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Coconut water is naturally a carbohydrate and protein, coconut water also contains a micro-mineral elements needed by the body. Minerals including potassium (K), natirum (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), ferum (Fe), cuprum (Cu), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S). When examined again, in coconut water also contained a variety of vitamins. A course of vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, riboflavin, and so forth. So it is clear that coconut water contains elements of macro and micro are fairly complete. ? Coconut water contains organic compounds which merit for body health, among others: 1. Maintain body temperature 2. Restore body fluids lost through activity 3. Carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells. 4. Increase metabolism. 5. Increase the weight. 6. Boost the immune system. 7. Detoxify and fight viruses. 8. Clean your digestive tract. 9. Control diabetes. 10. Assisting the body in fighting viruses that cause flu, herpes, and AIDS. 11. Balancing the pH of the blood and reduce the risk of cancer. 12. Treat kidney and urethral stones. 13. Improving the process of circulation. ? 8 Wonders of drinking coconut water 1. Coconut milk is more nutritious than whole milk (whole milk) because it contains no cholesterol and low fat. 2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and is known to cleanse the digestive tract. 3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but also helps the body fight some jenisvirus cause disease. 4. If you suffer from kidney stones, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. Drinking coconut water will break helping with kidney stones and facilitate their exit from the body. 5. Coconut water is also known since long ago to cure a urinary tract disorder? A glass of coconut water will relieve pain due to difficulty urinating. 6. If youre still feeling a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to consuming coconut water. 7. Tender coconut water that tastes very rich in electrolytes and potassium. Potassium can help the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function 8. Coconut water can accelerate the increase trombosite for patients with DHF and reduce fever. Platelets down as it is used to prevent bleeding, because of high fever resulting in blood coagulation, and the pores enlarged blood vessels Young coconut water as a Remedy for the Treatment of various types of diseases.

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