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Issues Spoilers

Originally written by Kritarchy Kolumbes Compiled by Caeruleus

#000: Should Democracy Be Compulsory? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: We should not have to explain ourselves to our esteemed colleagues of the Convention of the Estates, nor the elders of the Witenagemot, the families of the Folketing, or even the freemen and citizenry. You have all your parts to play and your judges to elect. The Concordance and the Charter of Liberties was provided to you for a reason. What you do with it and how you do it is up to you. It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies to drag the people to the voting booths.] [Option 1 = voting is voluntary; Option 2 = voting is compulsory (Political Freedom -3); Option 3 = elections have been outlawed.] #018: Citizens Struggle Under "Unfair" Tax Burden WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: At this point in time we feel that it's premature to address tax issues and cuts in welfare, health, and education. Likewise, the economy is still developing and too volatile to allow for any major interference. We will address this issue in the near future.] [OOC: Don't know what I'm doing yet in order to take a chance with the nation.] [Option 1 = The government is reining in public spending (increase economy, decrease social welfare, health and education); Option 2 = high-income earners pay a 100% tax rate (Economy -1, Taxes +2%, Wealth Gaps -18, increases social welfare); Option 3 = citizens select which government department gets their income tax CURRENCYs each year (Economy -12, increase civil rights, decrease economy, increase social welfare).] #023: Uranium Deposit Promises To Enrich @@NAME@@ WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas. (-to Environment, +to Economy; Income Taxes +7, EcoFriendliness -1) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: The base of any well-supported economy is based on six things: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry, Mining, and Petroleum. Consequently, we feel that establishing Uranium mining can only help the economy and provide more workplaces. Indeed, where there is Uranium there is also bound to be Bauxite. The rainforest area which will be felled right now should regrow within a time span of roughly 4 years after the project is finished.] [OOC: Kritarchy Kolumbes's national animal is the Western Bronze-Naped Pigeon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation. I have a feeling that this has something to do with that in the long-run, but it took 4-5 days to show its ugly face. But at least we didn't choose to plow over the entirety of the rainforest. That apparently causes the following: economy goes up two points, deaths form natural causes go up 7 percent and taxes fall by 1/8th.] [Option 1 = the country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry (Economy +2, Eco-friendliness -2, Tourism -26); Option 2 = tourists from around the world come to visit the country's famous rainforests (Eco-Friendliness +1, Income Taxes +1%).] #028: Cancer Sufferer Demands Euthanasia Bill WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: We are truly moved by the anguish of Dorothy and the Terwilliger family. However, it is not our duty to get involved in such matters. Dorothy Terwilliger should be an example to us all in regards to not having a Living Will. We can only hope that the application of morphine dosages will keep Dorothy comfortable and pain-free until the bitter end. We would ask the nation to pray for the

poor woman, so that God will hear our petition and grant her healing in His infinite mercy. Our prayers are with her and her family.] [Option 1 = euthanasia is legal (Civil Rights +1); Option 2 = euthanasia is illegal (Civil Rights -2); Option 3 = euthanasia is illegal??? (Civil Rights -6, Income Taxes -1%, Godlessness +1, Religiousness +3).] #022: Nazi Sympathizers Plan Rally WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the tenet of free speech is held dear. (+Civil Rights) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: As much as we can't sympathize with these confused men and women, the Kritarchy Kolumbes is built on the right to free speech. Our esteemed bodies politic will uphold the Concordance, the Charter of Liberties and the tenets therein.] [Option 1 = it is illegal to make racist remarks in public (Political Freedoms -8, Averageness -2); Option 2 can provide Political Freedoms +21.] #013: Too Much Yakking, Already, Say Delegation WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: Free speech includes that your religious beliefs can be mocked as much as it allows controversial topics to be explored, challenged, and discussed in an open forum. It is not the government's duty to get involved in a topic that could best be handled in the private with the help of all members of society.] [Option 1 = the right to free speech is being drastically curtailed (Civil Rights -2); Option 2 = <nation's> children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region (Civil Rights +1); Option 3 = It is a crime to offend someone's religious beliefs (Civil Rights -2, Income Taxes +1%).] #017: Corporations Demand Political Say WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: The results that come with corporations donating money to political parties and political action committees is a dangerous one. The merging of Corporate influences and the State has historically led to Fascism. Persuant to case law, the corporation is a creature of the state. The internal affairs of a corporation are governed by the laws of the state in which it is formed. By allowing corporations leeway in donating money can, in the long-run, cause the creation to take over its creator. Though we allow the major corporations a say within the Magistracy, through its Eparchs, even these magistrates are held to high standards to represent their assigned corporations as citizens.] [Option 1 = corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians (Income Taxes -1%, Political Freedoms +20, Economy +8 (second case was +57), Corruption +3); Option 2 = political parties are banned from advertising and receiving private donations (Economy -37, Political Freedoms -15, Income Taxes +4%, Corruption -2); Option 3 = a dictator has seized power and outlawed elections (Civil rights -57, Ideological Radicality +5, Happiness -2).] #007: Animal Liberation Front Strikes Again WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed. (-Political Freedom, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: There's a lawful way, and then there's an unlawful way. We cannot condone the actions of Animal Liberation Front. This is a country of the law, by the law, and for the law. Animal Liberation Front's harmful activity can only result in price claims, and the actions of its individual members in torts. It is for the private sector to comprehend the right way of following business practices that are both healthy, humane and efficient whilst remaining profitable. Let the creativity of businesspeople and the ingenuity of our intelligensia meet, and perhaps a bargain could've been struck through free-range chicken raising or even permaculture practices.] [OOC: Does not seem worth it. My first instinct was to dismiss this issue. Rule 1: If it doesn't concern the government then dismiss it.] [Option 1 can provide Political Freedoms -5 & Civil Rights -4; Option 2 = meat-eating is frowned

upon; Option 3 = vegetarianism is compulsory; Option 4 = Meat is a luxury afforded only to the wealthy (Income Tax +2%, Social Conservatism +3, Wealth Gaps +1).] #015: More Police Needed WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the police force is on a recruitment drive (+1% tax rate, - to Political Freedom). [IC: - From His Magnanimity: We are displeased that to remedy the current situation, of moderate crime and helping the Magistracy's police force with lack of funding and high mortality rates, that we have to resort to these measures. This legislation will, no doubt, be very odious to the citizenry of the Magistracy. Until the situation has stabilized we ask forgiveness of our citizenry in the potential of increased tax rates and the potential infringement on its political freedoms. As much as it is our policy to allow freemen and citizenry to have arrest power, to reduce the crime rate themselves, as well as to reduce income tax, in order to be more in line with the balanced principles laid out in the Concordance, we are not looking forward to the result of this choice. The Magistracy did not come to this decision lightly.] [OOC: Crime is moderate, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. - I am very much displeased to be dealt this starting parameter for the Kritarchy Kolumbes. As much as I try to tell myself that the State has its jurisdiction and the Nation has its jurisdiction, this game seems to be based around the concept of nation-states and Nanny states. Historically speaking, the Nation-State is a new concept. If it were based on a clear separation between State and Nation, then our choices would be limited to only the Patropolis of Patrick, as well as any military bases, forts, and weapon supply depots under direct control of the State. United States historical legislation shows that the Federal government had an income tax on its employees. Employee is derived from the French and means "government worker." Government workers had an annual salary of roughly $800 (when that was actually considered a good amount of money), and anything that they received from other sources above that was subject to a tax on income. Even Postal workers were subject to an income tax. So as much as I tell myself that the income tax is on the government workers, history shows that legalistic undermining of the law can easily ensnare hapless folk into becoming government workers without them even knowing. I sincerely hope that there will be future issues to increase Political Freedom once more as well as to reduce the tax rate, but at this rate my country seems to be already circling the drain of communism and dictatorship.] [Option 1 can provide Safety +2 & Safety from crime +1; Option 2 = education and welfare spending are on the rise (Income Tax +4%); Option 3 = Thieves are flogged in public for their crimes (Civil Rights -1, Political Freedoms -23, Income Tax +1).] [Note: The game will add 'thanks to a well-funded police force' to the Overview, but in this case it took almost two months to show up - partially due to crime and because other government expenditures took precedence over Law & Order.] #019: @@NAME@@ Awash With Red-Rimmed Eyes WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is our humble opinion that such an issue could best be addressed by the private sector by the creation of cannabis cafes like in the capital of the Netherlands (Amsterdam), as well as Portland, Oregon. It is not our duty to get involved in these issues. If the freemen and citizenry are aghast by the public smoking of cannabis, it is the duty of individual business owners to put up "No Smoking" signs and place such matters in their hiring/work policies.] [Option 1 = marijuana is legal in the privacy of your own home (Civil Rights -2); Option 2 = all recreational drugs are legal (Civil Rights +7, Recreational Drug Use +100).] #026: Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, organ donation rates are among the lowest in the region. (+Civil Rights) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: For and on the record, let it be known that our two bodies politic do not agree with the push to make organ "harvesting" either mandatory or compulsory. To allow any man's or woman's personal body parts to be forcefully taken, forcefully removed from any body cavity or other tissue, or otherwise forcefully extracted without permission, by any organization, person, etc., short of having been sentenced to death in a court of law, is a serious breach of the most basic and fundamental civil liberties

and rights. We stand unwaveringly against this proposal, and any other proposal of its type, with no intentions of support. We suggest that the citizenry and freemen set up Living Wills with a clause on posthumous organ grants. Otherwise it's a private contractual matter to donate organs freely or for monetary compensation, or a matter of compensating victims for the loss of life from violent criminals.] [OOC: Kritarchy Kolumbes was reclassified from "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" to "LeftLeaning College State." That's interesting. At least the game no longer considers us to be Communists...Makes me wonder though what we could've become if we would've dismissed this...I don't like breaking my own rules. Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites is a bit harsh, given that college kids can range from beer-guzzling, grass-smoking party-goers to idealistic but misguided philanthropists to intelligent yet socially inept innovators.] [Option 1 = Organ donation is compulsory (Civil Rights -4, increases murder rate); Option 2 can give up to 20 pts in Civil Rights.] #030: Auto Industry Struggles Against Foreign Imports WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, punitive tariffs protect local industry. (- Income Tax, +Economy, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As pursuant to public policy to create a protectionistic mixed market economy, the issuance of protective tariffs can be of great assistance to our fledgling automobile industry. We are of good spirit that the revenue collected from these tariffs will allow us to drop the income tax in the future to give relief to the citizenry. Likewise, we remember the hard-working folk, both for the present as well as the future generations to come. When people are secure in their jobs they work harder, happier and better. We therefore appeal to our people that you use this reprieve wisely and innovate to keep your products' competitive edge in this global economy.] [OOC: The Worker Enthusiasm Rate is now at 102%. Now that's what I call happy and productive workers. Option 3 might increase your economy in real-life for a short time by bringing in foreign business, but it will screw your nation over in the long-run. It took Wal-Mart two years to take over Argentina.] [Option 2 = there are no minimum wage laws (Economy +6, Income Tax -2%); Option 3 = All tariffs have been abolished (Economy +2).] #006: Appointment Of Spiritual Advisor WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It's not wise to mix the state and religion. We have no need of a Spiritual Advisor. Take such a matter to your local pastor if you are in need of guidance, or have a Bible study to address your questions in private. It is up to the individual pastors to keep their flock in the church. As Defender of the Faith we have the backing of the Protestant churches in order to keep Popery out of our land. We remind the churches of the land that the moral fiber of their congregations and society overall was given into their hands. The government has no business to interfere with that. Doing so can only lead to fascism and dictatorship.] [OOC: Let's hope that there are other issues that allow the government to fund Religion & Spirituality.] [Option 1 = the government is seen to favor Catholics (Godlessness -5, Corruption +2); Option 2 = the government's religious works are headed by a New Age guru (Income tax +1%); Option 3 = the government is avowedly atheist ((Income tax -1%).] #024: Budget Time: Accountants Excited WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes (-4% Income Tax, large government to medium government, - 8.61% in unemployment rate, $16,752,039,873.43 boost in GDP, reduction in trade deficit). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are a man of our word. As we have promised to the freemen and citizenry we are going to decrease the tax rate. We have spent many days in conference to create a balanced budget and the Magistracy and the Landsraat can breathe a sigh of relief that we have been able to accomplish this task. As much as it is our policy to provide public education for writing and basic mathematics up to twelve grade in order to assist the less fortunate members of our society, our educational government grants are for the universities, in order to further research and ingenuity, and for the home schooling

parents. We encourage the parents and teachers of the communities to study the teaching lessons of John Taylor Gatto in order to encourage their children's learning. Every child learns differently. It makes no sense to bog down government and enlarge it further by creating a behemoth of an Educational Department. May the folk rejoice in this matter, and may the guidance of the elders influence both the Greater and Lesser Houses in their spending habits.] [OOC: In real-life, smaller taxes always meant that the people were able to spend more money in the economy, which means that the economy should get better. That's what Ronald Reagan did for a while.] [Option 1 = a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway; Option 2 = Military spending recently hit a new high (Income Tax +1%, Political Freedoms -8); Option 3 = a wellfunded social safety net protects the unfortunate (Welfare +2).] #005: Child Casino Shock WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We hereby propose a bill that those under eighteen (18) years of age are not allowed to be on the casino floor without an accompanying adult and not allowed to commence in any gambling activity or consumption of alcoholic drinks...Motion requesting unanimous agreement for the bill to pass. Any objections? Is there a second to the motion? Seconded. Motion is passed.] [OOC: And that's how that issue should be handled. There's no requirement or hurry for me to boost my Economy rating by agreeing to such an issue. Now, if the parents want their kids to gamble in the privacy of their own home - that's up to them.] [Option 1 = gambling is outlawed (Economy -8, Income Tax +1); Option 2 = young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables (Income Tax -9%, Economy +22, Gambling +1, increases crime % inequality).] #002: Reclaim The Streets! WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are very much displeased at the leaders of the Automotive Manufacturers Association. Our esteemed bodies already provided a protective tariff in order to render aid to the Automotive Industry. To ask for a subsidy is out of line and irrelevant to the matter at hand. The issue at hand was to either decrease the amount of automobiles on the road or to ban bicycles from the major roads. We believe that this issue could best be addressed in three ways: 1) Widen the roads to include bicycle lanes, and to levy an excise tax on fuel for the maintenance of those roads; 2) Increase the sale price for automobiles and insurance premiums in the private to decrease the amount of people that can afford them and thus decrease the amount of cars on the road; or 3) ban bicycles from the major roads. This body politic has to recognize that many people actually rely on their bicycles to get to work. For some it may be the only means of getting around, or as a mode of transportation. To speak candidly, to deprive the people of a way to get around would infringe on their civil rights as well as their private possessions. This issue is dismissed for inability to provide remedy. Court is adjourned.] [OOC: I was tempted to take Option 3, but nobody could give me a straight answer whether it would help the economy, or not. As such, dismissing the issue is by far the most logical path because there are other ways to handle it.] [Option 1 = cars are banned (Economy -25, Income Tax +7%); Option 2 = bicyclists are banned from major roads (Political freedoms -8); Option 3 = The automotive industry soaks up huge government handouts (Income Tax +3%, Economy +27, Automobile Manufacturing +2).] #001: Where's the Love Gone WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies to get involved in family controversies. This matter should best be handled individually between the pater familias of each Great House, its elders, and the heads of household of the Lesser Houses. Secondly, the breaking down of society and the family would best be handled if the churches would address this matter to their congregations. It is because that people are not following the Word of God that the nuclear family is falling apart. Judges, talk to your families. It's not just your estates that need looking after, but also your kin and extended families. Help those family members that both need to work, so that the family can look after the

children. Counsel your kin based on your own experiences in married life.] [Option 1 = divorce is illegal (Civil rights -6); Option 2 = married couples must call each other "darling" or risk a fine (Civil rights -4, Compassion -1); Option 3 = same-sex marriages are increasingly common (Civil rights +1, Income Tax +1%, increases equality).] #029: Minorities Demand Representation In TV Soaps WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the alarmingly racist TV show 'Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things' is a hit. (+crime from low to moderate, -5% tax, +inequality, slight increase in Civil Rights and Economy) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is neither of our political bodies' duty to enforce that minorities are seen on television. Our involvement can only lead to an Affirmative Action nightmare. Our budget currently cannot allow for government prizes for the positive portrayal of minorities in movies and soaps. We suggest that the local municipalities set up Film Commissions to give out monetary endorsements to spur young filmmakers to create films, documentaries and other television entertainments with the use of minorities, or that individual Estates set up Foundations or Trusts that give out scholarships and grants to fund Independent Film Festivals and Film Schools. In the long-run, this matter would best be handled by the private sector. If you do not like that a show doesn't have minorities then stop watching it. The directors will either cater to a certain audience or they will try to broaden their audience to get their ratings back. We believe that this matter need not be discussed any further.] [OOC: WTF! *facepalm* Should've dismissed this stupid issue. Didn't expect the tax cut though.] [Option 1 = TV shows must meet strict ethnicity quotas (Civil Rights -8, Economy -6, Income Tax +3%); Option 2 = the government awards prizes to television shows featuring stereotypebreaking minority roles (Civil Rights -4, Economy -2, Income Tax +1).] #25: Cloning Research Promises New Breakthrough WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: The Honorable Eparch of the corporation stands apprised that this government of God-fearing men and women follow ethics when it comes to medical research and it is our belief that the usage of the word "embryo" and "fetus" is a clever way of turning a baby into a human (see Monster). A replicating ovum is a human (see Monster) until it has blood pouring through its veins and arteries, at which point it is a baby and it is considered murder. Harvesting cells from a still-born baby is to be done by permission of the parents in exchange for compensation. If we discover that you or your associates are trying to play God then you will be stripped of both your judicial immunity and rank, and exiled from these borders and can go to the Netherlands where that stuff is legal. Court stands adjourned!] [OOC: Stem-cell research is one thing, taking other cell samples to grow them and experiment with them for research into therapeutic cloning is another thing. But full embryonic cloning just sounds wrong and unethical. Since the issue was dismissed, move your operation to the Netherlands where it's not considered illegal to clone embryos but keep that crap out of my country.] [Option 1 = scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes (Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = genetic researchers have been expelled (Income Tax -1%).] #161: Where There's A Will There's A Tax WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, inheritance tax has recently been abolished. (-2% tax) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Our esteemed bodies politic are not endorsers of Karl Marx. The government has no business to get involved in estate matters and the inheritance that comes thereof, unless given written permission from the General Executors or appointed guardians ad litem of those decedent estates. It is the estates that back the governments of the Magistracy and the Landsraat and we profit from the well-being of the estates - not by trying to bleed them. Consequently, the Probate Courts should be well-suited to address this issue instead.] [OOC: Let's hope that another drop in income taxes is not going to cause an increase in crime. We need a Political Freedom boost, but not at the expense of the country devolving into chaos. Less taxes should help the economy though.] [Option 1 = the government seizes the property of the recently deceased (Political Freedoms -4,

