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Andy Kim 7C 20/3/13

Grovers past Quest (final copy)

I wanted to protest. None of what happened was Grovers fault. I also felt really, really guilty. If I hadnt given Grover the slip at the bus station, he might not have got in trouble. Hell get second chance wont he? Chiron winced. Im afraid that was his second chance, Percy. The council was not anxious to give him another, either, after what happened the first time, five years ago.

What happened to Grover then? I asked Chiron. I can tell you the past quest wasnt a safe trip when the monster army came though the sky attacking the Olympus. The quest was to save Olympus from the monster army in fifteen days. It was a long time ago and the quest was about the greatest hero of Olympus and the best god in Camp Half-Blood. Grovers first quest started on a Wednesday, but it was difficult to get those boys and girls the two gods. The first one was Apollos son, Apollhawk, and the next was Artemis daughter, Artiemesis. The two gods were more powerful than the other heroes in Camp Half-Blood in 2000.They loved to train, fight, talk to other gods and hunt animal .When Grover was given the quest, I told Zeus son, Jerzus, to take care of Grover and the other gods. When it was raining, they started the quest. The two gods were safe and Grover was hurt in the battle. Unfortunately, Jerzus died in the fight to protect the two gods and Grover. After that Zeus put Jerzuss sprit in to the tree at the entrance so his power could make the shield to protect all of Camp Half-Blood. Apollhawk and Artiemesis were happy in Camp Half- Blood. Since the quest had not finished, they had to train very quickly before the blue moon. When the blue moon rose in the sky they had to leave the Camp Half-Blood.

Next, they began the quest in New York to walk and walk to the north. Then they defeated many monsters during their journey before they came to top of the hundred floor building. Opening the door, they saw the leader of the monsters. His name was Adidatoius and he was the biggest monster in the history of Olympus. He had four big legs, four big wings and a hundred heads. He was a giant dragon that had a poisonous breath. Olympus worked together with three children, Grover, Apollhawk and Artiemesis, and fought every monster, including Adidatious, The monsters smelled of death and felt like a muddy sausage the children couldnt concentrate the fight! The battle wasnt going well. They had been fight five days in a row. Eventually, they discovered that the monster hate the sun. Apollhawk was the sun god, so he tried to take the sun into the enemys camp. Once he did, a terrible smell came out of the monsters camp! It was like. a burning tyre! The monsters were melting from the heat of the sun. Apollhawk finally defeated, only survivor, Adidatious and the monster was locked underground. Two the children died because they been in to the enemys camp, where they were attacked by an Adidatiouss poisonous breath. Grover came to the enemy camp to check if it was safe, but it was too late, they had already been poisoned. Therefore, Grover came to the Camp Half-Blood with the two bodies, of the young children. Then, the dead children were buried in the forest and the statue of the Apollhawk and Artiemesis was made. Chiron finished the story sadly. Does Olympus know about that story? I asked. Olympus knows, I advised him to wait longer before trying again. Hes still so small for his age. The rest of the story begins on page 77 if you are interested in reading more!

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