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N-B. = (2) (2) (3) his CH OC, 200 mes (3 Hours ) [ total Marks = 100 Question No.1 is compulsory. Solve any four from Q. Nos. 2 to 7. Al] questions carry equal ‘marks. QI) Write short notes on the following (any five) VR Q3) ® a) b) °) a) b) ) a) b) o 8) Eight differences between c++ & of ) NET framework ©) Data types in off ¢) Boxing & unboxing ©) variable size array [ £) Difference between structures & classes 8) Abstract methods & classes Write a program to print the following output 1 22 3.33 4444 55555 NET technology? Describe briefly its origins. ‘ property. How do we.declare and use i(show a program), Whai What Explain regular expression, Write a program that shows the implementation of this, Demonstrate the typical use of the following jump statements © break © cgntinue © goto ina single program Explain Enumeration with example ‘Explain four types of method parameters Develop a program that prompts the user to input the name, door number, street, city and pincode and stores them in the address record designed as a structure(with name, door number, stret, city and pincade as its members) and display them in an appropriate manner Write the output of the following codes(2 marks each): i) int m=100, n=300; while(++mS:ii-2, j++) Console. WriteLine("hello"; 20 Vv CoN/4150-RB-3986-05. 2 Q5) a) %) ©) Q6) a) b) 9 Qi) a) ») Write a program to print the following Pascal's triangle i 121 1331 14641 15 10105 1 If we denote rows by i and the columns by j, then any element (except the boundry elements) in the triangle is given by Pye Passa + Pag Explain the function of each: Addo) Reverse() Contains() Capacity RemoveAt) CopyToQ) Write the functionality of try, catch, throw and finally in exception handling 1in Array List. Write a program that shows the use of array list Explain inclusion polymorphism with example Write a program that accept two double type numbers from the user and displays the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus of those two numbers, ‘What is operator overloading. Write a program to add and subtract two complex numbers using operator overloading State what the following statements would accomplish int n= sl.Length; | iam = sLindexOr('ae"); string s2 = sl Jnsert(s1 IndexOf(*OK’ int n = string. Compare(s!,s2,false); Console. WriteLine(s1{5)); 1) What is a reaaonly member? When and why it is used 2) What is an indexer. What itis used for? Cee

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