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1-11 Gen 12-50 ca. 21th15th c. Patriarchal Period Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph

Exod, Lev, Num, Deut? ca. 15th13th c. Exodus Moses Aaron

Josh, Jdg, Ruth?

1, 2 Psalms Sam. 1 Kgs 1-12 1000 931

Hos 1, 2 Kgs 722 1, 2 Chr Ezra Nehemiah

Primeval History Adam Eve Noah

Conquest and Settlement Joshua Gideon Samson Ruth Samuel

United Monarchy Saul S. Kingdom Exile David Judah Babylonians Solomon Rehoboam Hezekiah Jeroboam Josiah

Dispersal N. Kingdom Assyrians Prov, Israel Deut? Isa 4055 Ruth? 597/587 539 515 Omri, Ahab, Jehu Return 2nd Temple Persians Completed Cyrus Ezra Nehemiah

A Timeline of Biblical History

Will Kynes

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