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Paloma vs. Mora Facts: Petitioner Paloma was appointed as General Manager of Leyte Water District by its BOD.

His appointment was terminated via resolution issued by the Board. He then challenged the validity of the resolution as being capricious and arbitrary, which was dismissed by CSC and CA for want of merit.

Issue: Whether or not a General Manager of a Water District may be terminated by the BOD without cause considering that officers and employees of water districts are covered by Civil Service Law which provides that suspension, separation or dismissal shall be done for cause and after due process.

Ruling: Yes. While it is true that water districts are governed CSC Rules and Regulations, appointment of general managers is delineated by PD 198 to be at the pleasure of the Board. Hence, the nature of the appointment is temporary and coextensive with the desire of the appointing authority. Petitioners appointment is at most, temporary and therefore may be terminated with or without cause at the discretion of the Board. Petition is hereby denied.

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