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Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Literary Analysis Essay CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.


The following statement appears in the book: " This is a murder mystery novel." Do you agree? Is the book really a murder mystery? OR The novel is narrated from an unreliable first person point of view. How effective is this in developing the story? How would the novel change if it were told from a different perspective? (For example: Christ ophers father, Siobhan or an omniscient third person narrator.)

Purpose /type of writing Text type (form)

See specific text for essay question To analyse the literary features of a text and support your analysis with detailed references to the text. Response to literature Analysis of a literary feature and its function Teacher - formal


Topic Knowledge (Content)

Detailed knowledge & understanding of the text Detailed analysis of the literary features Well selected examples from each text which illustrate your points Introduction:

Text Structure (Organisation)

TIP: Aim for specific comments in your introduction but not specific examples Make sure you clearly indicate the title of the text and author early on Move from the general to the specific. Your introduction should clearly state your thesis Main body: each paragraph follows the structure: Point, Example, Elaboration (analysis of language) points are developed and examples from the text are used to support your points. Topic sentences clearly link back to the thesis and help to answer the essay question transitions (like.., unlike, both, similarly, in contrast on the other hand, similarly, however, furthermore )are used to link ideas between paragraphs and move the essay forward Quotations are short and key words / phrases are selected. Analysis of the quotation reveals how language is used in the novel to help communicate a point. Conclusion: brief summary of your main points but dont repeat them all add a personal response to the issues your essay highlights use of specific nouns e.g. the woman in white, Alice, John, Marc use of an impersonal objective tone avoids use of I or we. x shows x conveys uses passive voice to front certain information in the clause such as the writers use of a device and its effects e.g. The use of natural imagery to highlight Annes growing sense of freedom is a technique employed in the text. use of simple present tense e.g. are, have, conveys, collapses, rises, feels use of literary terms symbolism, imagery connotation setting, etc verbs of communicating/sharing experience reflects, conveys, illustrates, portrays verbs showing inferring meaning, connotes, symbolizes, reflects, conveys, reveals, signifies verbs to show how writer emphasizes things highlights, empathizes, reinforces, underlines use of a range of sentences (simple, compound and complex) to add interest and variety to the writing and to condense information

sentencing paragraphing connectives incorporation of evidence

Language Features (Language / Style)

formality tense person objectivity specialized vocab.

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