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Follow (the Leader) or Get Out (of the Way)

The bushes to Liceys right rustled.

The wind stirred the surface of the

greenbelt pond, the cattails knocking on fallen branches. This, she thought ready to run again, is the worst game ever. Should have stayed in the home school class. She muttered, panting. But once Pete started scheming, their poor teacher, Mrs. Pillar had as much chance keeping order as Licey did surviving this without bleeding. Anything sounded better than trying to make the wiggly letters in her reader stay put, so when he gave the signal she scattered with everyone else. Bad move, she thought shaking her head. Only the kids at Joy House would play tag with rocks Stupid gi-i-rl! Petes voice echoed from the branches. Oh, come on! She yelled. Theres other people hiding out here! More fun hunting yo-o-u. Pete laughed, the wicked edge to it making the hair on the back of her neck prickle. The dead leaves under her feet shifted as she crouched down. The smell of wet soil sticking to her sneakers, she called up to the tangle of leaves, Go after someone else! Got any suggestions? Uh, Slightly? Licey reached out and grabbed a stick. Bo-o-ring! Somewhere in the forest, they heard Slightly whine, Im not boring! They ignored him. Licey caught sight of the twins in the bushes across the path. They waved to her, motioning her over. Not that she wanted them following her, but Licey felt a tiny bit responsible. Wasnt like she could let six year olds get whacked with sharp rocks, especially when Delia, sassy or not, was so impressed by the fact Licey lasted almost a month at Joy House. Elliott wasnt all there to start with but at least he was quiet. She argued with herself whether it bothered her more to feel responsible for the pair or that she was similar in some way to Pete. She wanted nothing to do with Pete. Boy was too much of everything. He turned the ordinary into something way too close to nonsense. Like using rocks for tag. Even if she didnt want to play, her imagination kept

trying to turn the forest into a jungle, the kids into animals hunting her down. She blinked, forcing the stories away as the twins huddled beside her. You two get back to the house. Hide under the porch or something. Nkay. Elliott mumbled. Beat the snot out of them boys, Licey. Delia tugged her brother after her. Just go. Licey darted to the edge of the pond to distract Pete. She shouted, If Slightlys too boring, go after Hat-Trick! Nah, Pete snorted, He and Marsha are playing something else. Ew! Licey hopped. A rock ricocheted next to her foot, bouncing into the reeds. Huh, she thought, maybe I was super athletic before I forgot everything? She stumbled back and tripped. Or not. She rolled, dodging another stone and came nose to nose with Matty Mouse. He was asleep. Youve got to be kidding me. She muttered, trying to stand again without waking him. The bushes rustled and Licey swung her stick back. But Bella popped out of the bushes, not Pete. Ack, cant hit her either, brat or not, she thought, Petell murder me in my sleep. Licey twisted to keep from swinging. A rock whizzed past her ear. Bella, move! The tiny girl froze. Oh, good grief! Licey lunged, fell over Matty again and shoved Bella down. The rock bounced away inches from her messy hair. Y-you okay? Licey murmured. Matty grumbled, No, you woke me up. Not talking to you. Besides, you shouldnt be sleeping out here! Where else am I supposed to sleep, dummy? Licey rolled her eyes, Bella, you hurt? The little girl looked at her hand. Thin scratches of blood filled up her palm. Bella howled, Pe-e-ete! Ungrateful, little- Licey glared, fine, fine, better to take her back than deal with him. She hauled Bella up, the little child kicking and screaming while Matty watched with wide eyes. Come on, Bella. Bella screamed louder. Thats not a good idea. Matty said. Human shield. Licey huffed. Child still struggling, Licey tromped back toward Joy House. Bellas pitiful cries echoed off the shifting green leaves that painted shadows on her red, sweaty cheeks. Licey made it about ten steps before a voice snapped, Put her down, stupid girl. She pretended she didnt hear him.

