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Vindictive ScriptEdited version [Opening sequence] (Title credits come up as low-key music fades in) [Scene 1] Graveyard (Music

c continues as Ryan walks towards his wifes grave) (As Ryan approaches the grave music begins to fade out. Music stops when he crouches at grave. Phone ring plays as Ryan places flowers on the grave and the voiceover of a phone conversation fades in.) Ryan: (Voiceover) Have you got any leads? Yasser: (Voiceover) Ive done some digging, and Ive got CCTV footage of a few locations, where alleged members of the AlSabaat were spotted. Ive sent you co-ordinates. I understand your rage; but revenge is not the best way the way to deal with your grief. I owe you, thats whyRyan: (Voiceover) (Interrupts) Its the only way [Scene 2]- After first phone call Yasser: Yeah its me, its been done but this situation isnt what I expected, its only a matter of time. Martin :( Arab accent) we require a change in plan then? Yasser: I know what we need to do. Note this down- (Cuts to next scene) [Scene 4] - Abandoned estate (Intense music begins to play) (Ryan on the phone as he walks- Pan movement to zoom into a Mid shot of Ryan. Cuts to Ryan walking up to an abandoned estate, No longer on the phone. Once in the estate area he observes a gun deal behind a wall- Mid shot of Ryan anticipating to intervene, then prepares his gun- Close up/Extreme close up (POV) shot of the

gun. Music escalates; nearing climax. Ryan turns raising his gun. Camera switches to his POV [steady-cam]) Ryan: Dont move! (Ryan gets hit unconscious, and the title appears)

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