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Date: How can your environments impact who you are and the choices you make?

Rewriting Frankenstein

Pick one of the following scenes from the play. Think about how the situation affected the Monster. Think about how if the scene unfolded differently, the Monster may have changed. Rewrite one of the following to show how they would have impacted the Monster and his choices in life if the situation had been different. 1. 2. 3. 4. When Frankenstein sees the monster for the first time and his reaction is to run away When the monster is in a town, where dogs and towns people are after him When Felix shoots the monster When the monster kills William

Your scene should have between 2-4 characters. 1 or 2 of these characters may be your own characters (not from the play). Your scene will have two parts: 1. What happens to the monster (the situation) 2. His choices as a result (the impact) Which scene will you rewrite? I want to rewrite scene 3 What is the situation in the scene? What do others How does this affect the Monster? What impact does do to the Monster? it have on his life? What choices does he make as a result? Monster is in house. Felix sees him looking at his sister. Shoots because he is scared. Monster turns evil He thinks no one loves him Felix tries to shoot him He tries to take a little boy to live with him but the Agathe protects him little boy turns out to be Frankensteins little brother. Felix tells her to move (Take revenge) Felix shoots Monster is hurt How will you change the situation? How might things How will this affect the Monster? What impact will it happen differently during the scene? have on his life? What choices will he make as a result? I think that the monster wont be shot and the humans will help the monster to be loved in society. This will affect the monster because he needs to learn how to control himself and how to teach So Agathe tell Felix to stop and to calm down. Felix others. The impact on his life is that he finally has was okay with this and the say but if you make one someone to love and live with so this will impact him wrong move youre done for. (Frankenstein and he to not do wrong. He will have to take in a confused makes a new monster and it isnt accepted in to hurt monster and has to look after her and keep her society like the old monster). The monster finds the safe. While he tries to help Agathe and Felix get back other monster and helps it. Felix decides to build a in to society. And at one point he has to choose to house for the monsters. They lived in the forest with do right or wrong. Because Frankenstein says Agathe and Felix with little baby monsters. Rewrite the scene using your ideas from the purple boxes above. Your scene should: Include A Note On Staging refer to page 6 in the Frankenstein play o Explain the set design o Explain the costumes and props


Date: o Explain lighting, sound, and special effects Include a paragraph to explain your choices for your Note On Staging Include descriptions of the characters refer to page 8 in the Frankenstein play o List each character and give a short (2-3 sentences) description of his/her appearance and personality Include stage directions (in italics) to indicate how the characters move and how they speak In your scene, include dialogue that will move the plot along and show how the new situation unfolds and how it impacts the Monsters life

Criterion A: You compose a script that shows how a situation impacts the Monsters life using a lot of details (dialogue and stage directions).

Criterion B: You write in the form of a script, using the appropriate structures expected in a play script. Your scene builds appropriately.

Criterion C: Your write your characters to reflect their personalities and tone. Your script is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.






You do not reach the standard described below. Your script reflects very limited imagination Your script does not use the Your script does not reflect the voice of and creativity. It does not show the organizational structures of a script. the characters. situation and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally disorganized. Your script has very frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your script has no details (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects limited imagination and Your script sometimes uses the Your script sometimes reflects the creativity. It attempts to show the situation organizational structures of a script. voice of the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is beginning to be organized Your script has frequent errors in Your script has insufficient details but lacks coherence. grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects some imagination and Your script usually uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It somewhat shows the situation organizational structures of a script. the characters. and how it impacted the Monsters life. Your script is generally well-organized. Your script uses generally accurate Your script has adequate details (dialogue, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. stage directions) to show how the Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects imagination and Your script consistently uses the Your script often reflects the voice of creativity. It shows the situation and how it organizational structures of a script. the characters. impacted the Monsters life. Your script is usually well-organized. Your script consistently uses a formal Your script has substantial details The ideas build on each other. tone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the punctuation, and spelling are accurate. Monster develops through the scene. Your script reflects a lot of imagination and Your script uses the organizational Your script masterfully reflects the creativity. It clearly shows the situation and structures of a script in a sophisticated voice of the characters. how it impacted the Monsters life. manner. Your script shows a mastery of formal Your script has illustrative details Your script is consistently welltone to explain. Your grammar, (dialogue, stage directions) to show how the organized. The ideas build on each other punctuation, and spelling are Monster develops through the scene. in a sophisticated manner. completely accurate.

