Back To The Future Part II Back To The Future Part III: Hovering Skateboard

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Pretendo mostrar como seria se pudssemos fazer um desporto ou lazer que pra muitos o melhor do mundo sem tocar

r no cho. Conseguem imaginar o que seria andar de skate sem se quer tocar no cho e sem rodas? Talvez consigam imaginar atravs de um filme muito antigo intitulado de volta ao futuro 2 em que o Actor principal tem uma prancha de skate que flutua..Bem inspirei-me nesse filme para suportar a minha ideia de que num futuro prximo isso seria muito provvel ate porque at prev-se que todo tipo de pavimento seja magntico apenas especulao minha. O skate teria mais ou menos este aspeto e seria alimentado por uma bateria recarregvel.

I intend to show how it would be if we could do a sport or recreation that for many is the best in the world without touching the ground. Can you imagine what would skate without either touching the ground with no wheels? Might be able to imagine using a very old movie called Back to the Future 2 where the main actor is a skateboard that floats .. Well this movie inspired me to support my idea that in the near future it would be very likely until because until it is expected that all types of magnetic surface is only my speculation. The skateboard would have about this aspect and would be powered by a rechargeable battery.

A Hoverboard (or hover board) is a fictional hovering board used for personal transportation in the films Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III. Hoverboards resemble a skateboardwithout wheels. Through special effects the filmmakers depicted the boards hovering above the [1] ground. During the 1990s there were rumors, fueled by director Robert Zemeckis, that hoverboards were in fact real, but not marketed because they [1] were deemed too dangerous by parents' groups. These rumors have been conclusively debunked. Some companies hoping to leverage the commercial success of the movies have marketed hovercraft vehicles as hoverboards, but these products have not been shown to replicate the experience depicted in the movies. Subsequent to the movies the hoverboard concept has been reused by many authors in various forms of media in fictional universes not directly related to Back to the Future.

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