Safety Plan - : Match

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Safety Plan MATCH 4771

Executive Summary....2 Introduction...3 Safety outreach....4 Precautions...... 5, 9 Commitment with FIRST....10, 11 Safety of the robot...11, 12 Safety during the competition12 Conclusion.12 Acknowledgements..13

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Executive Summary
In this safety plan I talk about the entire thing we have done, to make possible a good working ambient. From the beginning of this project I investigated the necessary safety rules for work in a lab, the deferent types of pictograms needed for work in a lab, the types of pipes, and the instructions that explain what to do in case of have contact with a danger fluid or be wounded with a tool. With the creation of this project, all the team needed to certificated in first aids, thats a plus because its a thing that can be useful not only for this event also in the future, because we can use the information obtained for help other people. When I start to investigate about the different types of extinguishers, pictograms, rules of the lab, etc I realized that I was learning a lot of things very interesting and useful and as the safety captain of my team was and is my responsibility to transmit this knowledge for all the team. This is the first time I do a project of this kind, and it teach me about responsibility with other persons, with me and with the society in general, works like this are those that help you to grow and I for that me and my team are very grateful with FIRST give us the opportunity for participate in this event.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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The mission is create responsible and autodidacts persons in the educational aspect to promote the science and technology, and with this obtain good opportunities of job, and new experiences.

The vision is to be the first generation of Morelias TecMilenio University that attend to the FIRST event, and with the obtained experience to be able to help the future generations in the creation of similar projects, with responsibility and committed.

The objectives of this safety plan are: 1. Keep safe to all the team before and after the competition, letting them know the necessary rules for work in the robotic lab. 2. Describe all the types of risk that the tools and the fluids represent. 3. Describe the correct use of all the tools and substance of the lab. 4. Show how all the team contributed with security social events before the event and explain which is the plan of security that we going to follow in Canada.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Safety outreach
General Working Rules
1. Wear eye protection in every moment (this rule is for everyone that enter in the lab). 2. No play with the tools and run in the lab. 3. Have the lab clean for a good and safe working experience. 4. Work only in the designated area. 5. Always return the tools to the respective tools zone. 6. No wear loose clothing or jewelry when using tools. 7. Tie back the hair of the girls or boys (if is the case). 8. Wash hands after the use of lab substances. 9. Never touch a rotating tool. 10. No eat or taste any substance of the lab. 11. Use closed shoes. 12. Use ear protection (earplugs.)

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1. Check all the cords of the tools and make sure that they cant cause short-circuit. 2. Dont pull the cords of the tools. 3. Avoid the use of extensions. 4. Dont plug an extension into a power strip, a power strip to another power strip or an extension to other extension. This for enjoy of a good working experience.

1. In every moment and instructor have to be in the lab for the supervision of the students. 2. All the students must have previous experience or basic notions about the use of all the tools in the lab. 3. If the students dont know how to use the tools, the instructor needs to explain the function of that tool to all the team. 4. The whole team must demonstrate their responsibility while they are in the lab. 5. All the tools must be kept in good working order. 6. The student with more ability using the tools can help to other student without experience. 7. Where gloves when using gloves.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Dangerous fluids (Chemical Safety)

1. Always be sure that the chemical containers are in their respective zone, closed and in good conditions. 2. Follow the instructions of use that are in the labels of the products. 3. Know the use of all the substances. 4. Assign a specific area for wash the face, hands or body in case of contact with a substance. 5. Have always the MSDS of every substance of the lab.

Planning Job
In the lab we use all the pictograms necessaries for keep the team constantly warning. The pictograms used were: Hazard symbols and Hazard warnings (Extremely Flammable, highly flammable, flammable, very corrosive, corrosive, irritant, harmful, toxic and very toxic.) Prohibition notices. Mandatory Instructions. Fire Precaution Notice. Emergency exit.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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The colors and types of the pipes are those presented below: GREEN: RED: GREY: YELLOW WITH RED: Water Water Vapor Air Combustible monoxide, gasses) Gasses acetylene, (Carbon inorganic


Combustible Gasses (Carbon dioxide, sulfuric dioxide) Acids Lyes Combustible liquids No combustible liquids Oxygen

