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People you trust, delivering results™ National Alurinate Corporation opened its new headquarters in ‘Beoford Park, illinois in 1937 Ithas been said that Nalco’s founders, Herbert Kern and Wilson Evane, were "men of vision.” I's coubttul, though, that in those early days they could envision the growth and, success their Company has achievad. From those humble aginnings in the Clearing Industrial District outsida Chicago Sprang a global, muli-bilion dollar company that has expanded far beyond basic water treatment using sedium cluminate, We began by treating the bollors in steam locomotives and Industrial plants with a single oroduct - sodium aluminate: Dut a dedication to innovation has fed the constant search for new ways to earve customers, Today, mora than 11,000 Nalco employees in 130 countries provide integrated water treatment and process improvement services, chemicals and equipment programs for a wide range of industrial and Institutional applicailons. ‘The dlverse Incustries we serve include aerospace, auto: motive, chemicals, commercial buildings, food and bever- ‘8g0, hotels, healthcare, inetitutions, menufacturing, marine, microelectronics, mining and mineral processing, municipal, papermaking, petrolaum, pharmaceuticals, primary mata’, and utilties. The products and programs we provide enable ‘our customers to improve their business by increasing production yialds, lowering manufacturing costs, extending ssel life and maintaining environmental standards. Since ts founding in 1928, Nalco has remained committed to a basic rule {0 gatisfy customers, what Herb Kern described simply 3 “finding the customer need and fling it." ‘This brief history traces many of the ingividuals and events that nave marked Nalco’s remarkabe story, adapting to a. changing marketplace while remaining ‘poople you trust, Geliveting results™: Although Nalco was offckaly born in 1928 as Netioral Alurinate Corporation, ts history realy began i 1922 when Herbert A. Ken ‘af Chicago Chemical Campany and P, Wilson Evane of Aluminate ‘Sales Corporation frst met. Both companies were seling sodium aluminate — Chisago Cherrical Company to industrial plarts for boiler feedwater treatment, and Aluminate Sales Corporation 10 ralroads for treatment of water used in stream locomotives. ern, in partnership with Dr. Fredasicx Salathé, fallow chemist, ‘organized Chicago Gherrical Company in 1920, The Company marketed a product caled Coline, which Dr. Saathé invented, topiante in tho Chicago area. in trying to extond salos to othor parts ofthe Midwest, Kem and his associates discovered that while Coline was very effective on Chicago water, it was rot a universally applicable product. ‘Coupling this with financial problems, the Company's future was suddenly in doubt. Help was sought from a Swiss relative ‘Dr. Salatné, Edouard Salathd, who came to ther rescue with new and substantial nancng, This enabled Kern 1o study the problems associated with C ling. He lerned that water sources and treaiment problems vary ‘corsiderably and that careful research would sways be eseeriil in the business of water veatmnent. He went ono find a com- pound called sodium aluminate thet was fer more eflactive than ‘Coline. He began to markt it as Kernis Water Softener ~ KWS Sodium Aluminata,

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