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- 15/02/2013

A-Answer the following questions. The classroom. 1-Is there a big board in the classroom? Yes,there is. good 2-Are there pictures on the floor? No ,there are . 3- Is there a air aconditionated in the classroom? Yes ,there is. B-We are in the workshop .Where are the tools and objects? Use to the left of, to the right of, between, above, below, etc. (5) 1-where are the ladders? The ladders to the left of the table. 2- Where is the bench? The bench to the right of the chair. 3- Where is the toolboard? The toolboard to the right of the switch. 4-Where is the toolbox? The toolbox is between the chair and table. C-Answer these questions 1-How many matches are there in the box? (36) There is exactly thirty six. 2-How many tools are there on the board? (8) There is exactly eight. D-Make warnings! 1-hole /ground! Stop! . Hole in the ground. 2-Fire /workshop! Look out there's fire in the workshop. 3- ladder/wall! NR E-Make these sentences negative . NR 1-That house .. a red roof. That house has ... .. roof . 2- Those switches covers. Those ................ have no covers. 3-This chair ...... arms. This ........ has no arms. F-Answer these questions . 1- How many heads does a hammer have? 2- How many blades does a knife have? 3- How many doors does a car have?
1- It has one head . 2- It has one blade 3- It has four doors . CALIFICACION : 6 SIX

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