the program? 29. Example of a mentoring experience I had? 30. What were the top three things you learned from your undergrad experience? 31. What were the top three things you learned from your xxx work experience?

32. About past entrepreneurial experience: what advice would you give to the experience now? Would you do it again now given current business conditions? 34. What, in your opinion, are the weaknesses in your application? What have you done to neutralize them? 35. What, in your opinion, are your application's strongest points? 36. Distinction between leadership and management? 37. Tell me of a time when your ideas were completely different and how did you convince others to follow your idea? 38. Tell me of a time when you thought out of the box/ what was the result of your actions? 39. Tell me of a time when you were under a lot of professional stress 40. What has been your most significant achievement, professional or personal? 41. How would your friends and colleagues describe you? 42. What has been your biggest professional challenge to date? 43. What specific skills did other engineers bring to the company that you did not have? How did you select these engineers to join your team? 44. Why was guy X hard to deal with? What did you do in the situation? 45. What other schools are you applying to? What would you do if you didn't get into any of these schools? Would you give up? 46. What defines a leader? 47. Give me an example when you were creative? 48. What is a goal or an ambition you had in the past that's completely changed today? 49. Discuss your worst teamwork experience. 50. Tell me about a time when you failed miserably. 51. How would a friend describe you now? How would that change after business school? 52. Do you think your voice would be heard at Kellogg? Why is that important to you? 54. Imagine that you have a chance to say something to people from a billboard. What would be your words ? 55. What do you want to see as a present from people from Kellog ? 56. Other than you past or current bosses, who do you admire the most because of his/her managing capabilities? 57. If you had someone on your team that didn't want to pull their weight - how would you motivate them?

59. Describe a situation that required you to motivate the efforts of others- how did you motivate them, and what was the result? Would you have changed anything in your approach given the outcome? 61. What do you do when something goes wrong in a team? Give me an example. 62. Assuming you get into all of the schools you applied to, tell me what would be the deciding factor to make your final decision? 63. List 3 adjectives that describe the ideal managerial style 64. What characteristic of yours has surprised you during your professional career? 65. Which book has inspired you the most? Why? 66. What would they miss most. 68. Describe a decision you made (professional/personal), how did you approach making that decision? And what happened afterward? 70. How do you approach team work? How do you motivate your team members? 71. How would you approach working with team mates from different backgrounds? (because you have to do that in K, as part of the "group" learning approach) 72. Describe a situation when you did NOT get along with your team mates. What happened? 73. Do you have any idols or role models?

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