Income Tax +2%); Option 2 can also give Political Freedoms +2; Option 3 = the government is notorious for leaving citizens with almost nothing from their inheritance (Political Freedoms -6, Income Tax +1%).] #003: Harry Potter Censorship Row WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Though we do not mind that such books are published in the country, we do mind that taxes would be spent to put these books in school libraries. We have nothing against them being placed in public libraries, or that people wish to read them in private through their own expenditures. We cannot condone these fantasy and occult undertones taking up valuable space in school libraries. We, however, appeal to the freemen and citizenry that book burnings are not the way to deal with the topics of these books, as history shows the nasty undertones of the oppressive regimes under communism and fascism, as well as the inquisitions of the Papacy, that performed such acts. As Defender of the Faith we encourage the various churches to teach and warn their congregations about such books and the mental influences they can have on God-fearing people. We also leave this matter in the capable hands of the parents to educate their children and to keep them well-grounded in both reality and their moral rectitude.] [OOC: Choosing Option 2 and increasing the Book Publishing Industry was tempting, but not under these circumstances. Hopefully there's another issue to increase the industry instead.] [Option 1 = Harry Potter books are banned (Civil Rights -4; Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = The latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller (Civil Rights +7, Economy +1, Book Publishing +1, increases education spending, decreasing spending on everything else).] #225: Welfare Programs Not Faring Well WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government is using tax revenues to provide jobs for the poor. (+2% Income Tax, decrease in crime, shift to Social Welfare priority.) [OOC: Okay, so 14% tax rate is currently not doable without finding something else to balance out the budget. And after the tax drop, the use of Keynesianism brought the tax back up to 16%. But I have a feeling that the fact of people having jobs now was the main cause of the decrease in crime, and not the fact that the police had enough funding.] [Option 1 = Suit-clad businessmen have been taking advantage of the relaxed welfare qualifications by shopping with food stamps; Option 2 = the government enforces a policy of 'from each according to their ability, to each according to the available budget'.] #032: One Wife Is Never Enough, Say Polygamists WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is our opinion that our two bodies politic should not get involved in people's marriages and legislate morality. If the people want to have multiple wives then let them get married in a Muslim country and get an apostille from their Secretary of State. As we are a member of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents we have procedures to recognize paperwork of foreign governments. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = polygamy is legal (Civil Rights +2); Option 2 = the institution of marriage is held sacred and strictly enforced (Civil Rights -1; Godlessness -2; Religiousness +2); Option 3 = there have been reports of people marrying housepets (Civil Rights +8).] #177: Stop the Suits Say Surgeons WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the study of medicine is popular throughout Kritarchy Kolumbes. (+2% Income tax, +Students and Youth, +Health, +Healthcare spending, +Education spending, +Government size) [OOC: All the tax cuts that were initially done are going down the tube with the necessity of government interference in order to get this situation under control again. I certainly hope that funding medical colleges and hospitals will create more work to get the unemployment rate down. And the small government ended up getting back to medium size. You would think that the unemployment rate would've dropped, but it didn't.] [Appendix transplant figures have recently doubled.]

#190: Immigrants Import Homeland Rivalries WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, children are brainwashed at a young age to accept "Love and peace!" as a way of life. (+Compassion, no real other noticeable effects) [OOC: I hate breaking my #1 rule, but it's so tempting to brainwash the kids at a young age to decrease the crime rate and increase compassion - it really is. So much for a decrease in crime...However, it would be so much easier just to deport them outright. If they consider themselves citizens of the Kritarchy Kolumbes, they should leave their previous affiliations behind. Otherwise this can be considered insurrection, breach of the peace, willful public damage, and incitement to riot, and they'd be in prison for a long time to think about if it was worth it to not just let bygones be bygones. Of course, if they would be dumb enough to attack or interfere with a Tribune then they won't have much more to worry about but execution. Option 3 would apparently result in "the government's new 'Crime Can Fight Itself' policy appears to be backfiring rather badly" so that would mean more crime. The first option would probably boost the economy, but decrease both civil rights and political freedom. The 4th option would probably help military spending, but you become hostile and go to war.] [Option 1 = immigrant Maxtopians are routinely sold on popular internet auction sites (Civil Rights -5, Income Tax -1%); Option 2 can increase Income Tax by +1% in developed nations; Option 3 = the government's new 'Crime Can Fight Itself' policy appears to be backfiring rather badly (Income Tax -2%); Option 4 = a massive campaign is underway to ensure the race of NATION remains pure (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax -1%). #312: The Empire Strikes First? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has declared its commitment to multilateralism. (+1% Income tax, +4 Political Freedoms) [OOC: Choices, choices. Start a war (the armed forces are locked in an expensive and bloody war abroad to stamp out possible terrorists), cower behind international policies (and we're not even a member of the WA), construct weapons of mass destruction (the nation is reliant on the principle of mutually assured destruction to maintain its security), or focus on peace and remove some military funding. I can so see that taxes and government expenditures will go up by choosing Option 2, but what would be the real benefit? Why, an increase in Political Freedom, of course, which is what we've been trying to regain for a while.] [Option 1 = <NATION> is increasingly belligerent on the international stage (+1% Income Tax); Option 3 = the nation is reliant on the principle of mutually assured destruction to maintain its security (Income Tax +1%); the government is giving peace a chance (Income tax -1%). #269: Stop The Presses! WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat. [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is our opinion what should, and indeed, must be done is to ensure firm regulation of the largest corporations to ensure the protection of the country, the estates, and the populace, as well as to encourage small businesses and local or state-level companies to fuel the economy. We reject the notion that newspapers are unneeded, as information and transparency on the part of the government is key in order to ensure a level of corruption that is as low as possible. Keeping the populace educated and informed is one of the few ways to do so, and as such, it is most certainly an important service of our esteemed bodies. Indeed, we consider journalism and the press as another check and balance to the system. Besides, newspapers as a whole are useful for people in low-income areas to stay informed - short on their reliance of radio. We would encourage the private sector to expand into the area of internet cafes, in order to round out that niche.] [OOC: Also, let's not forget that newspaper articles do not disappear so easily down memory holes like Internet articles do. We may have Google cache and the Wayback Machine right now, but what if those features are removed? You could have articles changed on a daily basis.] [Option 1 = morning coffees are no longer the same since the disappearance of newspapers (Economy -3, Income Tax -1%), Option 2 = the newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat (Economy +6, Income Tax +2%), Option 3 = daily newspapers are permitted to run only pro-government stories (Political Freedoms -9. Income Tax +2%); Option 4 = abacus sales outpace those of the personal computer following the closure of the Internet.]

#063: Tykes With Tools? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is our opinion that the options addressed are not conducive to the issue at hand. The issue is that 30% of all children are employed in a dangerous environment. Ergo, the issue at hand should either be to put children in less dangerous environments to keep them working, or to ban child-labor outright. We do not mind children to help in the family business or even on the farms. It builds character and gives them the chance to help the family. Were our esteemed bodies to interfere it can only lead to more and more legislation that would interfere with family lives. We believe that this issue is best addressed individually by the Heads of Household, the Maistas, and the Pater familias of each House.] [OOC: As long as we're not talking sweatshops here, this really is just blown out of proportion.] [Option 1 = child labor is banned (-Economy); Option 2 = Children as young as eight can be found working in factories (+Economy); Option 3 = the adult unemployment rate nears 100% as all available jobs have been filled by young children (+Business Subsidization).] #154: Ban The 'Boards, Say Pedestrians WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Our esteemed bodies politic are not here to babysit your children every moment of every day. The Magistracy is only the guardian ad litem of orphans. Children are going to skateboard in public. Let them be children and burn off energy. Pursuant to our ruling in "Reclaim the Streets," to deprive the people of a way to get around would infringe on their civil rights as well as their private possessions. If people don't want to see skateboards on their properties, then put up signs and properly enforce it yourselves. In regards to safety equipment, it is the duty of the parents to get safety equipment for their children and to make them wear it. Even medical insurance companies can put in provisions in their policies to make that mandatory in regards to any injuries resulting from skateboarding. Furthermore, our esteemed bodies are currently unable to put in skate parks in every city. Please petition your Pater familias, or form a Trust, start a collection drive, and allocate some space in the municipalities and non-incorporated communities.] [OOC: Honestly, if I continue to baby these people with government hand-outs I shall never get the unemployment rate under control. Besides, reality shows that privately-funded projects are completed a lot faster and cheaper than when the government gets involved. You just have to get the people motivated and to co-operate.] [Option 1 = Skateboarding is punishable by heavy fines; Option 2 = skateparks can be found in every city; Option 3 = skateboarding is the only legal way to travel.] #319: Sizing Up The Competition WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the populace harbors a fierce hatred of the metric system. (-1% Income tax, Culture +1) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: The scientific community stands informed that there is no law or statute which makes it mandatory to use the land's customary system of measurements for their work. It is a matter of common sense to use the metric system in scientific endeavors, especially when sharing discoveries to the international community. Therefore it is not necessary for us to put it into the books. Let the folk use their measurements and the scientific community use its measurements. The private is perfectly capable of adding both customary and metric units to its products which are being sold on the market.] [OOC: Option 1 = teams of painters are converting road signs from horse lengths to kilometers (Income Tax +4%); Option 3 = businesses are scrambling to adapt to the government's mandate that 'time and measurement no longer exist' (-1% Income Tax)] #291: A Question of Sport WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Glittering new sports stadiums adorn every city and town. (+1% Income tax, -2.67% unemployment rate, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, +2 Weather, +8 Economy, +8 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +10 Employment, +0.75 Environmental Beauty, +0.409 Health, -1 Arms Manufacturing, -1 Mining, -1 Pizza Delivery, -6 Obesity, -1 Manufacturing)

[OOC: As much as I don't really care for sports it does have its place in regards to keeping the populace entertained. Likewise, it has its place within the economy and employment statistics. Therefore I consider it a necessary evil, but it certainly boosts the enthusiasm of workers. I have to think up some sports that are played.] [Option 2 = Marketing departments of corporate giants compete to sponsor little league teams (only very minor changes, not even worth mentioning). Option 3 = Tourists are kicked out if they express interest in their national sport; Option 4 = kids laugh off vandalism and arson as "just fun" (Civil Rights +4, Income Tax -1%).] #237: Tourists on Death Row WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: International tensions are high as Kritarchy Kolumbes threatens any government with the audacity to arrest its citizens. (+2% Consumer Confidence Rate, -1.75 in Tourism, +0.75 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Compassion, -1 Gambling, -1 Insurance, +1 Law Enforcement, +1 Lifespan, +1 Niceness, +2 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +1.1 Safety) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are very much displeased that our citizens would be placed on death row. For failure to abide by the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters, the Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, and failure to abide by our international right to an extradition hearing we condemn the actions of Maxtopia and warn its government that any undue harm done to our citizens will be considered an act of war. We are willing to open negotiations for the release of the prisoners.] [OOC: Okay, how is this issue helping?! What good is it? It would've been better just to dismiss it.] [Option 2 = the people are furious with the government for allowing citizens to be executed for petty crimes in foreign countries (Law Enforcement +2, Pacifism +1, Averageness +0.025); Option 3 = drug-related crimes carry the death penalty (Civil Rights -3); Option 4 = <Nation>'s soft-touch approach to diplomacy has made it known as the 'push-over' of the region; Option 5 = the government is well known for declaring war on other countries for suspected slights (Income Tax +1%).] #121: A Uniform Plan For @@NAME@@'s Students? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies to set policy on the attire of students. We leave that to the headmasters and directors of the individual schools, as well as the capable hands of the parents. This issue is dismissed. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Either the uniforms become compulsory, or the kids come to school wearing pajamas. Huh, what a choice. How about we leave that up to the individual schools and whether the parents are willing to pay for that? Getting a crime drop with Option 1 is tempting, but the civil rights or political freedom drop would probably hurt right now.] [Option 1 = school uniforms are compulsory (Civil Rights -3, Wealth Gaps -2, Averageness +12); Option 2 = students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas (Civil Rights +8).] #265: To Bail or Not to Bail? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our two bodies politic to radically engage in Keynesianism, Randism, or Socialism. When you deal with capitalism you are bound to take risks, and blatant speculation will result in these market corrections. A bubble can only last so long. In order to assist in this matter, we are proposing a bill that unless bidders can actually store the amount of shares of commodities to be bought, you can't buy. Secondly, we're going to hamper short-selling and make it that you have to keep your bought shares for a minimum of a month. We appeal to the reason of the eparchs, magistrates, judges, as well as our esteemed colleagues of the Landsraat that this cannot continue. We have to deal with market manipulators. Otherwise all your estates and your kin will continue to suffer again, and again.] [OOC: I was tempted to go for Option 2 - a nice tax cut, and getting the social welfare expenditures down sounded great. However, it would result in this: Thousands of former welfare recipients are in a revolutionary uproar as the rest of society is enjoying a hefty tax break. Yeah, no, not happening. That's the problem with government handouts - people start getting

dependent on them. Secondly, maybe the actual problem is blatant speculation and short-selling in the market?] [Option 1 = the government is spending billions of taxpayer Golds to support the <Arms Manufacturing> industry; Option 2 = Thousands of former welfare recipients are in a revolutionary uproar as the rest of society is enjoying a hefty tax break; Option 3 = Businesses that prove successful are immediately broken up.] #209: Students Demand Financial Aid WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, loans are available for students from poor families (+1% Income Tax, +7 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, -1 Stupidity, -4 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Heart Disease deaths; -1% Social Welfare, -1% Healthcare, +2% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry). [Option 1 = the number of students attending university has reached a record high; Option 2 = universities are populated by the spawn of the upper classes; Option 4 = closed universities are currently being converted into MacDonald's restaurants.] #318: Death Penalty on Death Row? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, criminals are put to death while cuddling their favourite teddy bear. (+1% Income Tax, +2 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +1 Niceness, +2 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +3.001 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -3 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -1 Weaponization, +1 Weather, +1 Welfare, +1% Social Welfare, +2% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry) [Option 1 = prisoners work-share to cut down rising costs of keeping them in jail; Option 2 = ???; Option 4 = ???; Option 5 = all judiciary cases are decided in the court of public opinion.] #054: Time To Put the Old Senators Out To Pasture? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, strict term limits have been applied to all elected offices (-2 Political Freedoms, +0.017 Authoritarianism, +31 Averageness, -5 Corruption, +5 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Lifespan, -0.2 Rudeness, +2.6 Safety, -1 Toxicity). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We have heard the voice of the people and we knew that this day had to eventually come. It is a small matter to apply term limits to the elected magistrates of tens, hundreds, and thousands, as well as those of the Supreme Court; it is another when it comes to our own office. When we first founded this great nation, we did not expect to be the Head of State as a life-time appointment. Consequently, we will set the limit of magistrates at 4 years, Eparchs at 2.5 years, Supreme Court Justices at 18 years, and our own office at 20 years. Eventually one shall have to step down even if there's more to be done. After all, this is not a monarchy. But be of good cheer. If you, the people, think that one was a good enough ruler for the nation then we should remain the same when we retreat to our estate and join the Convention of the Estates as pater familias.] [Option 2 = elected officials often serve for decades in a single term; Option 3 = elections have been outlawed???] #136: Much Ado About Abortion WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Abortion has always been a tricky issue in many places. Were we to agree to abortion our conscience would tell us that we are committing murder. As Defender of the Faith we have to be outspoken that the Bible is quite clear on the matter that a child is a child, even in the womb. To give a child the term "fetus" is a way of degradation, in order to put the people in the state of mind that they are getting rid of a thing, rather than a living being. By the power vested in us, it is our lawful decree that once there's blood flowing through the embryo, it is considered a child. In response to cases of rape, we grief for the violation of the woman but it is not the child's fault of how he or she came to be. The criminal will be punished once found and put to death. If neither the mother nor her family wishes to take care of the child, citing continuous psychological trauma ,the child will be taken into the custody of either the Magistracy and/or the Landsraat once it's born. At that point it will be given to an orphanage until the child can be adopted into a loving family. Should the mother's life be in jeopardy, the Magistracy or Landsraat should make provisions for the hospitals and healthcare providers to mobilize all necessary means to provide for a Caesarean-section, even if

