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ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #-- 1 Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Name: Date: Sarah Ward

10/9/12 Content Area: US History_ Grade Level:....;1:....;O"--_

B.8.10 Analyze examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, or nations D.8.4 Describe how investments in human and physical capital, including new technology, affect standard of living and quality of life Students will discuss the manufacturing environment during the industrial revolution. Informal: Before the students leave we will discuss reasons for supporting and not supporting the work environment of the time. I will have them write down a couple of aspects of the work environment during the Industrial Revolution and they will hand it in before leaving. Formal: Students will later do a formal assessment on Andrew Carnegie where they will reflect on some of this knowledge.

-Computer, "rap" video, Jungle handout, pictures, handouts

80-90 min.

(Include time allotments)
(10 min}.?


Show the Industrial Revolution "rap" video. During the video students will take

note of inventions and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution. Steps for instruction:
(10 min] (20-30

-Discuss the working conditions discovered while watching the "rap."

min.) -Hand out an excerpt from the Jungle -Discuss working conditions


min.) -Hand out child labor interviews -Discuss different interviews : similarities/differences

(20 (10

min.)-ShOw and Discuss pictures of manufacturing during the industrial revolution min.) Closure:


-Reasons for supporting child labor/poor working conditions. -Are there examples of this today?


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