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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In the lab we have the extinguisher Class C because it has the specific substances to extinguish all the fires related with the electronic systems. The types of extinguisher are 4, the class A, B, C and D. CLASS A FIRES CLASS B FIRES Wood, paper, cloth, trash and other ordinary materials. Gasoline, oil, paint, and other flammable liquids. Using in fires involving live electrical equipment without danger to the operator. Combustible metals combustible metal alloys. and


First aid
During this project all the team attended to first aid classes at Cruz Roja Morelia, everyone took a course that contained the next topics: First evaluation RCP Hemorrhages Patient in Shock Wounds Burns Fractures Mobilization and transfer of patients.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Aid phones of your living place

From the beginning to finish of this project we always had with us all the aid phones of Morelia. SERVICES Bomberos 068 Cruz Roja 065 114 Emergencias 066 Polica Federal Preventiva 316-3100 316-3515 Polica y Trnsito Proteccin Civil 060 Rescate 320-1781 320-1780 326-7677 326-3333 PHONES

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Commitment with FIRST

Safety of the team

My duty with the team is keep them safe in every moment before and after the competition, informing them about all the risks that represent work in a lab with new tools that they never saw before. In every moment I made sure that the pictograms was well located in the lab, I made a list with the essential rules to follow in a lab and the I put in a place where all the team could see it, I got an extinguisher and a health kit for be prevented in case of an emergency, and I always had present the aid phones of Morelia.

Safety of the teams

For be sure that all the other teams can be safe when we go to compete, my duty is tell to my team all the rules that we need to follow before, in the moment and after the competition also I need to keep they informed about how we need to behave in the moment of interact with the other teams and with their robots. I always kept in mind the rules that the robot need follow to be safe for our team, the other teams and the spectators.

Safety of the communities.

We dont use any tool or test the robot in public areas because we were aware about the danger that this objects represent for the people. If a tool or the robot start to fail in the lab we could control the situation immediately, but in a public place we dont know what to do and someone could get hurt. For that reason we always make our practices in the special lab of the school.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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Promoting safety
To promote the safety we have given little courses to elementary schools and high schools, explained what is a robot, our mission and vision as a team, and what we have been done in the elaboration of the robot, what rules we follow for work safely in the lab with no accidents and what we have to do in case of one.

Safety of the robot

CAD Design
The design of the robot in AutoCAD was made by our chief of the design area, using only the standard measures established by FIRST. With this design we began the construction of the robot, using it like an instructive which helps us very much until the end, thank to the CAD design we can imagine the function of the robot even before that the robot was finished.

In the structural part we used the pre-established instructions of FIRST for make the base of the robot, also for the construction of the Frisbee launcher we always had present the correct measures, necessary to compete without being disqualified, and we installed the protection that the robot needed have around.

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For all the electric material installed in the robot, I made sure that the robot follow the restrictions of the correct location of the cables, also I was checking the cables for replace them in case of one of them beech suffered damaged, was bad located or had other problems.

Safety during the competition In the competition we know that are rules to follow, like dont insult other teams, dont provoke fights, dont modify or touch the others team robots and we always must have the specified clothing and protection wear like glasses and closed shoes.

Conclusion The safety plan is one of the most important parts of this project because it describes the behavior that all the team must have at the time of the competition, before and after. With this safety plan the team can be guided reading and apply the rules written here for have a good and safe competition without any accidents.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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In the redaction of this safety plan I have to be grateful with the next people:

Humberto Isaac Fuentes Martnez: who help me to control the

team in many situations in which I wasnt present.

Jose Francisco Orozco Melendez: who provided me of necessary

data that I dont had, in the moment of the elaboration of this document.

Enrique Irizar Orozco: who give to all the team material for raise
money, and also for help us with the introduction of two sponsorships.

Melissa Kristel Carmona Renteria: for make the roll of my

assistant in the elaboration of this safety plan, and help me searching information.

Cruz Roja de Morelia: who give to all the team the course of first
aid necessary for have the knowledge about what to do in case of emergency.

Safety Captain Marcos Robles Irizar

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