the child has to be born prematurely, and to keep the mother and child in an intensive care unit. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = abortions are routinely performed in <Nation>'s hospitals (Civil Rights +4); Option 2 = abortion is only legal in unusual circumstances; Option 3 = abortions are carried out secretly in shady backstreet clinics (Civil Rights -7, Income Tax +2%); Option 4 = families are only permitted to have one child (Civil Rights -1).] #164: License to Breed WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to get involved in private affairs. This matter is best handled in the private between the pater familias, the Herb, and the various families. Case dismissed with prejudice. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = citizens wishing to be parents must undertake a series of gruelling tests to evaluate their capabilities (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax +3%); Option 2 = almost half of the child population live rough on the streets (Civil Rights +2); Option 3 = welfare funding has recently gone through the roof (Income Tax +1%).] #145: Hackles Raised Over Fur Clothes Debate WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation between our two bodies politic, we have come to the conclusion that the population of Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons is too low in order to create a fashion craze with their feathers. The creature is already on the brink of extinction. We have to increase their population first before we can start such an endeavor. However, banning the wearing and manufacture of other fur apparel would be unwise for the economy. We suggest that our enterprising entrepreneurs increase variety in the markets by focusing on the use of other fur fibers (like capybara), creating synthetic furs, synthetic materials (like acrylic, nylon, polyester, rayon, etc.), and the use of more common things (for instance angora wool), in addition to plant fibers.] [Option 1 = the wearing and manufacture of fur apparel is banned (Economy -2); Option 2 = fur coats have become the latest fashion trend ( Economy +3, Income Tax -1%, will reduce the population of the national animal).] #212: Police Wanting Help With Their Inquiries WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: There has to be a warrant first before a blood test is required of a crime suspect. This is best addressed by increasing funding to Law & Order for the creation of a Crime Scene Investigation Unit to provide enough evidence to necessitate a warrant for a DNA blood test. Innocent until proven guilty. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = crime suspects are forced to submit to blood testing (Civil Rights -3, Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = crime is on the rise as DNA sampling has been all but outlawed (Civil Rights +4); Option 3 = every citizen must submit to DNA testing to be eliminated from police inquiries (Civil Rights -3 to -5, Income Tax +1%, causes law and order funding to rise six percent; public sector grows by 3 percent; no effect on crime rate).] #166: Vote for None of the Above? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates. (+1% Income Tax, +2 Political Freedom, -0.017 Authoritarianism, -25 Averageness, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Political Apathy, +0.2 Rudeness, +3.4 Safety, +1 Toxicity, -1% Cancer deaths) [OOC: Well, it was either this or dismissing it and letting the people write in their own candidates. But, hey, this nation has no corruption in government now, and that's not bad at all.] [Option 2 = voters must frequently select what they view as the lesser of two evils on the ballot (Political Freedoms -3).] #056: "Give Us Money!" Quoth the Poet WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, people reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight (+1% Income Tax, +2 Business Subsidization, +2 Compassion?, +2 Culture, +4 Employment, +1 Book Publishing, +2 Nudity, -2 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, +3 Weather, -2% Social Welfare, -1% Healthcare, -1% Education, -1% Law & Order, +1% Commerce/Industry). [Option 2 = the government has cut its subsidies for all special interest groups (Income tax -5%, Averageness -33, Culture -2, Defense forces -2, Environmental Beauty -4, Freedom From Taxation +1, Law Enforcement -2, Obesity -2, Pacifism +2, Public Transportation -2, Safety -2, Taxation -1, Tourism -3, Welfare -2); Option 3 = poets and writers are regularly rounded up and shot for entertainment (Civil Rights -4, lowers political freedoms and culture).] #091: Sacramental Tax Time WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Options 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, televangelists flaunt their expensive cars when they attend charity events. (+1 Civil Rights, +3 Economy, +12 Averageness, -2 Godlessness, +2 Niceness, +2 Pacifism, +2 Religiousness, -2 Rudeness, -1 Social Conservatism, +1% Acts of God deaths, -4% Old Age deaths, +3% Heart Disease deaths) [Option 1 = religious organizations are being forced to leave the country or pay income taxes like everybody else (Civil Rights -2, Godlessness +2); Option 3 = membership in the state-owned Church of <Nation> is Mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned ( Civil Rights -6, Income Tax +1%).] #204: Lack Of Doctors Needs Cure WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, more and more students are taking up a career in medicine. (+1% Income Tax, +9 Averageness, +2 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size (enormous), +0.139 Health, +4 Public Healthcare, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, Government from "large" to "enormous") [OOC: Really? We have hospitals at 5-mile intervals throughout the country, there are enough practitioners to fill every gap from nutrition to brain surgery, we increased funding to provide for medical schools and there's still not enough doctors? Just how much medical tourism are we getting that our own people need to wait in line for months? When did we suddenly become Sweden?] [Option 2 = half of <Nation>'s doctors can't speak the language (Employment +1, Ideological Radicality +1, Public Healthcare +1); Option 3 = Healthcare funding has been cut (Income Tax -1%).] #071: Minority Group Demands Language Recognition WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, children are raised bilingual from an early age. (+6 Averageness, +1 Culture, +1 Happiness, +1 Pacifism, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather) [Option 1 = a National Academy regulates grammar and usage (Civil Rights +4); Option 2 can cause an Income Tax increase of 1 percent in greater nations; Option 3 = The government is attempting to impose a new national language on the public (Income Tax +1%).] #218: Two Mommies One Too Many? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, child adoption by homosexual couples has been outlawed (-2 Civil Rights, +0.017 Authoritarianism, +2 Averageness, -3 Godlessness, -1 Happiness, -4 Nudity, +3 Religiousness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +2 Social Conservatism, -2 Toxicity, -3 Weaponization, -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -1% Consumer Confidence Rate) [Option 1 = an increasing percentage of the population's youth have homosexual parents; Option 3 = homosexuality is a crime punishable by death (Civil Rights -5).] #323: Get Teens Out of My Face? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = it is now illegal for teens to view any sites except Club Kitten and My Little Donkey (Civil Rights -2, Authoritarianism +0.010, Ideological Radicality +1, Law Enforcement +1, Nudity -2, Safety +1, Social Conservatism +2, Weather -1), Option 2 = The nation leads the region in

per capita stalking (Civil Rights +4, Income Tax -1); Option 3 = the fastest growing demographic of porn viewership is twelve to seventeen (Civil Rights +3), Option 4 = computers are used primarily for word processing and solitaire (Civil Rights -3, Income Tax +1%).] [OOC: If it were up to me I would turn social networking sites into old-fashioned online, dial-up, bulletin boards with a big disclaimer saying, "This site is regularly trolled by CIA, NSA, and other intelligence-gathering agencies. Any personal information you post here can and will be used against you and the nation." :P] #052: Is It Art Or Is It Porn? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, nude art is becoming wildly popular. (+2 Civil Rights, -28 Averageness, +2 Culture, +1 Happiness, +8 Nudity, -1 Pacifism, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -3 Social Conservatism, -1 Stupidity, +3 Toxicity, +4 Weaponization, -1 Weather, +1% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -0.20% Unemployment Rate) [OOC: My government and its Income Tax is big enough as it is. I can't afford it to get even bigger and the tax higher. Art is a very subjective in nature. We can agree that art students have nude models in order that they learn how to draw and paint anatomy. Perhaps if we channel it towards Baroque, Renaissance and Rococo art it will become less of an issue.] [Option 1 = artists regularly face criminal charges and art-burning parties are common (Civil Rights -5); Option 2 = all artwork is carefully screened for offensive material.] #016: @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ (Book Publishing) Workers Strike! WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation between our two bodies poltic, we have decided to dismiss this issue in favor of alternative legislation. The only possible course of action is an injunction until the parties themselves can work out their differences. The Book Publishing Industry forms the backbone of the Kritarchy's and United Province's private sectors. However it is not the place of our esteemed bodies politic to settle labor disputes. The responsibility for such resides in the invested parties. The government does not wish to forcibly weaken the position of business with their workforce and see the nation ravaged by daily worker strikes. Likewise it also does not wish to weaken laws protecting workers rights that would allow business management to fire worker on the spot. This issue is dismissed for inability to provide remedy. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = the nation is ravaged by daily union strikes (Economy: It depends what your major industry is. Economy will DECREASE approximately from -2 to -12; Taxes: The same goes for taxes. They will increase from approximately 0 to +3); Option 2 = employers may fire workers without giving any reason (Economy: It depends what your major industry is. Economy will INCREASE from approximately +10 to +50 Taxes: The same goes for taxes. They will decrease from approximately -2 to -8).] #189: Dangerously Cheesy WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1:Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent (+4 Political Freedoms, -0.058 Authoritarianism, -59 Averageness, -1 Compassion, +7 Corruption, Freedom from Corruption -7, -1 Happiness, +2 Ideological Radicality, +1 Cheese Exports, -1 Niceness, -1 Pacifism, -1 Political Apathy, +1.7 Rudeness, +1.4 Safety, +3 Toxicity, -1 Weather). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We have nothing against the people expressing their disdain for politicians by using food items, if those politicians break their promises to their constituents. We do draw the line at the causing of physical harm. We expect the folk of this great nation to keep their anger in check - and make sure the cheese is malleable.] [OOC: Kritarchy Kolumbes was reclassified from "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" to "New York Times Democracy." Well, that is rather unexpected, but, c'mon, a raise in corruption? How can a lashing out against politicians create more corruption? We had no corruption whatsoever. Did they get pissed because the standards were too high? This option stinks.] [Option 2 = popular political cartoonists are thrown in jail for inciting dissent (Civil Rights -1, Political Freedoms -18); Option 3 = cheese has been labelled a dangerous weapon and banned (Income Tax +1%).] #280: Oh the Humanity!

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, airship use has soared while property values beneath their routes have plummeted (-1% Income Tax, +9 Economy, -0.028 Authoritarianism, +88 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, +13 Employment, +1 Happiness, -3 Ideological Radicality, +18 Income Equality, +1 Lifespan, +1.8 Most Pro-Market, +9 Obesity, +0.9 Rudeness, -6 Safety, -2 Safety From Crime, +2 Tourism, +1 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +18 Wealth Gaps, +2 Weaponization, -4.25% Unemployment Rate, -1% Healthcare, -1% Education, +2% Commerce/Industry) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Airship ports are to be limited to the dock areas, and travel routes are to avoid overflying outlying islands as much as possible. We propose that the airship commission create an approach vector and that the Magistracy and Landsraat set aside funds to create an island on the outskirts and have plenty of ferries and helicopter transportation from that island to avoid as much disturbance as possible.) [Option 1 = The airship business has been driven out of the country by strict regulations and high fines (Economy -5, Income Tax -1%); Option 3 = Got Trauma" has corporate executives fleeing the country (Economy -4, Income Tax -1%).] #036: International Community Comes Doorknocking WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation has an international reputation for compassion (+2% Income Tax, +2 Compassion, +2 Eco-friendliness, +4 Environmental Beauty, +0.067 Health, +1 Lifespan, +2 Niceness, +2 Public Healthcare, -2 Rudeness, +2 Safety, +5 Tourism, -6 Toxicity, +3 Weather, +3 Welfare, -5% Cancer deaths, +2% Administration, -1% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry, +0.24% Unemployment). [Option 2 = the nation refuses to provide international aid (Income Tax -1%); Option 3 = the government extracts trade concessions from poor nations in exchange for humanitarian aid.] #038: Kritarchy Kolumbes Looks to the Stars WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation's first space rocket -sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed (+2% Income Tax, +2 Defense Forces, +6 Employment, +2 Arms Manufacturing, +1 Beverage Sales, +1 Information Technology, +2 Law Enforcement, +3 Obesity, -2 Pacifism, +2 Public Transport, +2 Manufacturing, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -6% Old Age deaths, +12% Heart Disease deaths). [Option 1 = "billions of <currency>s are being poured into a space program (-Economy, +4% Income Tax); Option 3 = religious classes are compulsory for all school students (Civil Right -4, Income Tax -1%, Godlessness -2, Religiousness +2).] #163: Referenda: Are they Right For Kritarchy Kolumbes? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, referenda can be called for any law at the request of at least one third of the voting population (+1 Averageness, -1 Political Apathy). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation between our two bodies politic, we have decided that since the Nation overall operates as a juridic person on the international scale, we feel that those issues which concern and affect us all - especially in regards to Public International Law - need to be brought before the population. We live and die together, and Iceland is a very good example for all of us, especially in regards to not being pushed around by corrupt bankers.] [Option 1 = a referendum must be held in order for any new law to be passed (Political Freedoms -3, Income Tax +2%); Option 2 = referenda are banned by law and the Parliament has absolute control of the legislative process (Political Freedoms -3, Income Tax +5%).] #267: Controversial Coup Causes Commotion WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: The Kritarchy Kolumbes has a strict policy of non-interventionism. Since Alexander Neumann has turned mercenary, should the government-in-exile re-establish dominion and captured him, he will be treated as a common criminal and may face execution pursuant to Article 3 of the Geneva Convention. Unfortunately we have no laws concerning mercenaries. We therefore propose a law that forbids citizens, nationals, and freemen to fight in foreign wars unless they are under the control of our own national armed forces. We also must include that to charge somebody under an ex-post facto law is illegal. This issue is dismissed for inability to provide remedy. Court stands

adjourned.] [Option 1 = the government is pouring money into 'Operation Enduring Democracy' (Income Tax +2%); Option 2 = the art of conversation has been rediscovered (Income Tax -1%); Option 3 = the government encourages conflict abroad to increase arms sales (Economy +1, Political Freedoms -11, Income Tax -6%); Option 4 = pollsters are out of a job as elections have been cancelled (Political Freedoms -21).] #299: Some Like it Hot; Others Don't WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not enough to just use punitive measures in order to force companies to reduce noxious and harmful emissions; there has to be a more willing economic incentive. Based on International Law, no company can be fined over $25,000 a day. For companies making millions of Scillings a day, by blowing sulfurous fumes into the air, and dumping lethal toxic wastes into the ocean, it's only good business to continue doing this. Therefore we shall provide tax deductions for those Kolumban corporations and companies willing to invest in emission controls. Our coal powerplants are already using various means and we encourage industries and our intelligensia to find others to potentially convert these emissions into more useful forms. The technology is there, and it would serve our economy well if we use it to our advantage.] [OOC: Also, we're not going to give in to those global warming alarmists. The IPCC and University of Easy Anglia has lost all credibility with the Kritarchy Kolumbes and we will not hearken to their nonsense. Furthermore, the Kritarchy Kolumbes finds the UN/WA Agenda 21 publication and the findings of the Commission on Sustainable Development to be unconscionable and in poor taste. Our definition of sustainability does not conform to your ideals, and our nation will find and implement our own goals with far less harmful implications on humanity.] [Option 1 = ???; Option 2 = a punitive tax has been placed on harmful emissions; Option 3 = The state has declared war on the environment and environmentalists by association; Option 4 = Anti-environmentalist protesters are gunned down without mercy.] #258: What's In A Name? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Eber is one of the most popular forenames in Kritarchy Kolumbes (+3 Averageness, -1 Happiness, -1 Weather). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to get involved in family politics or tell men and women what to call their children. A man may legally name himself, or acquire a name by reputation, general usage and habit. At common law a man can change his name in good faith and for an honest purpose by adapting a new one, and transacting his business and holding himself out to his friends and acquaintances thereunder, with their acquiescence and recognition. May the people rejoice in their freedoms without having to resort to vile swear words or childish colloquialisms. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Oh great, not only does this particular choice stink, but I also can't change my national animal for this result in order to have it listed in such as way so that it sounds somewhat right.] [Option 1 = parents must choose their children's names from a government-mandated master list (Civil Rights -1, Rudeness +1, Ideological Radicality +2); Option 3 = all citizens are solely referenced by their allocated identity number (Civil Rights -1 (or 0 in some nations)).] #092: Kritarchy Kolumbes Officials Needled About Mandatory Vaccinations WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the state pays for care of easily preventable illnesses (+7 Averageness, +2 Employment, +1 Government Size (a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked morass), -1.096 Health, -1 Lifespan, +16 Obesity, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -1 Weaponization, -4 Weather, +2 Welfare; +1% Social Welfare, +4% Healthcare, -2% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry; -7% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God deaths, -1% Cancer deaths, +9% Heart disease deaths) [OOC: *sneezes* Bullsh!t. You might want to do more research on that topic. Vaccines have no real positive effect on health. In fact, with all the mercury and ground-up fetus that's in those vaccines these days it's no wonder that there's so much autism and GuillainBarr syndrome. Those vaccines are not coming into my country. Now I got to do something about my government size.] [Option 1 = people faint regularly as they get stuck with compulsory vaccinations; Option 3 =

only vaccinated citizens may have free healthcare.] #023: Uranium Deposit Promises To Enrich @@NAME@@ (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, tourists from around the world come to visit the country's famous rainforests (national animal is the Western Bronze-Naped Pigeon, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests; +1% Income Tax, -3 Averageness, +3 Ecofriendliness, +37.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Trout Fishing, +1 Lifespan, +1 Pacifism, +4 Public Healthcare, -1 Manufacturing, +41.75 Tourism, -37.75 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +8 Weather; +2% Old Age deaths, -6% Cancer deaths, +2% Lost in Wilderness deaths, +2% Heart Disease deaths; +1% Social Welfare, +3% Healthcare, -3% Education, -1% Law and Order, -1% Commerce/Industry, +2% Environment). [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: As much as we would like to expand the uranium mining industry, the last excursion brought the population of our national animal to near-extinction. We have to put a temporary hold on this part of our economy while the forests and the national animal population recover. We have to prepare to shift the workers towards tourism and forestry positions in order to alleviate unemployment problems.] [OOC: My national animal still teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation. I got to go with the environmental route right now to protect the critter. Sure could use that boost in the economy though. I'm still running a trade deficit.] [Option 1 = the country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry; Option 3 = the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas.] #100: Road Rage Rampage WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, it's a common sight to see angry commuters with grenade launchers mounted on their vehicles (-3% Income Tax, +2 Civil Rights, -32 Averageness, -2 Compassion, +1 Happiness, +1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Niceness, +4 Nudity, -6 Pacifism, +2 Political Apathy, +1 Recreational Drug Use, +2 Rudeness, -9 Safety, -3 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +9 Toxicity, +27 Weaponization, -2 Weather) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As much as there is a possibility of increased crime from road rage incidents by not getting involved in the improvement of our road system, our discussions with various Witans have shown that not to be so. We are not concerned by the increasing instances of the population going around in automobiles with mounted grenade launchers. If it weren't for the fact that we are a kritarchy, this kind of behavior would be a great cause for concern and requiring the installation of cameras near the highways to keep a check on possible violent deaths on those highways. Given the fact that the bearing of arms is legal, the sight of one man with a grenade launcher on his car will make somebody else get one just to feel safer as an automatic check and balance. In fact, recent sales of arms have increased because of that. As Lord Protector we are well-pleased to see that we now have a well-armed society to create a check on the government. With all these weapons on cars there will be a lot less incidents of people cutting each other off in traffic.] [OOC: Yeah, now that's what I call getting weapons to the people! A lot of stuff that could be considered increasing crime, but getting my Civil Rights rating up is worth it after losing my accolade.] [Option 1 = traffic jams are a common sight due to construction work from a massive overhaul of the nation's freeways???; Option 2 = The government has started a campaign to crack down on road rage and encourage alternate means of commuting.] #287: Maxtopians Demand Return of the King WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - A statement from His Magnanimity to the Maxtopian government: Our esteemed bodies politic would be willing to return the mummy of ancient monarch King Maxbari IV, currently on display at the Kritarchy Kolumbes National Museum of Antiquities, if the Maxtopian government would be willing to have a mutually agreed upon archeological relic tour between our two museums. In the interest of future relations between our nations, and to enrich the lives of both our people, we would hope the Maxtopian government to agree to these reasonable terms.] [OOC: Empty museum rooms are of no use to anybody, and local museum visitors, as well as tourists, want to be able to see a variety of museum exhibits. Also, my country has not been around long enough to have had an empirical era.]

