Jewish Cultural Newspaper - Lesson Plan

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Christian Ethics 10

Subject: Christian Ethics 10 Author: Julia Thomson Grade Level: 10 Time Duration: 3 hours Overview of Lesson: This lesson will consist of examining the cultural and religious elements of Jewish society during the period that Jesus would have lived. Professional Growth Guide Goal(s): Goal 1: Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and constructive learning opportunities Goal 2: Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families, colleagues) Goal 5: Create a positive community in the classroom and school Personal Goals: Withitness Reinforce Student Responses Hands-up Culture in the classroom Foundational and Learning Objectives: Understand that ones life story is interrelated with ones communities stories Jesus Story will be demonstrated through knowledge of Jesus of History by: o Describing the life and culture of Jesus people o Situating Jesus life in history Materials: Newspaper assignment outline, textbook readings, computers, materials (paper, bristle board, etc.) Activities and Procedures: Attendance Newspaper Activity o Use the textbooks, duotangs, and computers o People and their daily life looking at daily life during Jesus time o In this activity the students will publish a newspaper from the time of Jesus The students will work in pairs to produce a newspaper article highlighting different aspects of society and life during that time Reference handout and rubric Students should have an understanding of the roles and responsibilities that each group member has Assessment: Teacher observations and final product of each group in accordance with rubric.

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