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Electricity Theft Detection Using Microcontroller Abstract

Electricity is the modern mans most convenient and useful form of energy without which the present social infrastructure would not be feasible. The increase in per capita production is the reflection of the increase in the living standard of people. When importance of electricity is on the increasing side, then how much should theft of this energy or illegal consumption of power from the transmission lines is averted? Power theft has become a great challenge to the electricity board. The dailies report that Electricity Board suffers a total loss of 8 % in revenue due to power theft every year, which has to control. Our purpose to identifies the Power theft and indicates it to the Electricity board through Power line. We had also dealt about the remote monitoring of an energy meter.

Fig. Block diagram of Project

Power Supply: Power supply consists of transformer and rectifier circuit. Power supply is totally voltage regulated and fixed voltage which is used to provide five volt to microcontroller.

Transducers (data acquisition system):

This part of the system consists of various sensors, namely magnetic and seal sensor. These sensors sense various parameters- presence of magnet, breaking of seal and are then sent to microcontroller.


The microcontroller is the heart of the proposed embedded system. It constantly monitors the digitized parameters of the various sensors and verifies them with the predefined values and checks if any corrective action is to be taken for the condition at that instant of time.


An array of actuators can be used in the system such as relays, contactors, and change over switches etc. They are used to turn on ac devices such buzzer. A complete working system can be realized by simply replacing these simulation devices by the actual devices.

Liquid Crystal Display unit:

A liquid crystal display is used to indicate the present status of parameters. The information is displayed in two modes which can be selected using a push button switch which toggles between the modes. Any display can be interfaced to the system with respective changes in driver circuitry and code.

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