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Core or hubs Change the chains related our mental health.

Free our slaves of silks and all untied. China ill reputes may take a bath to wash. Baths as French are beauty ways. French has right and left and gather wings may think and talk and take their French politic steps reset or set together some. Share the same or something rotten tastes exclusive all are china tyrants both with china jesters. Ways with frills will need decors as china leaders charm offense or nasty nice with soft despotic. Moral hazards all are china politic games with jungle laws. Global games are china evil ways as cores or hubs. Hardly seen are global worlds with evil hazes. China landscapes all have lunatic fringes with china conquerors. Tibet DALAI LAMA must be sad. China lunatic fringes may ride and sail.

Tibet DALAI LAMA leave and flee are political groups abused by China tyrants ordered armies that called china P.L.A. Helms as china Maoism teams with terms and names by doing crazy silly things in mania ways that made. Cores and hubs are ways of fierce beasts but human self asserted and self esteems as all from starts to en. Will fixations also minds so complexes just are china commie till the old to new. Self for means and cover all and attempt so much that all are acting cores or hubs of china commies those is such. -------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-------------

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