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NORHAZIYAH BINTI KUSAI A138413 1. What is a project, and what are its main attributes?

Project is a planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations. The main attributes of a projects are: A project is temporary-a defined beginning and a definite end-form a team-work on a collaboration mm project-expect a report and executive presentation of the results in a month A project requires resources, often from various areas-people, hardware, software, other assets-collaboration not just from IT department BUT from sales, marketing, and other areas of the company-to develop ideas A project should have primary sponsor or customer-A program is a group of projects managed in a coordinated way A project involves uncertainty- because they are unique, difficult to clearly define projects objectives, or how much it will cost. The uncertainty is why project management is so challenging, especially involving new technologies 2. How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs? What other factors affect a project? A continuous process is not a project. The development of a new rent or lettings policy is a project but the subsequent day to day operation of that policy is a continuous process that is usually managed by an individual or a department. Other factors affects a project are : Project manager- A good project manager is needed to delegate assignments to the members of the project team, as well as provide leadership in other roles. Planning - The team should plan in detail to document where the project is going. Knowledge - Everyone involved needs to understand the basic principles and the desired outcome of the project, so it can move forward with the least amount of interruption Teamwork - A large project needs a team of the very best workers to finish on top. Staff members must work together with the best interests of the project as a whole in place for the entire duration.

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