Pete jumped down from one of the trees and blocked the path. I said, put her down! You pushed her. Pete huffed, his hair a crazy mess around his ears. You almost cracked her skull open with a rock. Licey snapped. Bella sniffled, peeking up at Licey through tears. S-silly ass. Fine. Licey grumbled and let Bella clamber down her leg. Go on and bleed then. Games not over yet! The boy hollered at Liceys back. Hey! She ignored him. No mashed potatoes in the greenbelt, she thought, sure rocksll hurt worse, but Im not jumping just cause that ridiculous boy tells me to. Anger and loneliness rolled up in her stomach like a pair of dirty socks. Wonder if I can fit under the porch with the twins? No, better to be alone in my cellarA tiny hand curled around her first two fingers. Bella stared up at her, wide eyes still teary. What? Licey grumbled. She held up her arms and hopped in her worn sandals. Make Pete take you back. Licey said, still walking towards the house. Cant. The boy snapped. Im it. A ways off the path someone thrashed through the bushes. Slightly popped up from a tangle of brambles, scratched up and peeved. You three arent playing right! This is tag and the rules say- Grinning, Pete turned and swung his arm. The rock hit Slightly right above his glasses with a dull thwack. Ow! Slightlys it! Pete shouted, gathering Bella up and darting for the house. Come on, stupid girl, youre bleeding too. Great. Licey mumbled, noticing her own scratches oozing blood like lazy snakes down her fingers. At least hes out of ammo, she thought trudging after the pair. Pete stopped at the porch, handing Bella over. You take her. Stupid Hukkull chop my fingers off. But Bella didnt let go of Pete either and hauled him into Joy House too. Geez, Bell. Youre getting spoiled. He rolled his eyes and perched on the steps to the second floor. But he hugged the little girl when she started sniffling again. Still aint goin in there. Youll be fine with the stupid girl even though this is all her fault. How terribly helpful, Licey sighed, her own hand stinging now, Come on, Bella lets get this over with. The dimness in the hall left them blind as they felt for the kitchen door. Knife shirring, Hukku-san sliced fish open next to the sink. The smell of scales

and squishy insides made Liceys nose wrinkle. Bella tugged and tried to poke at pile of fishy goo. The hooks snapped closed around the little ones wrist before her dirty fingers got too close. Sumi woofed, raised her head, then went back to sleep. What? The cook asked, voice low as he kept cutting with one hand. Scales scattered in tiny sparkly cascades into the sink. Bandaids. Licey muttered back, used to her one word conversations with the cook. She held up her hand and shook her other at Bella. Nn. He turned the faucet on until steam clouded the rippled window. Get brown bottle. He grumbled, waving at top of the fridge. Licey flinched. Bella panicked. But Hukku-san caught her by the loops on her shorts before she got out the door. No! No-no! Pe-e-te! Everyone at Joy House hated that brown bottle. It smelled like pain. Sure, it was supposed to just clean out cuts and scratches, but Licey was convinced some wicked adult poured acid into the mix. Hm, if I get the bottle, I can make a run for it when hes dealing with Bella and just wash my stupid hands with soap. She clambered up the stepstool and fished out the box of bandaids, pinching the lid of the awful brown bottle between her fingers. Bella howled louder as Licey set the stuff down and made for the door. Hukku-san caught her with his other hand and spun her back to the sink. You are older. Show it does not hurt. But it does hurt! Licey writhed as the cook doused her hand with the stuff and her cuts bubbled up with froth. S-see? She managed as Bella watched her with mistrustful eyes. Not that bad. Ack, enough! Petes right, Hukku-san is a pirate and hes cooking me! Ow, ow, ow! Bella slunk against the cabinets when Licey finished wringing the awful stuff off her hand. Be-ra. Now. The man commanded. She shrank, hiding behind Sumi. Theres mermaid scales in the sink. Licey murmured before she could stop herself. Better look quick though, theyll turn into sea foam. The chair almost tipped, the tiny girl clambered up so fast. White blond hair in her wide eyes, a smile pushed through the childs usual pout like the sun rising, bright and new. Licey held one side and let Bella swish the floating scales around the bubbly water while Hukku-san doused the cuts. The light reflected miniature rainbows off the pale tiny flecks. Huh, Licey thought, they really do look a little likeFinished. Go. The man mumbled, picking up the knife again. But Bella wasnt ready to let the magic disappear and started pitching a fit when