[Option 1 = Museums stand half-empty as all foreign exhibits are returned to their countries of origin; Option 2 = the new 'Things We Stole From Other Countries' exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities is a hit; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = ???] #253: How Much Democracy Is Too Much? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Perhaps it would be wise for us to upgrade our vote counting machinery and software in order to speed up the voting process? Let us put out bids for voting machines and software in order to get an idea for the cost of necessary upgrades.] {OOC: And let's make sure to leave out Diebold machines - they are too easily rigged.] [Option 1 = the government has ordered a moratorium on referenda; Option 2 = all judiciary cases are decided in the court of public opinion; Option 3 = Referenda are held for every conceivable government action.] #245: Clash of Cultures WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, immigrants are required to salute the flag five times a day (-5 Civil Rights, +0.018 Authoritarianism, +94 Averageness, -3 Culture, -2 Godlessness, -1 Happiness, -3 Ideological Radicality, -16 Nudity, -2 Recreational Drug Use, +2 Religiousness, +6 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, +7 Social Conservatism, -7 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Heart disease deaths; -1% Consumer Confidence Rate, -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are very much displeased concerning the stubbornness of immigrants being admitted to our nation. It is one matter to have been raised a certain way and wanting to continue that style within the family, but part of moving to another country is integrating yourself into society. By becoming a citizen, freeman, or national of this country you abide by its rules, culture, traditions and mores. If you do not wish to abide by our benevolent jurisdiction, or the rule of each pater familias, the United Nations provides you the right of self-determination. If you think you can do it better, get out and form your own nation away from our borders. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 2 = racial and religious segregation has become rife as the various groups are loath to mingle; Option 3 = religious figures are removed from holidays to promote equality; Option 4 = all citizens must pass a 'multicultural sensitivity test' to be deemed fit for society; Option 5 = property values in suburbs have nosedived after the middle class were forced to live next door to ethnic minorities; Option 6 = the word 'foreigner' is considered a highly vulgar expletive.] #095: Painful Prices At the Pump WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, pristine wilderness has been trashed in the quest for cheaper oil (barren, inhospitable, landscape; -1% Income Tax, -2 Eco-friendliness, +2 Employment, -22 Environmental Beauty, -0.409 Health, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, +6 Obesity, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +2 Manufacturing, -23 Tourism, +20 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, -2 Weather; -2% Environment, +1% Law & Order, -0.23 Unemployment Rate) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As much as we do not like to cause harm to our environment by now drilling for oil, we are faced with the fact that our country cannot be dependent on foreign oil if we wish to keep our sovereignty in the years to come. The Kritarchy Kolumbes has a policy of achieving self-sufficiency and petroleum is one of those products that no industrial nation can be without. However, we have to be able to stretch our petroleum resources and the best way to achieve that is by having the automotive sector put its head together with our universities. We can get more mileage out of Kolumban cars if we put our minds to it.] [IC - My fellow Kolumbans we have officially balanced our trade budget!] [Option 2 = the government is spending millions on renovating the public transportation system (Income Tax +2%, Eco-Friendliness +1, Public Transportation +2, Health +1, Toxicity -6, Tourism +1, Weather +4).] #035: Refugees Want To Call Kritarchy Kolumbes Home WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees. (+3 Compassion, -1 Godlessness, +1 Happiness, +3 Niceness, +2 Pacifism, +1 Religiousness, -3 Rudeness, +1 Welfare; +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate; +1% Social Welfare)

[Option 2 = the Navy has outraged the international community by sinking a boatload of refugees to prevent them reaching the shore; Option 3 = shanty towns are forming in the suburbs of major cities (Economy +1).] #207: Secret police in Kritarchy Kolumbes WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Though our bodies politic are aware that an Intelligence agency with arrest powers for spies and enemies of the state is not without reason in these evil times, we are absolutely aghast by the idea of having some secret police. Nobody is above the law in this country, and the thought of starting a tyranny with people being hoodwinked and drug into black vans is distasteful to us. If people wish to speak their minds against the government, that is their right. As long as they do not incite people to riot, and do not deface buildings with their propaganda, we uphold their freedom of speech. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = rumours have it that a secret police is responsible for the recent spate of missing persons; Option 2 = anti-government political posters adorn every building like wallpaper; Option 3 = it is rumored that the police force is made up of shadowy figures with no souls.] #294: Ghost Riders on the Sly WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, legislators work 24/7 due to an influx of single-issue bills (+3% Income Tax, -3 Economy, -2 Political Freedoms, +0.036 Authoritarianism, +8 Averageness, -6 Corruption, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-friendliness, -4 Employment, +2 Environmental Beauty, +6 Freedom from Corruption, +0.055 Health, +8 Income Equality, -1 Influence, +1 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, -0.8 Pro-Market, -4 Obesity, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, -0.8 Rudeness, +5.2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +2 Tourism, -4 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -8 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, +1 Welfare; +1% Acts of God deaths, +1% Heart Disease deaths; -2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, +0.24% Unemployment, +1% Administration, -1% Law & Order). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As much as we do not desire to cause a deluge of single-issue bills being brought before the Magistracy and Landsraat, the danger of having earmarks and riders being vetoed by majority votes, and bills bulging to hundreds of pages in length so that nobody knows what's inside of them, is something that we have to avoid to keep our bodies politic running efficiently. If we can keep the costs to a minimum we will be on our best way to now paying back our foreign debts and bringing prosperity to this nation. We ask all the judges, magistrates, and estates to pull together in this endeavor so that the future of this country will look better - both for this generation and the generations to come.] [OOC: Wow, this issue is all over the place in its effects. What has a lot of this stuff to do with passing single-issue bills? I think it's a bit harsh though...] [Option 2 = the minority inevitably have their addenda vetoed (Political Freedoms -5); Option 3 = Laws are littered with references to cheese (Economy +7, Political Freedoms +20, Income Tax -1%); Option 4 = the CEO of Laws Incorporated must sign off on all new bills (Economy +44, Political Freedoms +10, Income Tax -4%).] #093: Affirmative Action in Kritarchy Kolumbes? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's educational system is the envy of many and regarded as a pinnacle of academic achievement (+3% Income Tax, -1 Economy, -44 Averageness, +3 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size (omnipresent), -1 Happiness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +2 Income Equality, +1 Intelligence, -0.2 Pro-Market, -1 Obesity, -0.1 Rudeness, +12 Safety, +4 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -7 Toxicity, -2 Wealth Gaps, -4 Weaponization, -5 Weather; -1% Administration, -2% Social Welfare, -1% Healthcare, +5% Education, -2% Commerce/Industry). [OOC: Not worth the bragging rights. This was an expensive way to increase the intelligence of my people. Now I have to step in as Lord Protector, because the government has become way too big. This is going to take a lot of work.] [Option 1 = colleges adhere to rigid ethnic quotas for admissions; Option 2 = ethnic minorities are often refused admission to some of the nation's best schools (-1% Income Tax).] #037: Traffic Cops Needed on Information Superhighway? WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, anti-government web sites are springing up (+1 Civil Rights, -0.014 Authoritarianism, +1 Averageness, -2 Corruption, +2 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Happiness, -1 Influence, +4 Nudity, +1 Recreational Drug Use, -4 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +4 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization, +1 Weather; +0.1% Unemployment). [Option 1 = the government snoops on private internet connections (Civil Rights -1); Option 2 = The country has unplugged its internet connection to prevent subversive content (Civil Rights -5, Economy -4, Political Freedoms -3).] [OOC: Given that my government is so large and omnipresent I can't really blame them. That kind of size would bring about anti-government sentiment in a heart-beat.] #049: Diving for Kolumban Scillings WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are regularly found digging for treasure in their gardens (+1 Averageness, -1 Corruption, 0.25 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Influence, +1 Lifespan, +1 Safety, +1.75 Tourism, -0.25 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate) [OOC: There should be an Option 4 that says that the government takes the gold but gives a portion to the discoverers. A decent amount of governments operate on that basis, and it would be a fair option.] [Option 1 = the government seizes all major gold finds (Civil Rights -11, Economy +3); Option 3 = the mining industry has taken a hit from tighter environmental regulations (Income Tax +1%).] #014: Military Demands Increased Spending WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, military funding has been stripped back (-2% Income Tax,+11 Averageness, +1 Compassion, -6 Defense Forces, -2 Employment, +1 Freedom from Taxation, -1 Government Size, -1 Happiness, -1 Influence, -2 Law Enforcement, +1 Niceness, +8 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, -2 Safety, -1 Taxation, -1 Toxicity, +1 Weather; +1% Welfare, +1% Healthcare, +1% Education, -2% Law & Order, +1% Commerce/Industry; -0.01% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: I believe we can last a little longer without a navy until we get either the pirates issue, or the issue to choose whether we have a powerful army, air force, or navy. An allocation of 40% of our budget towards a military is really not feasible right now.] [Option 1 = military spending is on the increase (Political freedoms -13, Defense Forces +9, Ideological Radicality +1, Weaponization +5).] #216: Eminent Domain: Inherent Right Or Daylight Robbery? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: When this country was first founded, the one thing that we agreed upon with the fathers of the families was that such a thing as eminent domain would not cut the heart out of the Charter of Liberties. One of the bedrocks of a free society is a system of private property - even the old Vikings new that and we agree with them and we won't let history repeat itself. If the government needs to expand, it shall either build a new island or lease property from the other Houses. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = eminent domain has been abolished; Option 2 = the government has the power to seize property at will; Option 3 = the government seizes private property for the 'good of the people'.] #045: Baseball League Steps Up To The Plate WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: My fellow Kolumbans, we are currently in the process of paying down our outstanding debts. As such, our current budget is not capable of allowing the government to fund and subsidize additional stadiums and to build teams. As Defender of the Faith we would encourage our people to please show restraint and keep your urges for public sports to private occasions and company sport teams. It's one thing to require a physical outlet, but another entirely to require an opiate for the masses. My people, don't fall into the same trap as so many other countries - don't fall into heathenism and sunworship.] [OOC: No middle ground. There are other sports that can drive the economy besides baseball.

Also, I neither can afford to let my economy take a plunge right now, nor can I add to the income tax and government size to boost the economy.] [Option 1 = Major cities shut down as their local sports team takes to the field every day (Economy +1); Option 2 = the nation is experiencing a severe shortage of sporting events (Economy -3).] #307: Derailing the Gravy Train WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, politicians are to be found scavenging bins at night to supplement their income (+1 Political Freedoms, -21 Averageness, -1 Defense Forces, -1 Eco-friendliness, -2 Environmental Beauty, -0.055 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Pacifism, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, +0.2 Rudeness, +1.4 Safety, -2 Tourism, +3 Toxicity, -1 Welfare; -1% Administration). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: When we first instituted the Magistracy and the Landsraat, it was understood that everybody serving in those bodies politic was a public servant. It was understood that the positions were offices of honor and not offices of profit. It was understood that this country was going to be different, but here you are acting like a bunch of spoiled children. As Kurmagnat and Lord Protector I'm ashamed that it has come this far. This government has grown too big and you have been taking one too many liberties on my watch. You might hate me now, but this has got to stop.] [Option 1 = politicians are to be found scavenging bins at night to supplement their income; Option 2 = Newspapers cannot report anything about politicians without their explicit consent.] #320: Criminals to Vote? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = citizens receive notices of disenfranchisement along with their parking tickets (Political Freedoms -1); Option 2 = prison visits increase substantially during election years (Political Freedoms +2).] #138: Keep The Greenbelt Green, Say Protesters WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Really? What's so bloody good about this issue? Honestly? Also, ever heard about building upwards?] [Option 1 = Private business has started paving paradises and putting up parking lots; Option 2 = environmental protestors are being rounded up and taken away in sinister black vans as a massive land development campaign gets underway; Option 3 = there's a shortage of swinging hot spots as land development grinds to a halt (Income Tax +1, Averageness +1, EcoFriendliness +3, Employment -4, Environmental Beauty +65, Lifespan +1, Obesity -4, Pacifism +3, Manufacturing -1, Tourism +63, Toxicity -60, Unexpected Death Rate -1, Weaponization +1, Weather +16, Youth Rebelliousness -1).] #197: Breastfeeding In Public: Innocent Or Indecent? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Really? C'mon, whatever happened to common sense? Cover yourself up while whipping out your tits, or go to the friggin' restroom, ladies.] [Option 1 = female newsreaders distract the nation by breastfeeding during broadcast (Civil Rights +4); Option 2 = nursing mothers are often arrested for indecent exposure (Civil Rights -2, Income Tax -1%); Option 3 = breastfeeding mothers are replacing smokers to loiter outside the workplace (Civil Rights +3).] #276: Circus Clowns Cause Chaos! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, students are wary of colorfully decorated new teachers with names like Professor Pipsqueak (+1 Averageness, +2 Culture, -1 Law Enforcement, +2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +2 Weather, -1 Youth Rebelliousness; +1% Education, -1% Law & Order). [Option 1 = strange looking men with big red noses are found hiding behind bushes and inside dustbins (Civil Rights -3); Option 3 = clowns are being rounded up and admitted to mental institutions (Income Tax +1%).] #128: Ban The Burka?

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Until there are actual conflicts between religious affiliations, this seems like jumping the gun. There will always be misunderstandings and differences in how we view things. It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to get involved in these matters. Leave it to the schoolmasters and teachers to enforce discipline. As Defender of the Faith, I encourage the students to have their Bibles. Though it is our personal belief that a Burka is a bit excessive for showing modesty in women, we are not here to interfere in the lives of families. However, we are a Christian nation and all refugees and immigrants better respect that. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Option 1 is too communist, Option 2 has nothing to do with the schools and is therefore a poor argument, and Option 3 gives the religion of evolution a means to take root. All these options stink.] [Option 1 = students and teachers are regularly stopped and searched for symbols of religious affiliation before class; Option 2 = the government is promoting multicultural values with the new 'Just Be Nice, OK?' initiative???; Option 3 = religion is strictly forbidden within school grounds.] #219: Nobody Expects The Kritarchy Kolumbes Inquisition! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, atheists and evolution scientists are fleeing the country like rats from a sinking ship (+4% Taxation, -4 Civil Rights, +0.029 Authoritarianism, +46 Averageness, +4 Corruption, -4 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -11 Godlessness, +1 Government Size, +1 Happiness, -2 Ideological Radicality, -1 Intelligence, +4 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, -14 Nudity, -1 Recreational Drug Use, +8 Religiousness, +6 Social Conservatism, +1 Stupidity, +1 Taxation, -2 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +4 Weather; -2% Old Age deaths, +3% Acts of God deaths, -1% Heart Disease deaths; -1% Administration, -2% Welfare, -1% Healthcare, -5% Education, +3% Law & Order, -2% Commerce/Industry, +7% Spirituality) [OOC: Oh no, what "are" we to do without the atheists and evolution scientists? The majority of scientists that actually contributed to science, and the standard of living with their inventions, were creationists. :P I'm just as biased as the one who wrote this issue.] [Option 1 = the Holy Office of the Inquisition is the highest court in the land (Civil Rights -6); Option 2 = radio and television shows frequently show people denouncing religion (Civil Rights +2, Income Tax -2%).] #241: A Capital City For Kritarchy Kolumbes? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 5: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has adopted a more thrifty attitude to administrating the country's needs (-10% Income Tax, -12 Averageness, -8 Defense Forces, -8 Eco-friendliness, -16 Environmental Beauty, +2 Freedom from Taxation, -2 Government Size, -1 Happiness, -0.504 Health, -8 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, -8 Public Healthcare, -8 Public Transport, -8 Safety, -2 Taxation, -16 Tourism, +16 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -8 Welfare; -2% Old Age deaths, -2% Acts of God, -2% Heart Disease, +6% Cancer; -6% Administration, +1% Social Welfare, +1% Healthcare, +3% Education, +1% Religion & Spirituality, +1% Law & Order, +2% Commerce/Industry; -0.27 Unemployment Rate, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate; adds 'progressive social policies in education and welfare'). [OOC: Welcome to Austerity lite. We hope you enjoy your cut in taxes and your drop in governmental benefits. But it had to be done. Unfortunately it didn't help with the trade deficit which managed to come back. :(] [Option 1 = <Nation> has designated <Name> as its capital city; Option 2 = <Nation> recently decided against having a capital city; Option 3 = all government facilities are built in the subterranean citadel of <Name>; Option 4 = Mr Happy's Funland has just been named <nation>'s new capital.] #167: Fluoride Controversy A Toothy Problem WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, most of the nation's wealthy aristocrats are dentists (+1% Income Tax, +6 Averageness, +1 Health, +4 Public Healthcare; +1% Public Sector). [Option 1 = the people are famous throughout the region for their bleached-white teeth (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = the public health bureaucracy is wrapped in miles of red tape (Civil Rights +1).]

