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Section 11

Issue # 01 Date:

Doc. # SSSP/TM Rev. # 00 Date:

Technical Manual

SSSP follows the policy and procedure documented in quality manual SSSP/QM section 20.

Sr #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -

Equipmen t

Equipme nt ID

Location (Lab ID)

Specificatio ns/ Make

Working Range / Capacity

Minimum Detection Limits

Calibrati on Status

Next Calibratio n Date

Calibratio n Authority

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Section 5
Issue # 01 Date:

Doc. # SSSP/TM Rev. # 00 Date:

Technical Manual

Performance Checks: Equipme nt Frequenc y Daily Weekly After every 6 months Weekly Weekly Daily Related Documents: Individual Equipment File containing the following forms/ sheets: i) Purchase Receipts ii) Installation Statements iii) Calibration Certificates iv) List of parts/spare-parts v) List of Manuals vi) ) Break-down and Repair Record Sheet (Doc. # SSSP/F&F/043 Parameter Mass Temperature Flow rate precision Detector sensitivity Temperature Temperature / Humidity pH Method

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