Licey tugged her down. Hukku-san glowered, deep lines on his cheeks turning into sinkholes when he frowned, muttered, Out. Licey hauled the child out by the collar as the grumpy cries turned to shrieks and flailing. The hallway was empty, Pete nowhere to be found. Annoyed, Licey let go of Bella. Stay there if you want. Ill just go back out, not like the kid is gonna diShe tripped over something next to the locker. The front door whirled by and Licey tumbled halfway over the stoop. The screen door swung out and snapped back, squealing as it banged into her middle. Pft, great, she thought, just great. Wonder who all saw that? Bella tucked under her shoulder and pushed. T-thanks, Bella. Get off! She snapped, pushing harder until Licey flopped the rest of the way onto the porch. Something rolled under her hands. She was surrounded by crescent streaks of color, round sticks of chalk clinking together and bumping into her fingers amid the wreckage of crayon bits and broken paint brushes. Bella scampered and shoved all of the pieces back into a small sandbox pail. She tucked a small bottle full of glitter into her pocket. Bella dont like people to touch her chalks. A voice yawned behind her. Matty slumped against the porch rail, Someone took them a while back and used up half. Licey blinked. Does Bella ever use them? Nope. He shrugged, the collar of his shirt sagging over one shoulder. But she still dont like no one else playing with em either. Licey picked up one of the sticks and a thrum went through her body. She stumbled up, Bella squawking behind her. J-just a second, okay? This feels familiar, she thought, face flushed, holding a pencil gives me fits but for some reason this chalk On the sidewalk, she crouched down and drew a shaky line. The line turned into the ground, the ground grew a tree. The slash of color kept going, threatening to swallow Licey up completely as her hand sketched. I can draw! She thought, and I draw good! Somewhere, Bellas howls dimmed. The piece of chalk ran out, the rough sidewalk scratching Liceys fingernails. She took a breath and thought, now its over. Just like Bella with the mermaid scalesnothing here lasts. Bella stuck another color into her hand and pointed at the picture. More! Matty sat down next to her as she added details, Woah.

From under the porch, Delia and Elliott scurried out and tucked themselves close to Liceys other side. What is that? Delia murmured, eyes wide. The ground. Bella, Licey said, holding her hand out. Give me a green and Ill draw you. Bella dug, the sticks clinking and flung a light green at Licey. Glancing from the tiny girls face, Licey traced the cracks and found a place for Bella. Wow. Elliott said around his fingers. Licey reached back and rummaged in the pail when Bella held it out to her. She grabbed a yellow and started drawing Matty, then orange to draw the twins. Red for Slightly. Bella held something close to her chest, then frowning forked over a piece of chalk with all the colors swirled together. Nn. Thanks. Licey drew Marsha and handed the piece back without using too much chalk. She finished Marshas shirt with the yellow. She pushed what was left of the stick at Matty. Make a sun. O-okay. He whispered still staring at his chalk self. Two sticks of white for the twins, Clouds. Licey said, pointing. Bella handed her a purple and Licey paused. Her fingers started without her and before she realized he was what she was drawing, Hat-Trick ended up sketched next to Marsha, hat huge, smirking. She shuddered. Bella curled up next to her as the twins moved to the other side of the walk to finish their clouds. Grween. Huh? She held out a stick of dark green chalk. Okay, okay. Liceys hands sketched again and Pete appeared, a hundred times wilder than real life, sticks and leaves flecking his hair. Bella grinned and attacked the space to the side with a light blue. Glancing over her shoulder she stared at Liceys hunched shoulders. Whats that? She asked. You. Bella kept drawing a stick figure dust staining her fingers. But the chalk Licey was upside down, like she was falling. Here, let me draw something to land on. Licey muttered, settling her hands between Bellas. With another stick of white, she drew her rabbit. But Bella smeared the ears off and colored them in blue and short. The others gathered around and stared. That some kinda animal? Matty asked. The twins behind him leaned closer, their fingers resting on Liceys shoulders.

Its a cat. Woah, she thought, where did that come from? Its a special cat. Why? Dum whispered around his fingers. The cat is so fat that no mice fear it. So it learned to talk so it could lure them out instead of chasing them. Bella and Delia laughed. Matty murmured, What else? Stop, something in Liceys head whispered, stop, this is a story! Dont tell stories! Dont remember why, but The looks on the others faces drowned the panic. They wanted to hear, wanted to know. They wanted her to tell them. And really, what could it hurt? Well, once upon a time there was a huge, fat cat that could talk and- A new voice said, Sure. Startled, they all looked down the sidewalk. Beside the steps sat a calico ball with four nubbins for feet and a tiny head with rounded ears. Narrowed green eyes watched the children as the flabby cats tail thumped across the peeling gate. Is that a- Licey whispered. A huge, fat cat. Delia said, shocked. D-did it just It just talked. Matty gaped. No. Theres no way that- Sure. The cat answered, cutting Licey off again. Uh, do we talk back? Licey stuttered. Since hes talking to us and all? Beats me, Matty whispered, Youre the one who put him there, right? Pft, no! At least I dont think I did, she thought. Guys, Slightlys voice whined from the side of the house. You all left. He wandered over, sweaty and puffed up, Whats Shirley doing here? Shirley? Licey asked still staring at the cat half convinced shed made it appear out of nowhere. Yeah, the cat. He lives around here somewhere. His names Shirley. Because- The cat opened his grinning mouth and meowed, Sure. See? Shirley. Slightly looked down at the picture, at his drawn puffed out cheeks in chalk and frowned. Not very flattering. Well, it is a very fat cat. Licey said. No, I meant me. Youre not a fat cat. Licey said.

