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Ben Kwedar 8th Grade US History Class Constitution

I, Mr. Kwedar, in Order to establish a positive environment,

ensure higher learning, and to promote the general Welfare for all students, do

ordain and establish this Constitution for this United States of America History Classroom.

Article 1: Expectations
Students will respect their classmates and the instructor by: o Following Directions o Refraining from personal attacks o Showing up to class on time o Paying attention to whose ever turn it is to speak

Article 2: Classroom Procedures - Entering the Classroom o Students will be in their assigned seat when the bell rings o If entering late for any reason, students will go straight to their
desk, refraining from talking, giving high fives, etc.

I will fill you in on what you missed as soon as possible. - Turning in Homework o Students are expected to turn in homework in the homework tray
before the bell rings.

o If late, Teacher will collect students homework as soon as possible. - Getting Missing Assignments o If students missed an assignment, they may ask the teacher before
or after class for instructions on that homework.

o Students will refrain from asking the instructor for instruction on

missed assignments during times of teaching.

- Testing o During testing periods, students will remain silent until the
instructor gives them permission to talk.

o Students will refrain from any forms of cheating. o If students have a question for the teacher, they will raise their
hands, and the teacher will address them.

Article 3: Consequences of Violating Class Constitution

- First Offense o Students will be given a verbal warning - Second Offense o Teacher will talk with student outside the class - Third Offense o Students will be given a referral and will be sent to the Deans

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