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Fire Fighting Robot

Presented by J.NARESH BABU(419) P.NAVEEN KUMAR(420 J.SHEKHAR(443)

Introduction Components Designing Results Conclusion

Fire fighters face risky situations when extinguishing fires and rescuing victims, it is an inevitable part of being a fire fighter. In contrast, a robot can function by itself or be controlled from a distance, which means that fire fighting and rescue activities could be executed without putting fire fighters at risk by using robot technology instead. In other words, robots decrease the need for fire fighters to get into dangerous situations.

Block diagram

The microcontroller is the most important part of the design acts as brain for robot
Interfaces all sensors and motors Contains all code for robot operation

Micro controller
It has 2 PWM output lines, 7 Analog-to-Digital Input lines, 31 Digital Input and Output lines. Programmable in C, Basic or Java.

The Sensors
Flame Sensor is needed to detect vicinity of flame, exact location of flame, and robots proximity to maze walls

We use two dc gear head motors and two Hbridges to control our Robot to move with adequate speed and to avoid the hitting the walls.

Vehicle Design
The robot needed to:

move with adequate speed maneuver through the rooms avoid hitting the walls extinguish the flame be upgraded easily

Design Specifications
Round base

This helps prevent the robot from jamming in corners

Turning the robot is accomplished with a differential steering system Power is provided by 9.6 V rechargeable batteries Water is used to extinguish fire

The Robot implements environmental sensing,awareness,proportion motor control using ultra violet infrared and visible light. The Robot automatically detects the fire and extinguish it in less time.

It gives a detailed concept about a robot which automatically detects fire and extinguishes it in quickest time by the use of sensors, microcontroller, etc. This robot is used where human lives are very dangerous, for example for extinguishing fire in tunnels, in industries, hospitals and in house uses.

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