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Pamela Mohrs Progressive Discipline and Participation Point Plan Think Paper

Students will start each day with five participation points. If they are absent they do not receive any participation points. If a student does not try to answer a question when called on by the teacher they will lose one participation point. If a student is an active participant in the classroom discussion (participates more than once in classroom discussion) they can receive between one to five extra points. I will have a chart with the students name and dates of classes which I will print off from my grade book. Each day I will put a next to the name of any students who are absent. I will put one to three * next to a students name when they have participated well in class room discussion and a # if the student refused to participate. The student will receive a ! if the student receives a second discipline problem in one day and that student will lose half their participation points. If a student has two or more ! in one week I will contact that students parent.

Progressive Discipline: 1rst Offense-Verbal warning, proximity and/or visual cue 2nd Offense-Student will receive a warning and will be required to complete a Think Paper and loss of participation points 3rd Offense- hour detention to do class work or work on behavior plan, call to parents/guardians and loss of participation points. 4th Offense-One hour detention to do behavioral plan, call to parents/guardian, discussion of problem. 5th Offense-Referral to Deans office, parent notification and loss of participation points Exception for Serious Offenses- There are certain behaviors which are totally unacceptable, if a student threatens the teacher, a visitor or another student, the student who made the threat will immediately go to the office. If a student has a weapon I will immediately contact the office.. If a student hits the teacher, a visitor or another student the student will immediately go to the office. If a student has drugs or alcohol or appears to be high that student will immediately go to the office or the nurses office.

Think Paper for Problem Student

What am I doing?

Why am I doing it?

Who is it helping?

Who is it hurting or disturbing?

What am I going to do about it?

When I am going to start the new behavior?

Who will be my advocate?



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