L D315I Lssonh Lesson # - 2 - Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Content Rea: US Histo - GR de Le El:. O'

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lSSONHAN Lesson #_2_ Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Name: Date: Sarah Ward

Content Area: US History __ Grade Level:.---'l:....;O'-_

B.8.3 Describe the relationships between and among significant events, such as the causes and consequences of wars in United States and world history D.8.5 Give examples to show how government provides for national defense; health, safety, and environmental protection; defense of property rights; and the maintenance of free and fair market activity Students will explore ways the US government helps fund wars. Informal: Students will discuss in groups how their daily lives would be changed by rationing. Formal: Students will later have a unit test incorporating these ideas.

-Computer, rationing video, rationing sheet, captain America video, George Bush example handout, prezi

80-90 min.

(Include time allotments)

(20 min)


- Bell Work: Fill out daily activity sheet with group -Introduce today's topic - war economies. Relate to Unit Question. -Summarize WWI and WWII

Steps for instruction:

(5 min)

-Captain America Video - What was his purpose? -War Bonds Discussion

(20-30 min.)

- assign one poster to each group to analyze -Show more posters

(20-30 min.)

-Rationing Video

-List of what was rationed .... why? How would this change your daily activity?
(20 min.)


-George Bush Example 2008SP

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