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ROBINSON CRUSOE 1. Once, long ago, a boy named Robinson Crusoe lived in the city of York in England.

His father was a well-to-do merchant, and hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps. But even as a young boy, Robinson told his father that he would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. 2.His father warned him that a sailors life was a hard one, especially for a boy who had not been trained for such work. It was dangerous, too. Ships that went on long voyages were often blown off their courses and took many months to reach home again. Sometimes, they were wrecked in great storms, and the men on them were never heard of again. 3.Robinsons father told him all this over and over again to try to make him give up his wild idea. But the boy could think of nothing but the sea, and talked to everybody he could find who had ever gone on a voyage. Then, one day, he ran away to Hull, a seacoast town where he knew he would find ships. He had plenty of money with him, because his father was both rich and generous. 4.Any boy would probably have asked to be taken on board a ship as a sailor, to earn his way and to do the work of a sailor. In those days ships had to depend on the wind to make it move. If the wind was in the wrong direction, it could send the ship towards a rocky shore where it was pounded to pieces by great waves. Young Crusoe had thought that it could never happen to him.He went on board a ship at Hull, sailing as a passenger and paying his way. He wanted to sail all over the world and see many wonderful things. a)Complete these sentences 1.Robinson Crusoe lived in ________________ 2.Crusoes father was ___________ 3.Crusoe has plenty of money because ________ 4.Crusoe wanted to sail as a ________ b)Answer the following 1.What did Crusoes father want him to do ? 2.Give two reasons why Crusoes father did not want him to go to sea. 3Why did Crusoe go to Hull? 4.What caused a ship to break into pieces? c)Find words in the story which mean the same as 1.contented (para 1)-_______ 2.full of rocks(para 4) - ________ 3.sea journey(para 3)-- ________ 4.crushed(para 4)-_________

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