Mellix's Fire Mouth

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Mellix's Fire Mouth

(Alteration, Invocation/Evocation) Level: 3rd Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: Cone, 10 feet diameter x 15 feet long Casting Time: 3 Duration: Permanent until triggered Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, an object is empowered with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears and breathes fire when a specific condition is met. The spell is activated when a specific type of creature (named beforehand by the caster) passes directly in front of the enchanted object, which could be a statue, chest, wall, door, or whatever. Alternately, if no specific creature is named beforehand, the spell activates the first time any creature steps in front of it. The cone of fire emitted by a fire mouth is 15 feet long, and measures 1 foot at the source and 10 feet at the far end. The cone is always emitted perpendicular to the surface upon which the spell is cast, so a creature must be standing directly in front of it to be affected. The victim struck by the cone of fire emitted by a fire mouth takes 3d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster, to a maximum of 3d6 + 10 points of damage. This spell normally functions but once, then expires, but it can be used in conjunction with the 8th-level spell permanency. The fire mage Mellix Kabiryn devised this variation on the 2nd-level wizard spell magic mouth. The material components are a drop of oil, a pinch of sulphur, and one tooth or scale from a red dragon.

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