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Elements 101!

By: Kal Ustishen

1. Introduction
2. Task

3. Process
4. Evaluation

5. Conclusion
6. Credits

Where are they found? Who found them? Where and how are they used? Elements are in every part of our daily lives and you dont even realize it. You are going to be a CHEMIST and discover an element.

You will be given an element by me. Your research will be very particular and precise. You will be using various websites to aid you in your findings. After all data has been collected you will create a PowerPoint or Poster using publisher to display all your research. You will also be presenting this to the class.

Task (cont.)
The project should contain (at least) the following: Chemical Symbol Number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons Atomic Mass Uses of the Element History (Where/When/Who Discovered/How/etc.) Large font to be read for a distance Own words!!

Step 1 Use your chemistry resources and prior knowledge do write down some facts you already know about the element. Step 2 (research) Use some of the following links to do some more research about your element. Step 3 Create a PowerPoint or poster in Publisher displaying all of your findings. Present it to the class.

Item Total: Chemical Symbol Number Protons, Nuetrons, Electrons Atomic Mass Research Points 70 5 5 3 20

History Everyday Uses

Appearance Creativity

15 10
3 9

Congrats! You discovered an element. Now you know the element and in your research you learned so much about the periodic table of elements. Who knows???The next element might be named after you.


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