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Daniel Vargas CEA 3-4-2013

Codes and Regulations for School Expansion in Waxahachie, TX 1. Universal Design & ADA Requirements The restrooms will all have a five feet turning radius. In each restroom there will be at least one bar to hold on to for the disabled. There will be a ramp located at the front of the school and maybe another place to accommodate disabled people. The doors will each be 36in. and bigger. The hallways will around 10 feet wide so people can travel comfortably. In the restrooms there will be sinks that will allow a person in a wheel chair to get under it and wash their hands. An elevator will be installed in the school to transport disabled people easily and conveniently. Each classroom will be the necessary amount of area to be classified as a room. In case needed, at the ramp there will be a 3 feet level off every necessary.

(A.) International Building Code Use and Occupancy Classification: Under section 305.1, our buildings Use and Occupancy classification is Educational Group E. Educational Group E occupancy includes requirements of but not limited to, the use of a building or structure, or a portion of it, by six or more persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12th grade. Type of Construction: The building of this school extension could fall either at Type II A, Where in this case a fire protective layer would be required. Table 503 Materials for Interior Walls and Floors: We will be using wooden flooring like used in the previous section of the house. The walls will be made by gypsum board or sheet rock. We are allowed to use whatever the codes permit us to use.

Daniel Vargas CEA 3-4-2013

Building Heights and Areas: Under Type II B the dimensions are 3 stories of 26,500 ft^2 -Table 503 Occupant Load: Assuming that all rooms are used as vocational classrooms which involve a greater occupant load factor the occupant load for the entire building would be 1386 occupants.-

2. Land Use Regulations: Local Ordinances:

Zoning Designation: The zoning designation for this addition to the school is PD-49-2F. The Edition of the International Building Code presently adopted is the 2000 Edition The Purpose for the designation is for us to know what limits are on and which ones are off.

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