#174: Maternity Leave A Must, Say Mothers WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all mothers are allowed six months fully-paid maternity leave (+1 Averageness, -4 Employment, +1 Happiness, +1 Income Equality, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, [Option 1 = The nanny industry has had a boom after maternity leave was recently banned (Economy +3, Income Tax -3%); Option 3 = untold millions of <currency> are going into a new government-funded maternity leave scheme (Income Tax +1%).] #062: Oh, The Angst! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, psychological disorders are a taboo subject (-1 Compassion, -1.5 Health, -1 Niceness, +4 Obesity, -1 Pacifism, +1 Political Apathy, -1 Public Healthcare, +1 Rudeness, +1 Toxicity, -2 Weather; -1% Old Age deaths, +1% Heart Disease; +1% Welfare, -1% Healthcare, +1% Education). [Option 1 = citizens are encouraged to report friends, family members or co-workers who seem depressed to the government for "counselling" (Public Healthcare +1); Option 3 = schools have extensive counseling programs for troubled students (Income Tax +1%, Averageness +0.025, Health +2, Public Healthcare +1, Happiness +1, Weather +5).] #111: Southern Kritarchy Kolumbes Demands Semi-Autonomy WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, politicians are losing their jobs in a plan to make the government 'leaner and fitter' (-4% Income Tax, -2 Political Freedoms, +0.095 Authoritarianism, +11 Averageness, -3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-friendliness, -2 Employment, -6 Environmental Beauty, +3 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Government Size, -0.232 Health, -1 Ideological Radicality, -3 Law Enforcement, +1 Pacifism, -3 Public Healthcare, -3 Public Transport, -0.3 Rudeness, -3.6 Safety, -6 Tourism, +5 Toxicity, -3 Welfare; -2% Old Age deaths, +4% Cancer deaths, -2% Heart Disease). [Option 1 = councils up and down the country wrangle over legal matters; Option 2 = politicians are losing their jobs in a plan to make the government 'leaner and fitter'; Option 3 = protesters against the government are hanged as a warning to others.] #262: Sticks and Stones WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, violently opinionated speakers can be heard preaching their hateful views on every street corner (+2 Civil Rights, +1 Political Freedoms, +0.095 Authoritarianism, -32 Averageness, +1 Corruption, -1 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Godlessness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +6 Nudity, +1 Religiousness, +0.1 Rudeness, -5.8 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +5 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization; +1% Religion & Spirituality, -1% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry). [Option 1 = A fashion designer has been arrested for inciting hatred after claiming redheads couldn't pull off vermillion (Civil Rights -2, Political Freedoms -2); Option 3 = the government is promoting multicultural values with the new 'Just Be Nice, OK?' initiative (Civil Rights +2, Political Freedoms +10, Income Tax +1%).] #148: Spare The Rod, Demand Welfare Activists WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, record sales of 'child-whacking sticks' have been reported (-1% Income Tax, -1 Civil Rights, -3 Averageness, -1 Compassion, -1 Government Size, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Niceness, -2 Nudity, -1 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, +2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Social Conservatism, -1 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather, -2 Welfare, -2 Youth Rebelliousness; adds -- especially youth-related -- to Overview; -1% Welfare, +2% Education, +1% Industry, -1% Law & Order). [Option 1 = parents live in fear of governmental 'child protection' squads (Compassion +1, Government Size +1, Law Enforcement +1, Niceness +1, Pacifism +2, Rudeness -1, Safety -2, Safety from Crime -1, Weaponization +1, Welfare +2, Youth Rebelliousness +2).] #296: Come on baby, fight my fire WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, shanty towns have formed around the newly rebuilt commercial district (+9 Economy, +5 Averageness, +6 Business Subsidization, +16 Employment, +1 Government, -1 Happiness, +2 Basketweaving, +1 Retail, +1 Lifespan, -3

Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +2 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization, -3 Welfare; -4% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, -1% Cancer, +5% Heart Disease; -5% Social Welfare, -1% Law & Order, +6% Commerce/Industry; -3.6% Unemployment; +2% Consumer Confidence Rate; removed 'a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare'). [Option 1 = ???; Option 3 = Disaster victims are viewed with disdain; Option 4 = the government's only official statement on the burning down of <Name> City was that 'they shouldn't have been so careless'] #033: Genetics Brings New Life to Extinct Species WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We have nothing against genetic research. The issue becomes muddled if we don't set limits on its scope and what is meant by it. It was genetic research that found that the Quagga was a different form of zebra. As a result, though the Quagga used to be extinct it was returned through breeding programs. However, playing God and creating some strange chimeras is already pushing the limit and bacterial and viral warfare should be a definite line in the sand regarding genetic research.] [Option 1 = scientists recently cloned the long-extinct feather-bellied <national animal>; Option 2 = genetic research has been halted; Option 3 = genetic research is temporarily tied up in government red tape.] #008: Nudists Demand Time in Sun WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Please keep those things to the designated beaches or open up private nudist clubs. If you desire to walk around nude in your own houses that is likewise of no concern to our two bodies politic. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = citizens can be frequently spotted going about their business stark naked (Civil Rights +2, Nudity +3); Option 2 = public nudity is compulsory (Civil Rights -11, Nudity +190, Averageness +18); Option 3 = nudity is frowned upon (Social Conservatism +4).] #131: Raise Duel Standards, Say Fencers WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We have nothing against conflicts being settled by dueling. That is every man's right. Sometimes it's the only way to restore honor. However, in order for it to be a lawful duel you need to have a referee to oversee it and a Second for each dueler. Any fatalities originating from such a trial by battle are not considered murder. Failure to abide by these rules are considered homicide and will be prosecuted as such.] [OOC: There's no middle-ground in this issue.] [Option 1 = murderers frequently escape punishment by claiming they were protecting their honour (Civil Rights +5, Political Rights +2, Income Tax -2%); Option 2 = Long arduous trials are held for the most trivial of offenses (Civil Rights -2, Income Tax +2%).] #047: The Great Wall of Kritarchy Kolumbes? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, refugees from other nations are flocking to Kritarchy Kolumbes's border (+1 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +1 Happiness, +1 Niceness, +1 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +1 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, +1 Weather; +1% Welfare, -1% Healthcare, +1% Education). [Option 1 = a large concrete wall is being built around the country's borders; Option 3 = the controversial show 'Who Wants to be an Immigrant?' has become wildly popular.] #304: Time for Paternity Leave, say Dads WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC - I think we can come up with a tax benefit instead, or some sort of government pension program instead towards whoever stays at home. That way it can either be the mother or the father. We got to remember that women bear the babies, so they do need some recovery time after childbirth. But if we give tax benefits we can at least have stay-at-home dads.]

[Option 1 = many working fathers have never seen their children; Option 2 = companies struggle to cover for the hordes of employees on parental leave; Option 3 = unstable couples are known to break up over which one gets parental leave; Option 4 = most mothers are forced to quit their jobs to care for infants; Option 5 = mandatory daycare is provided by the government.] #101: Tiara Sign Of Oppression, Declare Feminists WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = all beauty contests have been banned; Option 2 = women who display their ankles are shunned by society; Option 3 = Max Barry is this year's Miss @@NAME@@; Option 4 = vanity is considered the eighth cardinal virtue] [OOC: Haven't you watched Miss Congeniality? It's not a beauty contest; it's a scholarship program. It's a talent show, after all. :P Besides, if you want a beauty contest for men I'm sure we can institute a similar Mr. Universe thing for our country with categories in muscle building and non-muscle building. Besides, women never know what they want and they sure don't want to be treated equal in everything. :P] #119: Watershed Down? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: We're going to keep the watershed. Not that it will stop children from staying up late and watching naughty things, but we won't start censoring and banning material. However, we can't just dispose of the watershed and show nudity on regular afternoon television. However, if you get Pay-TV channels that is not a matter of discussion.] [Option 1 = Programs of questionable content are shown at peak-hours (Civil Rights +4, Economy +1); Option 2 = Rupert Bear is considered to be the most risqu TV programme in @@NAME@@ (Civil Rights -2, Economy -4).] #162: Animal Experimentation Laws Under Scrutiny WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: I'm not going to disallow it, because, unfortunately, it's necessary. However, I'm not going to waste government money on funding it.] [Option 1 = dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws (Economy -6); Option 2 = several citizens have complained about scientists abducting their pets for experimentation (Economy +5).] #198: Gypsies in a Field WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has instituted 'traveller reservations' across the country (+1% Income Tax, +9 Averageness, +2 Employment, +6 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, -4 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization, +4 Welfare; +3% Welfare, +1% Welfare, +1% Education). [Option 1 = travellers are often forcibly evicted by torch-bearing mobs (drops Civil Rights by 5 points); Option 2 = traveller camps regularly block five-lane superhighways; Option 4 = a recent law has banned homes from having any more than one wheel (-Civil Rights, +Law & Order, -Welfare Spending).] #087: Burn! Burn Everything! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, crowds of flag-burning protesters tend to accidentally become crowds of burning protesters (-1 Averageness, -1 Happiness, -2.732 Health, -1 Law Enforcement, +8 Obesity, -7 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, +4 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization, -2 Weather, +2 Youth Rebelliousness; -1% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, -1% Cancer, +3% Heart Disease; +3% Welfare, -1% Education, -1% Law & Order, [OOC: So much for a raise in Civil Rights, and I won't let them burn down my largest city just to boost Political Freedoms. This is a crappy choice. It would've been better to just dismiss this.] [Option 2 = the capital of @@NAME@@ has burned to the ground and caused riots throughout the country; Option 3 = people caught mistreating <nation>'s flag generally wind up in a great deal of pain (Political Freedoms -4, Authoritarianism +0.018, Averageness +96, Corruption -7, Ideological Radicality -2, Law Enforcement +1, Pacifism -5, Rudeness -0.7, Safety -7, Weaponization +2).] #165: Wedlock Worries

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, many parents are becoming frustrated with their children's choices in spouses (+1 Civil Rights, +1 Averageness, +1 Happiness, ). [Option 2 = children are regularly married to each other to secure business deals between families; Option 3 = all marriages are arranged by the government.] #088: Cannibals Demand To Taste What Kritarchy Kolumbes Has To Offer WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, there has been a series of riots between local cannibals and health food advocates (-4 Civil Rights, +0.017 Authoritarianism, +31 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +1 Culture, +0.732 Health, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Niceness, -10 Nudity, +4 Obesity, +1 Pacifism, -1 Recreational Drug Use, -1 Rudeness, +2 Agriculture, +4 Social Conservatism, -2 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths, -2% Heart Disease). [OOC: Okay, that's rather screwed up to create a drop in Civil Rights rather than having cannibalism in your nation.] [Option 1 = murder rates are on the rise as the popularity of soylent products grows (Civil Rights +7); Option 2 = Soylent products are an expensive commodity due to a lack of volunteers (Civil Rights +4).] #089: "Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: There are other ways to create hydro-power plants, like building huge towers with waterfalls and water turbines like they're proposing in South Korea.] [Option 1 = flash floods that dams could have controlled regularly ravage small towns in mountain valleys; Option 2 = scenic mountain valleys are flooded with water as damming projects get underway (Employment +2).] #104: Public Loudspeakers Shrill With Controversy WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are bombarded with advertising from their compulsory miniature radios (+9 Economy, -0.046 Authoritarianism, +123 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +24 Employment, -3 Environmental Beauty, -1 Happiness, -4 Ideological Radicality, -10 Income Equality, +1 Arms Manufacturing, +1 Basket Weaving, +2 Beverage Sales, +1 Book Publishing, +1 Cheese Exports, +2 Furniture Restoration, +1 Gambling, +1 Information Technology, +1 Insurance, +1 Mining, +2 Pizza Delivery, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Trout Fishing, +1 Lifespan, +2 Most Pro-Market, +18 Obesity, +5 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +1 Agriculture, +2 Manufacturing, +1 Tourism, -3 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +10 Wealth Gaps, +3 Weaponization; -6% Old Age Deaths, -1% Acts of God, +1% Cancer, +7% Heart Disease; +1% Education, +3% Commerce/Industry, +1% Healthcare; +1% Private Sector; -1% Public Sector; -1% Consumer Confidence Rate, -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -2.27% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: Hooray! The economy is now a Powerhouse. Let's hope that will finally stabilize the Trade Budget or create a positive gain.] [Option 1 = public loudspeakers constantly tell citizens they are "happy people" (Income Tax +4%, Corruption +1); Option 3 = all forms of advertising are banned (Economy -20, Income Tax +1%).] #031: Get Efficient, Private Sector Tells Nature WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens must pay to enjoy Kritarchy Kolumbes's pristine beaches (-1% Income Tax, +1 Economy, -4 Averageness, +1 Business Subsidization, -1 Defense Forces, -1 Eco-friendliness, +2 Employment, +10 Environmental Beauty, +1 Happiness, -0.118 Health, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Safety, +13 Tourism, -10 Toxicity, +4 Weather, -1 Welfare; +2% Old Age Deaths, -5% Cancer, +4% Heart Disease; -1% Law & Order; +2% Private Sector, -2% Public Sector). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: The beaches under direct jurisdiction of the Magistracy and the Landsraat could definitely by hired out to companies. The beaches already require a small fee in order for the citizenry and nationals to visit them on the respective islands. This legislation will neither directly affect the estates and the jurisdiction of each pater familias, nor will it interfere with the holdings of the freemen. In fact, we believe that this move will cause the people to flock to secluded spots, thus enhancing the holdings of the freemen, as well as create economic advantage to the estates and their subordinate families.]

[Option 2 = a government program is underway to revitalize @@NAME@@'s beaches (+1% Income Tax).] #290: Wheels of Misfortune WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our two bodies politic to get directly involved in the Automotive industry. If the car companies start to make cuts on the quality of their products, the market will make them either adjust their business practices or go broke. We suggest to the Eparchs of those corporations to start investing in their quality control lest they be sued into the ground by angry customers and by the families who ended up with fatalities due to shoddy manufacturing. This court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Stop skimping on the cars. We have metal on the space shuttles that can go around the moon and withstand temperatures up to 20,000 degrees. You mean to tell me you don't think you can make a KMW Pacifica where the f-cking bumper doesn't fall off?!] [Option 1 = New safety regulations require all cars manufactured in <Nation> to be bombproof (Civil Rights +10, Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = <Nation>-made cars tend to catch fire in people's driveways (Economy +4); Option 3 = the nationalized auto industry is adept at making durable little cars nobody wants to drive (Economy +3, Income Tax +1); Option 4 = heavy industry grinds to a halt as new equipment must be biked in (Economy -15).] #081: Close Encounters Of The Sci-fi Kind? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation we find that UFOs are neither considered a threat to the country, nor are they a necessity to start a SETI program. We do not mind funding Observatories and Radio Telescopes for the furtherance of science, but otherwise it's a waste of money. From a religious point of view we find that although we believe there to be other worlds out there in the vastness of space, as the Bible teaches, there is no reason for these races to come and visit us while the Great Controversy between God and Satan rages on this planet. This court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = UFO sightings are listed daily in the morning news (Economy +4, Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = birds and children's kites are regularly brought down by anti-aircraft fire (Economy +1); Option3 = X-Files ratings have hit an all-time low (Income Tax +1%).] #324: "Tourism Tanking!" Trumpet Tabloids WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a new generation of aquariumless hotels are being built under government supervision (+1% Income Tax, +1 Economy, -21 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +1 Eco-Friendliness, +11 Employment, +4 Environmental Beauty, -1 Happiness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Income Equality, +1 Lifespan, +0.3 Most Pro-Market, -1 Obesity, -0.1 Rudeness, +8 Tourism, -3 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -1 Wealth Gaps; -1% Old Age deaths, -2% Cancer, +3% Heart Disease; +3% Commerce/Industry, +1% Environment, -2% Education, -1% Welfare, -1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; -1.8% Unemployment Rate, +1% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [OOC: An interesting way to boost tourism and the environment, but as long as it decreases the unemployment rate I'm not going to argue.] [Option 2 = visitors to the famed rainforests are instead taken to vast furniture factories (Economy +2, Income Tax -2%); Option 3 = online tourism reviews of <Nation> are suspiciously positive and amazingly similar.] #142: Roads Like Roller Coasters, Complain Motorists WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all streets are privately owned toll roads (-2% Income Tax, -0.032 Authoritarianism, -47 Averageness, +9 Employment, -1 Environmental Beauty, +1 Happiness, +1 Ideological Radicality, -9 Income Equality, +1 Beverage Sales, +1 Furniture Restoration, +2 Information Technology, +2 Mining, +1 Pizza Delivery, +1 Retail, +1 Lifespan, +1.8 Most Pro-Market, +13 Obesity, -2 Pacifism, -4 Public Transport, +0.9 Rudeness, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +1 Tourism, +2 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +9 Wealth Gaps, +1 Weaponization; -3% Old Age Deaths, -1% Acts of God, +2% Heart Disease; +1% Private Sector, -1% Public Sector). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We propose that the streets