Include a title Describe each character Include a note on staging to explain how your staging choices (set design, costumes/props, effects) show the situation and its impact on the Monster Employ dialogue to show how the scene develops Include stage directions to show the action Use details to show the actions and emotions of the characters involved

Use the format of a script o Skip a line each time a new character speaks o Italicize the stage directions o Write dialogue by bolding character names Build the dialogue and action to first show what the situation is, then how the Monster is affected Edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Use first person when writing the dialogue Use the type of language that the character would use when writing the dialogue

In order to succeed you need to:

Note on staging
Costume and props

Include A Note On Staging refer to page 6 in the Frankenstein play Include a paragraph to explain your choices for your Note On Staging Include descriptions of the characters refer to page 8 in the Frankenstein play o List each character and give a short (2-3 sentences) description of his/her appearance and personality

Felix: a canvas bag; a dead rabbit; a musket, a ramrod, shot, and powder Agathe: a basket of mushrooms The Monster: a long, black cloak (in the beginning of act 2 he is wearing a torn white shirt too small for him) New Monster: a long, black dress Towns people: a group of people with touches and pitch forks Special Effects The noises you would find in the forest like birds singing. The light should be a little dim but not too dim because were in a cottage. The play at glance Act Two The cottage in the forest A table; 2 chairs; a fireplace; a window; some bread, cheese, and an apple; 2 doors (one upstage another to the side; guitar; a portrait of an elderly man; logs; a small mirror. Why this? I chose this because I imagine the people to look like this. Like The Monster, having a big black cloak with some scars on his face. I also think of the scars on his face because of the movie Hotel Transylvania. I also chose these props because my setting is basically the same as in the book and they live in a cottage.



Act 2 The Monster Loves

Inside a simple cottage in the forest. A rough table, a couple of rough chairs, a simple fireplace, a window overlooking some trees. It is neat and clean, but very simply furnished. On the table, the remains of a meal some bread, an apple, a piece of cheese. Sunlight is streaming in through the window, and through the door upstage, through which we see more trees. To one side there is another door. Birds can be heard singing. In the distance, there is the furious barking of dogs like hounds in a hunt. It lasts for a short while and then dies away. Suddenly the light is blocked in the doorway. The Monster is standing there, panting. It is hard to tell what his expression is, though anger and fear seem to mingle in it. He is wearing a torn white shirt which is too small for him, and his hands and arms are torn and bloody. He stands there nervously for a moment, then makes up his mind and steps in, looking around as if for any threat. Then he sees the food on the table and seizes it, devouring it ravenously, cramming the bread and cheese into his mouth and sniffing at the apple. His feet are clearly badly torn. Hearing something, the Monster freezes. It is a young mans voice, and a young girls. during their exchange the Monster looks around desperately, sees the other door, makes for it, and gets through, shutting it behind him just before Felix and Agathe enter. Felix: Agathe: Felix: Agathe: [Off] Not far now. Mind that stone. [Off] Heavens above, Felix, I know theres a stone there. I know every inch of this path [Off] You ought to carry a stick. I dont know why you dont. [Off] What, and go tap-taping everywhere? I need my hands to carry things in. Im more agile than you are. And I bet I could find my way back to the cottage form anywhere in these woods, I know the so well They appear in the doorway, just as the Monster closes the door. They are young and simply dressed. Felix is carrying a musket and a dead rabbit. Agathe a basket of mushrooms. Although blind, she knows her surroundings so well that she moves around with great freedom. Felix stands the musket in the corner. Felix: There. Ill clean that this evening. Time I made some more bullets. He puts the rabbit on the table, but carelessly: he does not notice that the food has been eaten. Agathe puts her basket there too, and then sits down. Agathe: Felix: And Ill skin the rabbit in a minute. Shall I make a pie? Or would you like stew? Hes an old one hell be a bit tough. Well have a stew, and put some of that


Date: wild garlic in. And the mushrooms and a carrot or two were living quite well. Whod have thought we could? Not the judges who sent us here, thats for sure. They thought exile would kill us, as it killed father. Well survive. Well do more than just survive well prosper. We havent faced winter yet. That wont be so easy... look, I think Ill load the gun before I go. Just in case



Agathe: Felix:

He starts to load his musket with powder and shot, while Agathe fetches and tunes a guitar from the corner of the room. Agathe: Felix: Agathe: If you must. But dont expect me to shoot anyone. Okay but Ill just leave it leaning on the wall near the door. Im going. Okay, I not going to shoot anyone.