I know that! He snapped. Oh, forget it. Im going in. Its too hot out here anyway. The others watched Slightly storm away. When they looked back the Shirley cat was gone. Wow, it talks then disappears. Delia huffed, Wish I could make other people do that. Bella tugged on Liceys hand their band aids brushing, More! Licey felt strange, powerful. I know I didnt make the cat appear, she thought, but the looks on their faces. They actually looked like normal little kids, Hm, okay. Give me a second to think of something. Once upon a- A spray of cold water smacked across her face and shoulder. Bella screeched and the twins scrambled away as more water from the hose drenched them. Matty tried to yank Licey out of the way, but she shrugged him off. My picture! Her mind howled as the chalk versions of the Joy House kids smeared and streaked together like mud, the colors fading back to gray. Freezing drops of water slid down her back as she tried to shield the part Bella drew, but just like Shirley the cat, it disappeared. She watched the water drown her stick figure self and tried to feel nothing. Who would do something so mean? Heart heavy she saw a shadow and the dark silhouette of a hat. Of course Hat-Trick stood by the side of the house and turned the hose on them again when the twins tried to scurry back to Liceys side. Hey, brats. Looking up at Hat-Trick, Licey saw embarrassed pain on his face at first, then something like triumph in his thoughtless destruction. He took a step closer, So someone thinks shes an artist, huh? Licey only stared at him. So what if I am? At least Im not a big, stupidAw, poor little Licey gonna cry? He teased. Beside her, Bella started to scream. It started so softly, it was like it had always been there, just someone turned up the volume. The child launched herself at Hat-Trick. Her small legs and baggy socks there one moment, gone the next, Bella kicked and bit, knocking the hose from Hats hand. Licey watched the tiny child snap her teeth. Bella, what the hell! The boy tried to keep her from kicking and almost lost a finger. Aw, poor Hat-Trick gonna cry? Licey muttered under her breath. His dark hair matted up in his eyes, Hat glanced around and growled, Pete, get down here and get her off me before I hurt her! He threw his bite marked hands over his face to keep Bella from scratching at his eyes.

Pete? Licey heard the tree rustle above her and watched the sun dapple the wet mess where her drawing had been. Pete hopped down from one of the oak tree branches. Voice soft he said, Bella. then held out his hand. Like a flipped switch, Bella let go and cowered next to Petes ripped pant leg. The boy leaned down his blue eyes sweeping over the wreckage. He squeezed Bellas hand. Huge round tears welled up in Bellas eyes. She whimpered, letting go of Petes hand. Curling up, she put her head on her knees and refused to look at anyone. Its okay, Bell. Pete sat down and patted her head. No. Bella muttered. Licey squeezed some of the water out of her hair and glared at Pete. Dont need your help, she thought, think you can just hop down and play some sort of hero? Well, no thanks! She stood, stalked over to Hat. Move. She whispered. Glaring the teen shifted away, fists clenched. Watch it, rabbit. Whatever. Licey muttered. She picked up the hose and sprayed away the rest of her chalk drawing. W-whyd you do that? Delia stuttered, the sassiness as watered down as the sidewalk. Elliotts face turned red as silent tears slid down his cheeks. Its crap. Licey said, her voice cold as she turned the spray on the shadow of her stick self. Much as it hurt her, she knew there was no way to save it. Better to just make it go away for good. Dont let it matter, she thought heart aching, this is what I get for telling stories. This is what I get for thinking Id ever belong here! Stupid, whyre y- Matty started to say more, but Pete smacked the back of his head. Shes not stupid. Hanging onto Bella as she started to howl great gasping sobs in his arms, Pete said, Shes Licey. She froze at the sound of her name. The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up as if a breeze touched her. Pete glared at Hat-Trick until the older boy rolled his eyes, God, doesnt anyone around here know how to have fun? But the teen retreated into the dark hallway of Joy House. The screen door slamming shut behind his hunched shoulders. Without another word, Pete wandered off with a sobbing Bella in tow. Like a small parade, the others followed behind.

I hate it here. Licey whispered, refusing to follow anyone. Up in the tree the crow started cawing again as the girl curled up against the bumpy roots and watched the hose wash away her magic.

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