on Langedom and Groote Eylandt are going to be maintained by the respective governments. If those governments decide to hire out roads to companies, these companies will only be domestic B-corporations. The money stays in the Kritarchy Kolumbes. However, the roads on the rest of the islands will be private roads under the various estates. Consequently, the Greater and Lesser Houses, as well as the municipalities, will create trusts for road maintenance & repair and create excise taxes in their domains to allocate funds towards those trusts and have those taxes collected by their own revenue service. That way efficiency is maintained and control is kept within the hands of the Houses and Estates.] [OOC: Yay, this is what I like to see. I booming economy and a low unemployment rate. Now, if it would only balance my trade budget.] [Option 1 = Roads are often attended by round-the-clock construction crews; Option 2 = The roads are virtually falling apart.] #112: Put The Phone Down On Cold Calling? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As we have stated before, as annoying as cold calls and door-to-door salesmen can be, it is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to infringe on the livelihood of the people. Get a caller ID and a no-calling list for your phones and door spy holes before opening the door. It is best for the people to handle this in private, without the need of violence. End of discussion. Period! This issue is dismissed for inability to provide remedy. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = a ban on unsolicited cold calling in all forms is in effect; Option 2 = door-to-door salesmen are frequently beaten up by 'vigilantes'.] #210: Going Postal WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, urban high-volume mailers now receive their mail via chauffeur-driven limousines (-1% Income Tax, -0.008 Authoritarianism, -32 Averageness, +4 Employment, -1.50 Environmental Beauty, +1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Income Equality, +1 Arms Manufacturing, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, +1 Basket Weaving, +1 Gambling, +2 Insurance, +1 Retail, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +0.4 Most Pro-Market, +6 Obesity, -2 Pacifism, +0.2 Rudeness, +1 Agriculture, +1 Manufacturing, +0.50 Tourism, +0.50 Toxicity, +2 Wealth Gaps, +1 Weaponization; -1% Old Age Deaths, +1% Heart Disease; +1% Private Sector, -1% Public Sector); +1% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -0.14% Unemployment Rate). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: The Kolumban Post Office will always exist. We have postal treaties with other nations and we are a member of the Universal Postal Union. We can't just abolish and disband the Kolumban Post Office and annul those treaties. Likewise, we cannot operate on the international level without a public forum and cutting of our nation from other nations who deal with us in commerce. We do not mind if there are other shipping companies, and we do not mind to create a public service company and reorganize part of the Post Office to that Postal Service. The Postal Service can always hire out part of their postal routes to independent contractors to decrease costs. This way we'll allow for the largest amount of created work positions whilst keeping the amount of costs down. Court stands adjourned.] [IC - Statement of the Director of Finance to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is with great pleasure that I can announce to His Serene Magnanimity, as well as the Landsraat that we have not only managed to balance our trade balance, but we have also achieved a net of $1,373,326,464.00.] [Option 2 = postmen have been arrested in job lots for selling junk mail as home insulation (Economy +7, Income Tax +2); Option 3 = the government has recently relinquished its hold on the postal service (+1% Income Tax).] #297: Intersex Athletes Demand Level Playing Field WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the 'kind of scrawny' 500 meter hurdle is a popular event (+2 Civil Rights, -28 Averageness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +4 Nudity, +1 Recreational Drug Use, -2 Social Conservatism, +1 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths; +1% Private Sector, -1% Public Sector). [OOC: Although making people of the same skill level compete against each other is fair, that does not necessarily mean that those competitors are actually going to enjoy it. It's ego

boosting, but the winner of the lowest category is still pretty much the #1 Loser. It just means that the winner of a certain skill level must be upgraded to compete with those of a higher level by the end of the season.] [Option 1 = muscular women are banned from competing in sporting competitions; Option 3 = people are now classified as male, female, or genderqueer???; Option 4 = hairdressers are among those who have disappeared overnight.] #098: Police Want More Than Shiny Badge WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We applaud the peace officer and his training in being able to apprehend the criminal with a mere tin can. However, our records show that the crime rate of our country is so low that we are dealing mostly with petty crimes and misdemeanors. This shows how safe our country really is. I applaud my fellow Christians for living according to God's law. Truly, obeying the 10 Commandments is the law of liberty and our safe society is the direct result of that. If the House Guards wish to increase their funding, we suggest that they take it up with their patres familias. If the private police forces wish more funding, we suggest that they provide better services and community outreach to those whom they protect. The funding of Magistracy and Landsraat police forces are within the norm. This court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Is it me or does Option 2 sound a lot like Judge Dredd and Demolition Man?] [Option 1 = ???; Option 2 = police officers are seen patrolling the streets armed with satelliteguided truncheons; Option 3 = the police have been reduced to using duct tape instead of handcuffs following further cutbacks.] #208: Mine Collapse Rocks Kritarchy Kolumbes WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the populace: My fellow Kolumbans, we are as much in shock concerning the incident and we grieve with the families of those 100 buried workers. As we speak, government forces have been mobilized to establish if there have been any survivors and to establish rescue operations. The Eparchs, mine owners, and inspectors who have let this situation occur will be punished to the fullest extend of the law.] [OOC: We already have tough mining regulations. We need more mining inspectors and provide them with enough salary and benefits to not make them able to be bribed. Likewise, we need to audit and inspect the company books and provide for whistle-blower safety so that this doesn't happen again.] [Option 1 = mining safety laws are often more expensive than what's being mined (Civil Rights +3); Option 2 = mining is the nation's most dangerous occupation (Economy +4, Income Tax -1%).] #114: Wipe Out Graffiti? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Whatever people wish to do to their own houses is up to them - like covering them in graffiti and calling it art. However, if you start spraying on other people's houses without their permission and it costs thousands of Scillings to have their place repainted, that's called damaging of property and against the law. Granted, there is a certain artistic aspect to graffiti and the use of spray cans, but those are best expressed at our art galleries and schools of art. Consequently we should provide funding to channel a destructive habit into something more constructive and beautiful. If it's a matter of decorating houses, we should also encourage the teaching of Lftlmalerei, or "Lftl frescoes." Otherwise it would behoove the several neighborhoods to actually start adopting walls and have them already covered in art and protect those pieces from vandalism.] [Option 1 = graffiti artists spend lengthy periods of time in jail (Civil Rights -2); Option 2 = graffiti graces every city's streets (Civil Rights +1).] #146: Evolution: Truth Or Witchcraft? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, biology and religious education classes have recently been merged (+1% Income Tax, +7 Averageness, -2 Godlessness, +2 Religiousness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization; +1% Acts of God, -1% Heart Disease; -1% Commerce/Industry, +1% Education, +1% Spirituality; +1% Public

Sector, -1% Private Sector; +0.01 Unemployment). [OOC: I was tempted towards Option 4, but then Evolution is a religion as well. But it's not like that you can't make people think very hard about the subject. You only need to watch Walter Veith's The Genesis Conflict, then Kent Hovind's series on disproving evolution, and top it off with Roger Morneau's A Trip into the Supernatural. :P] [Option 1 = it is mandatory to learn evolution in schools; Option 2 = the teaching of evolution has been banned; Option 4 = children are sent to either religious or secular schools.] #281: Free Internet For Kritarchy Kolumbes? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, students abandon classrooms for online education (+1% Income Tax, +39 Averageness, +1 Business Subsidization, +1 Government Size, -1 Ideological Radicality, +2 Income Equality, +1 Information Technology, -0.4 Most Pro-Market, -2 Obesity, -0.2 Rudeness, +6 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, -5 Toxicity, -2 Wealth Gaps, -2 Weaponization; +1% Education, -1% Welfare; +2% Public Sector, -2% Private Sector). [IC - We are always happy to fund education; our children are our future and learning is a lifelong experience both for personal and business reasons. Not only will this create more online and correspondence programs, but this way we will especially be able to assist the homeschoolers and those people who live in rural areas. We would like to remind the people that free, albeit limited, internet service is provided at the public libraries. The colleges and universities provide day-passes for internet usage to the public as well. Indeed, many malls, lodging establishments, and other businesses already provide free wireless internet connections as a matter of customer service. We have said before that a niche market for cybercafs/internet cafs, or internet kiosks, would be welcome to provide affordable, low-fee means for the public to access the Internet. Consequently, they could serve as a primary form of Internet access for citizens as a sharedaccess model to make things more affordable than personal ownership of equipment and/or software. Even LAN gaming centers could be a target market. My people, you do not need the government for everything.] [OOC: I was so tempted to go for Option 3, until I found the result of it. I managed to switch my choice in the last minute. That's a corrupt corporate option and just plain sneaky >(. My statement above is a utilitarian market choice for a potential Option 5.] [Option 1 = the internet has been placed under government control; Option 2 = Students abandon classrooms for online education; Option 3 = internet service is too costly for normal people to purchase; Option 4 = Electrocution deaths among computer technicians are at an alltime high.] #058: Violent Violetists Demand Blood! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a crusade against barbaric religious practices has begun (+1% Income Tax, +2 Averageness, +1 Godlessness, +1 Law Enforcement, -1 Religiousness, +4 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization; -1% Acts of God; +1% Law & Order, -1% Healthcare). [OOC: An increase in Godlessness and decrease in Religiousness for not allowing people to be sacrificed? WTF?!] [Option 1 = homeless people are periodically found dead upon altars to assorted deities (Civil Rights +5, Income Tax -1); Option 2 = The Daily Sacrifice" is a routine segment of morning news shows (Civil Rights -7); Option 4 = the government pours millions of CURRENCY into rehabilitation programs annually (Income Tax +2%).] #288: Super-Sized Pizzas Recipe For Disaster? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government props up questionable pizza establishments in the name of health (+2% Income Tax, +8 Averageness, +1 Business Subsidization, +2 Employment, +0.106 Health, +2 Obesity; -1% Old Age deaths; -1% Education, -1% Spirituality, +1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [OCC - Not good enough. Not only does it need to be organic ingredients with whole grain, but we need a vegan alternative as well. That way you'll totally find a niche, man. Lots of people dig that stuff, man. You got to, like, fight the corporations, bro.] [Option 1 = ???; Option 2 = overweight people receive reparations checks from fast-food chains; Option 3 = a typical fast food menu item could serve a small army.] #308: Over, Under or Through?

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, island residents must resort to canoes and sailboats to get to work (-2% Income Tax, -5 Averageness, -1 Defense Forces, -1 Ecofriendliness, +10.75 Environmental Beauty, -0.106 Health, -1 Information Technology, -1 Insurance, -1 Retail, -2 Obesity, +1 Pacifism, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, -1 Safety, -1 Agriculture, +9.75 Tourism, -9.75 Toxicity, +4 Weather, -1 Welfare; -2% Cancer, +2% Heart Disease, +1% Old Age deaths; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [OOC: Oh c'mon, we are an island nation after all. We still have the ferries, too - they're just not being overloaded. Every freeman will have a sailboat or motor-powered ship of some kind.] [Option 1 = <Nation> Barrier Island residents anxiously await their 'Bridge to Somewhere'; Option 2 = the ABI Channel Tunnel project is plagued by delays; Option 3 = commuter vessels have trouble staying afloat due to increased passengers.] #069: Power Problems Need Bright Solution WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - With all due respect, we already have a clean-coal power plant. We need to expand into tidal power, hydro-electric power, as well as providing affordable solar and wind power generators and micro-hydro power generators to the populace. Let the people start energy cooperatives and let's see what their business acumen can bring forth at little cost to us. We would be willing to provide a nuclear reactor for a university, as long as that reactor is placed on a separate island away from major population areas.] [OOC: Wind generators and solar energy are an eyesore and should only be attached to individual housing units. Otherwise solar power needs to be put in the desert and wind farms on mountains or out at sea. Coal power plants are stable, but dirty, and need the proper filters to only release non-toxic vapors. After the Fukushima incident, only a fool would have a nuclear power plant in his country. Such stuff belongs in a university to teach nuclear engineering and on battleships out in the middle of the ocean.] [Option 1 = prime real estate is devoted to wind farms and solar energy generators (EcoFriendliness +2, Environmental Beauty +8, Lifespan +1, Tourism +3, Toxicity -5, Weather +4); Option 2 = vile black smog from coal power plants has enveloped several major urban centres (Environmental Beauty -15, Lifespan -2, Toxicity +11, Weather -7); Option 3 = protesters are up in arms over new nuclear power stations (Lifespan -4).] #059: Drunk Driving On The Rise WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is a sad instance when people have to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle. However, it is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to legislate morality. The reasons for such behavior are personal, societal, and peer-driven in nature. The Bible is quite clear that alcohol should only be imbibed if a man is dying, as to alleviate pain, and if he's horribly depressed and needs to think in silence. But overall we are told not to drink it, yea even look at it. History has shown that prohibition doesn't work and it is a futile waste of government funds. You will only make things go underground. It is especially hard to fight tradition and we have many of Germanic and Scottish background where beer is part of the culture. Still, there is a reason that we have non-profit humanitarian organizations and religious organizations to provide counseling programs. We encourage the populace to assist and donate to those. It is one matter to tell paid governmental drivers that if they drink and drive that they will be fined or even lose the privilege to do commerce on the roads - it's another to tell people who own their automobiles what they can and cannot do. We already have laws that say that violent criminals are put to death, and fatalities from drunk driving fit into that category. Therefore we do not have to address that issue again. The best we can do is provide advertising not to drink and drive, tell people to have designated drivers, and let the churches and families do the rest to keep people from not wanting to drink out of love and obedience to God. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = drunk drivers are sent to rehabilitation paid for by the government; Option 2 = drunk drivers are sentenced to death; Option 3 = all alcohol is banned.] #217: Healthcare Services Underfunded, Claim Patients WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: In the last couple of years, the Kritarchy Kolumbes and United Provinces has had a large influx of refugees, as well as our

own population growth to contend with when it came to balancing government services with the available budget. Like any national health program with socialized medicine, eventually a critical mass is reached that pushes the system to the edge before its inevitable collapse. If we were to merely raise taxes in order to counteract our country's natural population growth and the immigration rates, we will eventually end up with a tax rate equivalent to European countries where 75 percent to 100 percent of people's moneys are going to the State. As Lord Protector of the realm, I made a solemn promise to the estates and all inhabitants that it would not come to that. Since we already have an umbrella universal coverage policy where free health, dental and medical services are available within five miles of anybody in the nation, all-encompassing from homeopathy, nutrition, and preventative medicine, to surgery, and everything in-between, we already have one of the best medical systems in the world. I congratulate our medical specialists and our legislators for their foresight to put these into place. However, our two bodies politic are now faced with a tremendous task. We now have to worry about allocating funds to the current hospitals, providing for expansion of those facilities, while keeping costs reasonable, yet start encouraging private businesses to provide their own services at more cost-effective means. We propose that we start shifting our focus to the creation of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), with staff models where physicians are salaried and have offices in HMO buildings, group models where the HMO does not employ the physicians directly, but contracts with a multi-specialty physician group practice, and open-panel groups where a physician may maintain their own office and may see non-HMO members by contracting with an independent practice association. These we shall regulate at the Magistracy and Landsraat levels. Secondly, we should provide incentives to form healthcare cooperatives, health insurance cooperatives (cooperative entities that have the goal of providing health insurance and are also owned by the people that the organization insures), mutual insurance companies, as well as Worker-owned healthcare cooperatives and Independent Pharmacy Purchasing Cooperatives, as an alternative to a publicly-run healthcare system. The benefits of those include: keeping healthcare costs and insurance premiums affordable for consumers and small businesses, controlling the high cost of prescription drugs, helping community-owned, non-profit hospitals remain independent, improving the quality of home-based healthcare and assisted living, and helping small independent pharmacists compete with big box stores, thus allowing them to offer locally available prescription drugs. If we allow these people to also embrace electronic medical records and a collaborative model of primary care, it would allow the physicians to practice proactive medicine to investigate potential problems before they become real problems. The combined synchronicity of all these factors working together will immensely reduce the healthcare cost in the country. Unlike regular hospitals, physicians would be paid a salary and can earn bonuses of up to 20 percent for high-quality performance. Unlike most doctors, who are paid by the visit or procedure, they have little incentive to churn patients through and order unnecessary tests and operations, thereby keeping the costs down. Patients would be assigned a team of primary care practitioners who are responsible for their well-being. The medical practices, and insurance coverage decisions, would be driven by the companies own research into which drugs and procedures are most effective. By bringing the principles of a cooperative to bear, patients will feel responsibility for holding the system together and for their own health in the process. If we provide grants in this direction, and have the banks provide low-interest loans to boost the local economies, the amount of taxes we would need to increase would be kept low enough without creating too big of a stir. Let's get to it everyone.] [OOC: Healthcare is not an easy matter. There are many factors that work together and none of these options cut it.] [Option 1 = hospitals are run down while the rich pay for private treatment; Option 2 = the government is spending millions to provide full health care for all citizens; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = Red Cross demand for body bags are rising while sutures are decreasing??? (healthcare funding has been cut???); Option 5 = the NHS has recently been discontinued.] #030: Auto Industry Struggles Against Foreign Imports (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, punitive tariffs protect local industry (1% Income Tax, +6 Averageness, +3 Business Subsidization, +10 Employment, -1.25 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, -1 Taxation, -1.25 Tourism, +1.25 Toxicity; +2% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Welfare; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). #013: Too Much Yakking, Already, Say Delegation (repeat)

