Sphagnum Moss Gift

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Sphagnum Moss Gifts

Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT

Sphagnum Moss arrived to me in a vision when I was starting to run energy one morning in January as part of my regular spiritual hygiene. It arrived with its name visible in my minds eye! I saw Sphagnum Moss plants covering over the surface of water and rocks. A peace so Divine filled my being, and so I opened to its energies. There was much heat in my feet, grounding and community peace energies. I felt that this was also about safe channeling of energies and help for internal blood piping (veins, capillaries, and arteries). Sphagnum Moss gifts us relaxation; a safe place to stand amidst movement under us. Seichim also joins with Sphagnum Moss to provide deep Love of the Rainbow Light of Eternal Sacred Source. You can receive this attunement either from your teacher or you may call it in direct from the Eternal Moment it is safely held and constantly renewed an upgraded within. Sincere seeking and a heart that honestly wants to use these gifts for the highest peace with all living beings is all that is required to receive Sphagnum Moss Gifts. Ask for the Sphagnum Moss Gifts attunement to release unto you either from your teacher or the Sphagnum Moss Eternal Moment. Pause for a moment as you read down through all of the gifts with intention. Thereafter you can activate any of Sphagnum Moss Gifts any time you want to work with this plant. These gifts do run to completion after activation without constant attention upon them.

Sphagnum Moss Empowerment Sphagnum Moss Healing Energies Sphagnum Moss Anchoring Energies Sphagnum Moss Peaceful Co-Existence Ray

Sphagnum Moss Integration Ray Sphagnum Moss Enlightenment Sphagnum Moss Knowledge Ray Sphagnum Moss Intuition Ray Sphagnum Moss Wisdom Ray Sphagnum Moss Seichim

Working with Sphagnum Moss Gifts: You are to use these for yourself and for other people as your inner guidance directs. These are gifts and are to be used for the Peaceful co-existence of all forms of life upon Earth. These energies are only for good and will not activate and be present if they are not wanted by the recipients. Passing attunements on to other people: If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher and accustomed to passing attunements, please choose the attunement style that you feel is appropriate for Sphagnum Moss Gifts. This system is designed to either be sent from teacher to student or for sincere seekers to receive their access to the Sphagnum Moss Gifts directly from the Sphagnum Moss Eternal Moment. It feels important to provide a safe way for people to receive their doses of energy frequencies that empower them to work directly with Sphagnum Moss when a teacher is not available. That is why this systems attunements will also release from an Eternal Moment that keeps the Gifts of Sphagnum Moss sacred and pure.

Mer Bleue Conservation Area, a large protected Sphagnum bog near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Disclaimer: Sphagnum Moss Gifts and this manual do not diagnose nor treat any disease. If you are not well, please seek the immediate care of a licensed professional. Sphagnum Moss Gifts are for self edification and entertainment purposes only. Some people who are sensitive to subtle energies may feel the presence of this plant. Do not Sell this manual nor this attunement: It will release to any sincere seeker who is ready to receive; therefore selling it is not allowed as this is indeed Gift from the Sphagnum Moss and Divinity to humanity. May you be Richly Blessed, Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT Sphagnum Moss Gifts channeled by Mariah Windsong, January, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved

Sphagnum From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sphagnum is a genus of between 151 and 350 species of mosses commonly called peat moss, due to its prevalence in peat bogs and mires. A distinction is made between sphagnum moss, the live moss growing on top of a peat bog on one hand, and sphagnum peat moss (North American usage) or sphagnum peat (British usage) on the other, the latter being the decaying matter underneath.[1] Bogs are dependent on precipitation as their main source of nutrients, thus making them a favorable habitat for sphagnum as it can retain water and air quite well. Members of this genus can hold large quantities of water inside their cells; some species can hold up to 20 times their dry weight in water, which is why peat moss is commonly sold as a soil amendment. The empty cells help retain water in drier conditions. In wetter conditions, the spaces contain air and help the moss float for photosynthetic purposes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphagnum Family: Sphagnaceae

found in wet and boggy areas likes acidic (low pH) soil generally not found growing in the woods or in water that contains lime Characteristics:

sometimes grows in small patches, but generally found growing in a thick, dense clump moss grows so close that it forms a cushiony "bog mat" that floats on top of the water; the mat is so strong that it can support the weight of several large moose roots are very shallow


tiny and sometimes slightly toothed grow in hair-like tufts close to the stem (no higher than 4 inches) usually light green, but some species have yellow, pink, deep red, or brown leaves


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