Mirage Wall: (Illusion/Phantasm)

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Mirage Wall

(Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 4th Range: 20 yards/level Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: 2-foot thick wall, 10 feet x 10 feet/level Casting Time: 4 Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None This spell creates a stationary illusion much like a backdrop or scenery curtain for a theatrical play. The mirage wall need not be vertical or even regular in its confines. It blankets the true scene and conceals it with another. For example, a cavern entrance might look like the adjacent cliff face, or a lush oasis might appear to be sandy dunes. Or a party of warriors lying in ambush might appear not to "be" at all. The wizard must see the location that he intends to disguise before casting this spell. When the mirage is in place, the caster does not have to concentrate to maintain it. The mirage disappears if the caster wills it, or when the duration of the spell has ended. Dispel illusion and dispel mirage also can destroy the mirage wall (see those spells for details). In addition, the mirage ends if a living creature or spell passes through it. (Poking a hand through it is enough.) Physical objects, such as missile weapons, don't destroy it, although they may provide a visual clue when sailing through it. A mirage wall does not block odours and sounds, either. (Hence, an ambush party must remain silent and, preferably, downwind.) The material components of this spell are an eyelash, a pinch of sand, and some sweat from any source.

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