Principles of Management Project: Focus On The Learning Management Lessons From The Movie "LAGAAN"

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Principles Of Management Project

Focus On the Learning Management Lessons From The Movie LAGAAN

The Idea of taking up movie as a case study

Movies are easily accessible, unlike training films. They combine entertainment with learning. Their linkage with everyday living makes the bridging easy. Their quality of production makes them significantly absorbing. Fresh ideas and perspectives



Once Upon A Time In India

Mein Nahi Kar Sakta

Hum Sab Kar Sakte Hai..!!

A lesson in entrepreneurship: From here the Battle Acceptance of Begins: the Challenge INITIATIVE

Determination in the phase of Opposition

An opportunist
Bhuvan stood at the river of opportunity with a bucket in his hand. Like most good leaders he recognises that a crisis is an opportunity. Video clip-he convinces the people

Team Building
Most people do rise to challenges With due respect to all, he considers EVERYONE in his team valuable to him.

Bhuvan puts together a team of 11 men, including a potter, a mute temple drummer, a farmer, a woodcutter, a medicine man, a hencatcher and a fortuneteller And even a village sweeper from the "untouchable" caste. Ability to spot the talent Spinner and Fast bowler

Each one of us has it within us to make a difference.

DEFINING THE GOAL AND PLANNING STRATEGIES ACCORDING TO IT Keeping in consideration each ones potential Bhuvan starts to delegate the work. A manager : SWOT analysis of his employees allot right job to the right person proper delegation of authority and responsibility.

Emergence Of a New Leader: Bhuvan

Bhuvan had the capability to: create a shared vision. effective conflict management. converting team mates weakness into strengths. encouraging constructive dissent creating a highly motivated and cohesive team to be a winner. Throughout their hard work, he helped all his team mates and villagers in Stress management. And treated his team mates equally.

Make the best of Limited Resources:

Bhuvan made the best out of his limited resources. The tools for the game were all made by the village folk and were made out of the best that they could lay their hands on.

Leading by example
Bhuvan makes the villagers understand that cricket in a simpler way by giving the example of gilli danda. This way even todays managers can use simple examples for solving complex problems. GIVE EXAMPLES TO ENHANCE

Help from an Expert

Bhuvan knew that he had very less knowledge about the game and a help from opposite teams leaders sister, Elizabeth, was a God sent help to him and so he did not object her involvement in the game.

There are no shortcuts for physical and mental fitness. Bhuvan and his team strongly believed it and never compromised on it. They played for the hopes & aspirations of their villagers. It was their passion that made all the

Captain Russell was very OVER CONFIDENT and he underestimated his competitors (villagers). Overlooked the ability of the enemy and this is what made them lose the match.


Should Not Look At Defeats On The Path As Setbacks

A manager should always learn from his mistakes and try not to repeat it. Even after small failures, one should not get disappointed and should not stop trying to achieve the goal.

Physically & emotionally mobilizing a team

Should celebrate small wins Encourage and motivate his team members. One should try to find all possible solutions during crisis. BACKING THE TEAM MEMBERS DURING CRUCIAL TIME

Faith in God
When everything else seems lost, God shows the wayof course, as long as you are on the right side.

Their passion and hope to win till the very end when there was 5 runs to win out of 1 ball made them achieve the goal. A leader should never loose hope at any point of time, rather he should FIGHT TILL THE END!!!

Some more important lessons:

Learning to survive & win Need to stay focused single-mindedly on Results Importance of trust despite betrayal Importance of being objective & unbiased Need for a can do spirit Humor, encouragement and force

Foreword :
At a time when Indian Organisations are discovering the limitations of using western models to look at Leadership competencies and are searching for Indian ideas, Lagaan has certainly helped make a good beginning in this exploration.

It is evident that Indian movies of this kind can certainly be a useful and effective medium to communicate relevant lessons in management and everyday living.

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