Felix exits the room form the door he entered. The Monster enters the opens the door and sees Agathe sitting there and talking to herself. While playing the guitar. She gets up and takes a picture of an old man. Agathe: Oh papa this is too sad. I remember you giving this guitar to me when I turned 10. Oh how I miss those days. Now Felix is all scared about my safety. She gets up and walks to a shelf and pick up a mirror. Thank heavens I remember what you look like father. I dont know what I look like anymore. She puts the mirror back to on the shelf. The monster heard this and walked in to the room and picked up the mirror and looked at himself. Monster: Agathe: Monster: Uggghhhh! Ugly, ugly!!! Uggghhhh! Whos that?! Whos there?! Help Help! Friend! Friend! Me dont hurt you. Me your friend! Friend. I have come a long way help. Help me. Please - you listen. I come a long way. I look for friends. I have no home. Man see me they hurt me. Beautiful black four legged creatures bite me. But I good I want to love. [Calling, off] Agathe are you there? [Calling] Felix! Oh, Felix, listen to me

Felix: Agathe:


Date: Felix runs in, sees the Monster apparently attacking her and Agathe apparently struggling to be free, and without hesitation seizes the musket. Hes here! The towns people have been looking for him! Felix no dont shoot! He needs help like us he was hurt like us. If he makes one wrong move he is dead. Remember that. Yes I will. I will help you and learn how to speak. I will get wood, get apples, and get more wood. Okay I get it. But one wrong move. A few weeks pass by and the Monster speaks fluent English he is outside in a forest. In front of him is a tree stump. The Monster is chopping wood. He is now named Romeo. Rustling is heard in the back ground.

Felix: Agathe: Felix: Monster:



Hello, whose there? Come out now!

The New Monster is standing leaning on a tree, panting. It is hard to tell what her expression is, though anger and fear seem to mingle in it. She is wearing a torn white dress, and her hands and arms are torn and bloody. Romeo has a flash back of when he was in that state, when he met Agathe. He knew strait away what to do. Romeo:
[Shouting] Felix come quick. Frankenstein is at it again. He made another one!

Felix and Agathe both run in holding hands. Felix: Agathe: Felix: No what shall we do. Our house isnt big enough to take in another monster! First she needs a name. How about Juliet? Thats fine but now Rome and I have to build a house. Romeo is it okay if you live with Juliet? Its good because I can help her get through the pain and how to learn how to speak. Help, Help Come on we need to take her and help her clean up. Romeo you go help Agathe clean up Juliet, and Ill get started on you house. Okay after that Ill come and help you.


Juliet: Agathe: Felix: Romeo:

Name: Date: Split stage, on one side its Agathe, Romeo, and Juliet helping Juliet clean up her wounds. On the other side is Felix gathering wood and building a house frame. Agathe: Juliet: Romeo: This will sting a little bit okay Juliet. Ahhhgggg! Its going to be okay, just wait. Romeo exits and helps Felix build the house. Romeo picks up a log and walks over to Felix. Romeo: Felix: Youre a good man Felix. You helped Juliet without anyone asking you to. I just thought if I didnt do it, well like with you if I shot you I wouldnt have anyone to help me look after Agathe. Who knows what you would of done if I shot you. That pain would never stop. Its like no one wants to love you. Thank you Felix. Heavens what would happened! This house looks good temporarily. They walk into Agathe and Felixs house. Juliet is now dressed in new clothes and is clean. Romeo: Agathe: Come on its getting late; lets go into the house we just built. See you later.

Romeo: Felix:

A few years pass by and the Romeo and Juliets house looks more comfortable. We are outside and we can just see a door and all of a sudden three little monsters run out of it. Juliet: Sarah, Amanda, and Mark come here this instant. We are going to see Uncle Felix and Aunty Agathe. Wait for me. Wheres Papa? Hes coming with Uncle Felix and Aunty Agathe.

Sarah: Juliet:


Felix, Agathe, and Romeo walk into the scene. There you are you little cuties! Come here and give Uncle Felix and Aunty Agathe a big hug! Uncle Felix and Aunty Agathe! Papa!

Mark: Amanda:

Sarah, Amanda, and Mark run up to Agathe and Felix and give them a big hug. Then run up to Romeo and gives him a hug. Romeo: Im so glad that you two took me in and looked after me. Or otherwise I wouldnt


Date: have these cute little children!

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