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #122: Pensioners In Protest WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, senior citizens can usually be found doing heavy manual labour (-2% Income Tax, -6 Civil Rights, +0.005 Authoritarianism, +8 Averageness, -2 Compassion, +4 Employment, -2 Niceness, -12 Nudity, -4 Pacifism, -1 Recreational Drug Use, +2 Rudeness, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +5 Social Conservatism, +4 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, -2 Weather, -6 Welfare; +1% Commerce/Industry, +2% Education, -3% Welfare, -1% Healthcare; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [OOC: I'm not usually a prick concerning the elderly, but I can't afford to increase my government size again and I need to cut costs for now. Although it may seem cruel some elderly do work - some by choice, others because they have to do so. However, we chose Option 1 before so the luxury suites in the retirement homes are still there. Plus I'm curious to see the effects of the 2nd option. :P] #060: Supreme Court Nomination (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the Supreme Court vehemently protects civil rights and the right to privacy (+8 Civil Rights, Political Freedoms from World Benchmark to Superb, +26 Averageness, -1 Business Subsidization, -2 Corruption, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-Friendliness, -2 Employment, +2 Environmental Beauty, +2 Freedom from Corruption, -0.004 Health, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Law Enforcement, +14 Nudity, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, +1 Recreational Drug Use, -0.199 Rudeness, -2.4 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -6 Social Conservatism, +2 Tourism, -1 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, +1 Welfare; +1% Commerce/Industry, +1% Administration; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; +0.03% Unemployment Rate, -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [OOC: This could've provided a good Civil Rights boost instead of me trying to rescue my Civil Rights rating. It's going to take a long time to get the taxes down and the Civil Rights back up...] #200: Birds, Bees, And Breeding Teens WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - It is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to provide sex education classes. Let the families handle that. At a young age you only need the equivalent of a plumbing class (aka anatomy) when it comes to reproduction. You don't have to go into too many details. Any marriage before the age of 18 requires a prenuptial agreement and permission from parents or guardians. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Well, maybe you should've thought about that first before you opened up your legs, you little skank. The boy is just as much at fault as you. But that doesn't mean he needs to go to the military. Any job will do, but some seem to go to the military either to get away from their mistakes or a guaranteed job.] [See Legislative History 7 for results.] #169: Western Bronze-Naped Pigeon Hunting Laws Under Dispute WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, main battle tanks stalk the woods of Kritarchy Kolumbes in search of Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons (+3 Averageness, -1 Compassion, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Rudeness, +3 Tourism, +1 Toxicity, -1 Weather; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [OOC: Oh common, I would've expected at least a boost in Civil Rights or Arms Manufacturing for all these negative impacts. This is a crappy choice except for role-playing purposes. Yeah, my people have the right to own battle tanks to keep the government in check. I might not be spending anything on my military yet, but we are not defenseless. :P] [Option 1 = the upper class have been throwing riots after hunting was recently banned; Option 2 = the nation is famous for having one of the world's largest<animal> hunting institutions; Option 4 = hunters have been known to lose limbs while attempting to 'play tag' with their prey.] #214: Voting For More Money WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Members of Parliament operate under a PAYE scheme (+3% Income Tax, +20 Averageness, -4 Corruption, +3 Defense Forces, +3 Eco-

friendliness, +6 Environmental Beauty, +4 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +0.411 Health, +2 Law Enforcement, +1 Lifespan, +3 Public Healthcare, +3 Public Transport, +7 Safety, +1 Taxation, +6 Tourism, -6 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +3 Welfare; +4% Public Sector, -4% Private Sector). [OOC: Why do I get the feeling that PAYE does not stand for Pay As You Earn...What does all that other stuff have to do with politician payment unless those are the direct result of their legislation to earn money?] [Option 1 = members of Parliament are often found living in cardboard boxes; Option 2 = politicians live in abject luxury???] #201: Jolly Roger Sighted Off The Port Bow! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's navy has been named the scourge of the seven thousand seas (+4% Income Tax, +5 Averageness, +3 Defense Forces, +2 Employment, -0.75 Environmental Beauty, +1 Information Technology, +1 Insurance, -1 Lifespan, +2 Obesity, -4 Pacifism, +12 Safety, +4 Safety from Crime, +1 Agriculture, +0.25 Tourism, -8.25 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -3 Weaponization; +4% Public Sector, -4% Private Sector). [IC - My fellow Kolumbans. We cannot allow any further attacks on our trade shipping. Our merchant navy is a mainstay of our import/export economy and the lifeblood of our island nation. We simply can't take airplanes everywhere. Consequently, I have authorized the mobilization of the Kolumban Navy and the People's Navy to combat these pirate attacks on our shipping lanes. May God protect us all.] [OOC: We can always give letters of marque later, but this provides a good reason to build up the military. :P Though it was tempting to create privateers to boost my civil rights rating, my economy is already strong enough. Aww, man, I would've expected a bigger boost to Defense Forces...Why don't I have an allocation towards Defense yet? Why do I still not have a military?!] [Option 2 = the government is frequently held to ransom by the increasing demands of bloodthirsty pirates (Economy +3, Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = the nation has become a pariah for giving pirates letters of marque (Income Tax -1%); Option 4 = piracy is the nation's most popular pastime (Civil Rights +2).] #248: The Sky Is Falling WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, bombs are permitted on planes for the 'security of the passengers' (-1% Income Tax, -1 Averageness, -2 Law Enforcement, -1 Pacifism, -8 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, -1 Tourism, +4 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization; +1% Spirituality, -2% Law & Order, +1% Education; +0.01% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: WTF! What has taking guns on the plane to do with taking bombs on the plane?! I should've just gone with Option 2 like I initially wanted. Didn't even get a boost to Civil Rights. >(] [Option 1 = frequent fliers are obliged to submit to invasive security procedures by government security (Income tax +1%, Law Enforcement +2, Safety +5.5, Safety From Crime +1, Toxicity -2, Weaponization -1); Option 2 = airport security is provided by private companies; Option 4 = the wreckages of bombed planes that litter NATION are highly popular tourist destinations (Civil Rights +5); Option 5 = aeroplanes have been converted into housing units after all air travel was outlawed (Economy -4).] #195: Right Of Way Or Wrong Of Way? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, large areas of Kritarchy Kolumbes are not accessible by the public (-1 Civil Rights, +1 Averageness, +12 Environmental Beauty, -0.329 Health, -4 Nudity, +4 Obesity, +1 Social Conservatism, +9 Tourism, -13 Toxicity, +3 Weather; -1% Old Age death; +0.28 Unemployment Tax, -2% Consumer Confidence Rate, -2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [Option 1 = public footpaths are being slowly eroded by the burgeoning number of ramblers (Civil Rights +10); Option 3 = all footpaths have tollbooths (Income Tax +1%).] #264: Not A Drop To Drink WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's newly-famous raindances to summon storms instead attract tourists from all over The United Provinces (+1 Averageness, -6 Environmental Beauty, -4 Godlessness, +4 Religiousness, -1 Agriculture, -3

Tourism, +6 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +2% Acts of God, -1% Heart Disease; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [OOC: Umm, wasn't this option supposed to raise tourism rather than decrease it? ] [Option 1 = fewer people are bathing as citizens must show ration stamps before they can turn on their faucets (Civil Rights -4); Option 2 = almost all of <Nation>'s water is piped into the country from abroad for exorbitant prices (Income Tax +1% (or 0 in smaller nations)).] #084: Compulsory Gun Ownership? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, gun ownership is compulsory (-9 Civil Rights, +0.028 Authoritarianism, +38 Averageness, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-Friendliness, +2 Environmental Beauty, +1 Government Size, -1 Happiness, +0.207 Health, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Law Enforcement, -14 Nudity, +4 Pacifism, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, -2 Recreational Drug Use, +10 Safety, +3 Safety from Crime, +7 Social Conservatism, +2 Tourism, -9 Toxicity, +109 Weaponization, +1 Welfare; +1% Public Sector, -1 Private Sector). [OOC: OH common! It will take forever to get Civil Rights back up. I should've gone with Option 2...] [Option 2 = citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns (Civil Rights +3); Option 3 = All guns must be registered (Civil Rights -2, Income Tax +2%, Eco-Friendliness +2, Defense Forces +2, Law Enforcement +2, Pacifism +36, Public Healthcare +2, Safety -4, Safety from Crime -2, Social Conservatism +1, Weaponization -23, Youth Rebelliousness -1).] #116: Soda Sales Hits New 'High' WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, 'Mountain Doobie' is widely regarded as the nation's favourite drink (-0.010 Authoritarianism, -31 Averageness, +7 Employment, +1 Happiness, -2.372 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, -3 Income Equality, +1 Beverage Sales, +0.6 Pro-Market, +23 Obesity, +0.3 Rudeness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -1 Toxicity, +3 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, -3 Weather; -3% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, +4% Heart Disease; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [OOC: Oh well, this won't be much different from how Coca-Cola initially was when it first began. Then they switched to the use of caffeine. Now we have the new energy drink craze. Of course, now I have to worry about Obesity.] [Option 2 = Drug distribution is tightly controlled by the government (Civil Rights -5, Economy -2, Income Tax +1, Business Subsidization -3, Ideological Radicality +1, Health +1, Lifespan +1, Law Enforcement +3, Pacifism +2, Recreational Drug Use -9, Safety +1); Option 3 = reports of attacks by bright purple sixty-foot high spiders have recently shot up (Civil Rights +6, Income Tax +1%, Employment -3, Health -1, Influence -1, Law Enforcement -4, Recreational Drug Use +48, Safety -2, Safety From Crime -3, Toxicity +5).] #189: Dangerously Cheesy (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1 = Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent (+1 Political Freedoms, -0.010 Authoritarianism, -29 Averageness, -1 Compassion, +2 Corruption, -2 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Cheese Exports, -3 Pacifism, -1 Political Apathy, +1.2 Rudeness, +0.4 Safety, +2 Toxicity, -1 Weather; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). #231: Jungle Fever WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 5: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has taken a 'sort it out yourselves' approach to fighting malaria (-0.077 Health, -1 Niceness, -2 Public Healthcare; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Healthcare, +1% Education). [IC - Insecticide covered mosquito netting, the planting of geraniums and lemon grass to keep away the mosquitoes. and the distribution of simple, home-made DDT manufacturing methods will create enough preventative methods in itself. To fight the malaria parasite, our medical advisers suggest the use of Alum, Chirayata, Cinnamon, Datura, Fever Nut, Grapefruit, Holy Basil, Lime & Lemon, an orange juice and water regimen, warm-water enemas, and cold pack applications to the whole body if infection has commenced. We expect our universities to start research on the uses of Enantia chlorantha, sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua), the bark of the cinchona tree, and various other African plant extracts and the acquisition and growing of those plants in the country to create more long-term remedies. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: This is a hard one. I'm stuck between Options 1, 3, and 5. Option 1 would work because

they did it in Serbia and it had good results. People could move away, but that doesn't really address the mosquito issue. Option 5 seems a bit cruel and hands-off, but has the potential for success through the private sector. ] [Option 1 = the government is financing an extremely costly war against malaria; Option 2 = rice shortages have risen after paddy fields were drained to combat malaria; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = DDT is used widely to repel disease-carrying insects; Option 5 = the government has taken a 'sort it out yourselves' approach to fighting malaria.] #072: Widening Buttocks Cause Movie Theater Havoc WA Category: New York Times Democracy Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, city sidewalks are crowded with overweight people (-1% Income Tax, -1 Government Size, -Health, -1 Lifespan, +8 Obesity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +4 Toxicity; +2% Healthcare, -1% Education, -1% Commerce/Industry, +0.001% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: Crap, the board did not safe the results. Alas, I can only remember so many items that were affected...] [Option 1 = citizens rise at daybreak every day for mandatory exercise; Option 2 = college students sell their most valuable possessions just to afford pizza; Option 4 = the state subsidizes liposuction.] #175:Is Kritarchy Kolumbes Too Promiscuous? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - It is not the duty of our bodies politic to police what is going on in people's bedrooms. However, God's law has a place within the bedroom. However, such matters belong under the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts, which can enforce the death penalty in that regard. Therefore we do not have to address this issue. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = adultery has been made a capital offence (Civil Rights -4, Income Tax +1); Option 2 = those found guilty of illicit affairs are jailed (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = <Nation> is notorious for its citizens' infidelity (Civil Rights +3, Income Tax -2%).] #027: Cash for Colons WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys (+5 Civil Rights, switch from All-Consuming to Frightening Economy, -0.016 Authoritarianism, -1 Averageness, +3 Employment, +0.68 Health, -3 Income Equality, +1 Lifespan, +0.6 Most Pro-Market, +10 Nudity, -5 Obesity, +1 Recreational Drug Use, +0.3 Rudeness, -4 Social Conservatism, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +3 Wealth Gaps, +2 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths). [Option 2 = organ donation rates have hit a new low (Income Tax -1%, Economy -13).] #275: Wiki Worries WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The Kritarchy Kolumbes City Times is sold out (+3 Civil Rights, +1 Political Freedoms, -0.006 Authoritarianism, -59 Averageness, +2 Ideological Radicality, +1 Book Publishing, +4 Nudity, -4 Political Apathy, +0.201 Rudeness, +0.6 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +4 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector; -0.87 Unemployment Rate, +2% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [Option 2 = popular websites like NationStates are blocked for "national security" (Economy +1, Political Freedoms -12); Option 3 = the Ministry of Truthiness now manages the entire media industry (Civil Rights -1, Economy -2, Political Freedoms -16, Income Tax +2%).] #225: Prayer In Public Schools? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Begone from me, you hypocrites. Prayer is a personal matter, but if you ban God from the schools you'll soon banish him from the courts as well. ] [Option 2 = children of nonreligious parents are often barred from school festival events; #150: Bug 'em All, Say Police WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Only if you have enough evidence that requires the issuance of a court warrant to have the

phone line tapped. Innocent until proven guilty. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: There's no middle ground in this issue.] [Option 1 = phone taps are frequently carried out by the police (Civil Rights -4); Option 2 = it is illegal for police officers to carry out searches due to strict privacy laws (Civil Rights +6, Income Tax -1%).] #094: Computer Users Fed Up With Heaps of Spam! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, computer users are buried daily in thousands of unsolicited emails (-2 Civil Rights, +31 Averageness, -1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Nudity, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Social Conservatism, -3 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -2 Weather; -1% Old Age deaths, -1% Healthcare). [IC - As annoying as spam is, it does serve advertising purposes. It behooves Internet service providers (ISPs) to provide better spam filters, and it helps the software industry for people to buy better spam filters. If the product is not working to specifications, then return it for a refund. Unless there's an actual claim for fraudulent spam, it is not our duty to interpose either our bodies politic or our courts in business affairs.] [OOC: What a stupid issue. It would've been better just to dismiss this. Maybe there's a different category of government that provides a Civil Rights boost?] [Option 1 = the government spends millions of <currency>s every year prosecuting spammers; Option 3 = the government is making attempts at curtailing the flood of spam emails with little progress.] #051: Streaker in Snooker Game Fiasco WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - My people, don't do these immoral things. We provided nude beaches and allowed private nude clubs for a reason, in order to prevent such things from happening and for the naturists and streakers to relieve these urges. As it is not the duty of our two bodies politic to legislate morality, we encourage the churches to properly teach and discipline their congregations to restore the moral fortitude of our society. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = naturists are jailed regularly for indecent exposure; Option 2 = streakers swamp all public events in order to bare it all.] #053: Orbital Armageddon? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the space program has been scrapped in order to focus on more terrestrial pursuits (+1% Income Tax, +2 Political Freedoms, -0.006 Authoritarianism, -25 Averageness, +2 Corruption, +2 Eco-Friendliness, +18 Environmental Beauty, -2 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Government Size, -1 Happiness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Lifespan, +1 Political Apathy, +0.199 Rudeness, -2.6 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +8 Tourism, -5 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization; +1% Lost in Wilderness; -1% Industry, +1% Environment; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [IC - We agree. Space is nice, but our future investments in it should be in regards to asteroid mining. Why do we seek to conquer Space when 7/10 of our world remains to be explored? Why explore space when over 71 percent of the Earth is covered by oceans? We are bound to find minerals to mine underwater to fuel our economy. Our exploration and colonization of the oceans will be far more profitable and easier to accomplish, and the best hope for our nation, given that we are a confederation of islands. We are bound to be stepping on the toes of other nations sooner or later, whether politically, doctrinally, or geographically. However, the Pope does not claim the bottom of the seas as his by discovery and conquest, which will be a legal loophole we can exploit to our advantage.] [OOC: That was an expensive political freedoms boost. Talk about increasing crime and governmental corruption. I didn't even want to scrap the space program - just to put it on hold.] [Option 1 = billions of <currency> are being blown on orbital weapons development; Option 2 = Space research funding has hit a recent high while several military bases are being closed down.] #002: Reclaim The Streets! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #067: Likely To Secede WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are remarkably well involved in the political process (+2% Income Tax, +8 Averageness, +1 Corruption, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-Friendliness, +2 Environmental Beauty, -1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Happiness, +0.038 Health, +1 Law Enforcement, -3 Political Apathy, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, +0.1 Rudeness, +1.2 Safety, +2 Tourism, -2 Toxicity, +1 Welfare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [Option 1 = territories have the right to secede if they aren't happy; Option 2 = the nation's diplomatic missives are now delivered via sniper rifle???; Option 4 = a spate of enforced closures has left 'Government FM' as the nation's only radio station???] #168: Kritarchy Kolumbes Plagued By STD Epidemic! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - I suggest we provide free testing kits to people who want to make sure they don't have it, we import Dr. Bob Beck devices and hand them out to the hospitals, we also need to get these people on nutrient-rich foods to boost the immune system. Start a program for the poor to sell their breast milk and administer that to the infected with their food. Mother's milk has natural VODAIS inhibitory and virus-killing properties. Have the churches reinforce abstinence because it is part of Christian doctrine, but the government has nothing to do with that. You have your orders.] [OOC: Education is good, but condoms don't necessarily help stop the spread of sexuallytransmitted diseases. Abstinence programs don't work. Teenagers have raging hormones and the only way you can keep that in check is chaperones and keeping the teenagers busy. Putting people in internment camps is not only cruel, but will only spread and worsen exposure to the disease.] [Option 1 = the government has undertaken a massive education and health program to combat VODAIS; Option 2 = people have to sneak out of the country in order to have sex (Civil Rights -2, Happiness -2, Averageness +18); Option 3 = otherwise healthy people are being sent to internment camps because they have VODAIS (Civil Rights -5, Income Tax -2%).] #147: Military Budgets Up For Approval WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation's massive battleships are often mistaken for islands (+1% Income Tax, +7 Averageness, +4 Defense Forces, -0.75 Environmental Beauty, +1 Mining, +1 Pizza Delivery, +1 Retail, +2 Obesity, -13 Pacifism, +6 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, +1 Manufacturing, +0.25 Tourism, -4.25 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization, [OOC: Hooray! We finally got the other military issue. Hopefully we'll soon have more able-bodied people placed into the military to decrease our unemployment rate.] [Option 1 = army rations are served on silver platters; Option 3 = the nation's gigantic air force is both respected and feared; Option 4 = most of the military's funding goes into researching space-age weaponry; Option 5 = military service is compulsory???; Option 6 = the military frequently holds bake sales to raise funds.] #118: Need For Speed? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the roads are notorious throughout the region for their peril (-1% Income Tax, -5 Averageness, -12.5 Environmental Beauty, -0.562 Health, -2 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, +8 Obesity, -2 Public Transport, -5 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -12.5 Tourism, +14.5 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization, -6 Weather; -1% Old Age, +1% Heart Disease, -1% Lost in Wilderness; -1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Law & Order, -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [Option 2 = the average commuter spends four hours a day driving to and from work (Civil Rights -6); Option 3 = motorists' locations are constantly tracked by intelligence and law enforcement agencies (Income Tax +1%, Safety +2).] #026: Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #032: One Wife Is Never Enough, Say Polygamists (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness)

[IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is not the duty of our two bodies politic to get involved in people's marriages. We do not endorse Mormonism, neither are we going to say that divorce is illegal as there are plenty of reasons - like infidelity - that allow divorce. That is a matter for the ecclesiastical courts and between the patres familias, the herbu, and the families. We are not going to infringe on the customary rights of the people or the precepts of God.] [OOC: These repeats are getting old.] [Option 1 = polygamy is legal; Option 2 = the institution of marriage is held sacred and strictly enforced; Option 3 = there have been reports of people marrying housepets.] #146: Evolution: Truth Or Witchcraft? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Don't want another income tax boost and small religiousness boost from Option 3. As much as I'm tempted to see the result of Option 4 it's not going to happen right now because the income tax hike looks to be even worse.] #166: Vote for None of the Above? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates (+1% Income Tax, +2 Political Freedoms, -0.005 Authoritarianism, -25 Averageness, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Political Apathy, +0.201 Rudeness, +3.4 Safety, +1 Toxicity). [Option 2 = voters must frequently select what they view as the lesser of two evils on the ballot.] #272: Slow Down, Youre Going Too Fast WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = ???; Option 2 = cars speed down national highways while drivers sleep at the wheel; Option 3 = bicycle parking sheds sprout like mushrooms near rail stations after cars are banned.] #038: Kritarchy Kolumbes Looks to the Stars (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation's first space rocket -sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed (+2 Income Tax, -14 Averageness, +2 Defense Forces, +2 Eco-Friendliness, +6 Employment, +2 Environmental Beauty, +0.066 Health, +1 Arms Manufacturing, +2 Law Enforcement, +3 Obesity, -13 Pacifism, +2 Public Healthcare, +2 Public Transport, +2 Safety, +5 Tourism, -4 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization, +1 Weather, +2 Welfare; +1% Heart Disease, +1% Administration). [OOC: Well, I have to start it up again. I did scrap my space program at one point. I hate the rampant increase in income taxes though. Interesting that the results are different from the last time...] [Option 1 = "billions of <currency>s are being poured into a space program (-Economy, +4% Income Tax); Option 3 = religious classes are compulsory for all school students.] #074: Kritarchy Kolumbes's Racers Growing Fast And Furious Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the Kritarchy Kolumbes Automotive Racing Series draws millions of spectators annually while those near the tracks complain about the noise (+1% Income Tax, -2 Averageness, -13.25 Averageness, +1 Beverage Sales, +3 Obesity, +1 Political Apathy, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -11.25 Tourism, +10.25 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -4 Weather, -1 Youth Rebelliousness). [Option 2 = police spend their Saturday nights breaking up illegal street races.] #041: Software Giant Stomps on Competition WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = small businesses are gobbled up almost daily by corporate giants (Economy +9, Income Tax -1%); Option 2 = the government has begun breaking all large businesses into thousands of mom-and-pop general stores (Economy -6, Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = citizens frequently whisper of the Internet as 'the domain of the devil' (Economy -6).] #092: Kritarchy Kolumbes Officials Needled About Mandatory Vaccinations WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the state pays for care of easily preventable illnesses (+1% Income Tax, -7 Averageness, +2 Employment, +1 Government Size, -0.835 Health, +16 Obesity, +4 Public Healthcare, -2 Toxicity, +2 Welfare; -1% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, +2% Heart Disease; -2% Commerce/Industry, +2% Healthcare, -1% Spirituality, +1% Welfare, -2% Education; +1% Public Sector). [Option 1 = people faint regularly as they get stuck with compulsory vaccinations; Option 3 = only vaccinated citizens may have free healthcare.] #246: Kritarchy Kolumbes To Hold The Olympic Torch? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, organised sports are frowned upon as frivolous (-1% Income Tax, switch from Frightening to All Consuming Economy, +6 Averageness, -1 Business Subsidization, -2 Employment, -0.434 Health, -1 Lifespan, +8 Obesity, -2 Tourism, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +2 Weaponization, -2 Weather; +1% Education, +1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [OOC: Argh, that's not exactly what I wanted. I should've dismissed this...] [Option 1 = @@RANDOMNAME@@ successfully hosted the @@REGION@@ Olympics (Economy +11, Income Tax +2%, Obesity -6, Tourism +12, Youth Rebelliousness -2); Option 3 = the importance of winning Olympic gold medals is indoctrinated from an early age (Economy +8, Income Tax +2%); Option 4 = chess hooliganism is on the rise after the banning of organised sports (Economy -5, Income Tax -1%).] #311: Victims Demand Their Pound of Flesh (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy [OOC: Yeah, we're not going to change our mind on this issue.] Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, murder victims' families receive windfall payouts when the murderers are executed (+1 Compassion, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +0.222 Health, -4 Obesity, +3 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +1 Safety, -1 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #055: Bigtopian Protesters Cry For Full Integration (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #063: Tykes With Tools? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #325: Blazing Through the Paper Trail WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, 1% of global paper production is bound for the National Archive (+2 Employment, -0.50 Environmental Beauty, -0.50 Tourism, +0.50 Toxicity). [OOC: Time to try to boost my economy again after the wrong choice with the Olympics issue.] [Option 1 = the bonfire of the old paper records can be seen for miles around <Nation> City; Option 3 = the National Archive now covers square miles of warehouses in order to accommodate its new stone tablets system.] #133: When Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons Attack! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Birds are going to defend their nests, so just stay away from them as best as possible. You don't need our permission to shoot one if your life is at risk - that's just common sense. If they become a viable pest, we'll address this issue again. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = ANIMALs deemed dangerous to the public are shot and hanged by the town hall as a warning to others; Option 2 = the government funds large training centres to turn <Animal>s into functioning members of society; Option 3 = expensive lawyers are hired to defend citizens in court for public urination charges against their pets; Option 4 = <Animal>s are frequently shot for looking at people 'in a funny way.'] #039: Scandal Rocks Kritarchy Kolumbes's Government! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, government officials are held to the highest standard of morality (-4 Averageness, +6 Freedom from Corruption, -4 Godlessness, +4

Religiousness, +6 Safety, +1 Weather; -1% Old Age deaths; -1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Healthcare, +3% Spirituality; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [Option 1 = newspapers may not print any negative stories about the government (Economy -3); Option 2 = government officials are held to the highest standards of morality; Option 3 = government officials frequently cut taxes as a distraction from antics with their secretaries (Economy -1, Political Freedoms -2, Income Tax -1%).] #042: Turn Down That Racket, Say Morality Police Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #034: Don't Puff On Me, Say Non-Smokers WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - We'll allow establishments to choose whether they will be smoking or non-smoking. If you ban it in public areas you'll just annoy people and end up creating private clubs where people can light up. But this is not World War II - we don't need 8-year-olds smoking cigarettes. We should limit cigarette sales to 16-years of age because of the high rate of addiction of nicotine. Now if you want to grow tobacco yourself and roll a cigarette for you and your child in the privacy of your home, that's up to you.] [OOC: Like the problem is we just haven't noticed the warning on the cigarette packs, right? Doesn't matter how big the warnings are. You could have cigarettes that come in a black pack, with a skull and cross bones on the front, called "Tumors," and smokers would be lined up around the block going, "I can't wait to get my hands on these damn things! I bet you get a tumor as soon as you light up!" Doesn't matter how big the warnings are or how much they cost. Keep raising the prices, we'll break into your houses to get the damn cigarettes, ok!? They're a drug we're addicted, ok!? Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm *wheeze* The filter's the best part. That's where they put the heroine. Only us real good smokers know that secret. :P] [Option 1 = smoking is banned in public areas (Civil Rights -4); Option 2 = an underground movement of cigarette smokers has sprung up in response to a government ban (Civil Rights -4, Economy -1, Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = Eight year-olds can be seen lighting up in public areas (Lifespan -1).] #302: Delivering Mayhem In Thirty Minutes Or Less WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, city rooftops are pockmarked with the shattered remains of experimental delivery drones (+2% Income Tax, +1 Economy, -5 Averageness, +5 Business Subsidization, +10 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Insurance, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Lifespan, -6 Pacifism, +1 Taxation, -2 Weather; +3% Commerce/Industry, -2% Education). [Option 1 = many newspapers agree that the government's ban on cars to combat reckless driving was "a tad excessive"???; Option 2 = businesses have become paranoid as waves of lawsuits sweep the nation???; Option 4 = legions of police officers force people to move into massive urban apartments.] #167: Fluoride Controversy A Toothy Problem (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the public health bureaucracy is wrapped in miles of red tape (-4 Averageness, -0.399 Health, +9 Obesity; +2% Heart Disease, -1% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God; -1% Welfare). [OOC: Alright, this was a crappy choice. Didn't even decrease my income taxes. At least I know now what all three options now say.] [Option 1 = the people are famous throughout the region for their bleached-white teeth; Option 3 = most of the nation's wealthy aristocrats are dentists.] #001: Where's The Love Gone? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, divorce is illegal (-4 Civil Rights, +0.005 Authoritarianism, -1 Godlessness, -6 Nudity, -1 Recreational Drug Use, +1 Religiousness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +2 Social Conservatism, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather, -1 Youth Rebelliousness; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [OOC: Crap, I was thinking of another issue! Darn it to hell! This is contrary to our thinking in Issue 32! It will also take forever to get the Civil Rights rating back up.] [Option 2 = married couples must call each other "darling" or risk a fine; Option 3 = same-sex

marriages are increasingly common.] #164: Licence To Breed? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: I'm not going to choose Option 2 to get a boost in Civil Rights. That's just plain b.s. Is there an agenda here to push government involvement in everything. Whatever happened to grandparents, godfathers, and other members of the family helping out?] [Option 1 = citizens wishing to be parents must undertake a series of gruelling tests to evaluate their capabilities; Option 2 = almost half of the child population live rough on the streets; Option 3 = welfare funding has recently gone through the roof.] #181: Radio Rebels Ruffle Government WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, 'The Anti-Government Hour' is a popular programme on many of Kritarchy Kolumbes's radio stations (+2 Civil Rights, Economy from All-Consuming to Frightening, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +2 Nudity, -2 Political Apathy, +0.100 Rudeness, -0.8 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -1 Social Conservatism, +2 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization; +1% Government Efficiency). [Option 2 = a spate of enforced closures has left 'Government FM' as the nation's only radio station (Civil Rights -4, Economy -2, Political Freedoms -9, Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = <Nation>'s airwaves are dominated by corporate-backed commercial radio (Political Freedoms +1, Income Tax +1%).] #104: Public Loudspeakers Shrill With Controversy (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are bombarded with advertising from their compulsory miniature radios (+1% Income Tax, -5 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +14 Employment, -3 Environmental Beauty, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, +1 Furniture Restoration, +1 Information Technology, +1 Pizza Delivery, +2 Retail, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Trout Fishing, +8 Obesity, -12 Pacifism, +1 Recreational Drug Use, +1 Agriculture, +1 Manufacturing, +1 Tourism, -1 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization; -1% Old Age deaths, +1% Heart Disease; +2% Commerce/Industry, -1% Healthcare; -0.03% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: What's with the drop in Pacifism and the rise in Obesity? Are my people suddenly becoming drugged-up, burger-eating, shotgun-wielding, bible-thumping, war-loving rednecks? This was supposed to help create jobs and help the economy.] #307: Derailing the Gravy Train (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, politicians are to be found scavenging bins at night to supplement their income (-1% Income Tax, Political Freedoms from Superb to World Benchmark, -0.005 Authoritarianism, +8 Averageness, -1 Corruption, -1 Defense Forces, -1 Eco-Friendliness, -2 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom of Corruption, -0.024 Health, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, +0.99 Rudeness, +1,2 Safety, -2 Tourism, +2 Toxicity, -1 Welfare; -1% Administration, -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [Option 2 = newspapers cannot report anything about politicians without their explicit consent.] #090: Organic Outburst WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all-natural foods are becoming a major fad (+12 Environmental Beauty, +0.397 Health, -1 Pizza Delivery, +1 Lifespan, -11 Obesity, +12 Tourism, -12 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +6 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Heart Disease; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [Option 2 = a survey of the nation's rivers and children has shown that pesticide levels are at an all-time regional high; Option 3 = people are moving into treehouses in record numbers (Economy -16).] #178: Free Press Too Free? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Tabloids are one thing, but blatant misinformation is another entirely. The Rectors of certain universities will include classes on journalistic ethics and standards. If a journalist looses his integrity one too many times, he or she is to be fired. If a newspaper has printed something

incorrect then the editors will print an apology and retraction concerning that article or face heavy fines (nevermind potential lawsuits for libel). What we really need is to keep the news organizations from getting too big and creating monopolies. Otherwise the news will become tailored to the wishes of shareholders and we have an undermining of checks and balances, and the real news never comes out. If a man wishes to have a printing press and put out his own broadsheet to spread what he thinks is important - that's up to him, and those that buy it. It doesn't matter if you see eye to eye with him, or whether you like what he has to say. Deal with it.] [OOC: Faux News, Communist News Network, National Bullsh-it Channel, American Bullcrap Central, British Bullying Corporation, and you other lame-stream media, pushing newstainment hogwash...I'm looking at you!] [Option 1 = reporters often lose their jobs over fact-checking errors (Civil Rights -4, Political Freedoms -3); Option 2 = truth is often impossible to tell from fiction on the evening news (Civil Rights +6, Political Freedoms +16); Option 3 = all news sources are under strict government control (Civil Rights -10, Political Freedoms -32, Income Tax +2%).] #021: Police Consider "Big Brother" Anti-Crime System (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #239: We Who Are About To Die Would Rather Go Home WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Ummm, yeah, we're not having any human sacrifices in this nation. Not by sacrificing homeless people on altars, criminals or willing gladiators. How about a 4th Option by using humanoid robots like in the movie "Real Steel?" People would pay good money to see that, as well as companies trying to outdo each other in robotics.] [Option 2 = it is a common belief that a sport isn't sport if there are no decapitations (Economy +3); Option 2 = badminton was recently banned due to 'unacceptable violence' inherent to the game (Economy -2); Option 3 = criminals are thrown to the <animals> to repay their debt to society (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax -3%).] #273: Is Our Children Learning? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, students cut up leftover Kolumban Scillings during Arts and Crafts (-1 Business Subsidization, -1 Defense Forces, -1 EcoFriendliness, -2 Employment, -4 Environmental Beauty, +1 Godlessness, -0.026 Health, +1 Intelligence, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, -1 Religiousness, +11 Safety, +4 Safety from Crime, -1 Stupidity, -4 Tourism, -4 Toxicity, -4 Weaponization, -3 Weather, -1 Welfare; -2% Commerce/Industry, +5% Education, -1% Administration, -1% Welfare, -1% Spirituality, -1% Healthcare). [Option 2 = rag-wearing teachers are often mistaken for homeless people; Option 3 = schoolchildren are manufactured into a segregated bunch of soldiers, religious zealots, and computer technicians; Option 4 = wealthy students ride to school past mendicant dropouts.] #317: Big Brother Is Watching You Surf WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, cyber-crime and tin-foil hat sales are both increasing at record rates (+2 Civil Rights, -28 Averageness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +4 Nudity, -6 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, +5 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [IC - This is not China. We neither censor the Internet nor are we in the business to snoop in on your private communications.] [OOC: You can't eradicate cyber-crime. You can only deter it. If somebody wants to make a duplicate of a copy-protected CD or strip the files off of it, there will be a program out there to do so. It's like trying to fight windmills. Peer-to-Peer file sharing is bound to happen and still a major source of all kinds of information distribution.] [Option 1 = Government popup ads are springing up like weeds; Option 3 = the recent ban on computers is causing havoc throughout the nation???] #102: For Whom The Road Tolls (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, new urban roads are threatening city

parks (-2% Income Tax, +9 Averageness, -3 Eco-Friendliness, -12.75 Environmental Beauty, -3 Public Transport, -2 Social Conservatism, -12.75 Tourism, +12.75 Toxicity; -2% Environment, +1% Healthcare; -2% Public Sector, +2% Private Sector). [OOC: Yeah, well, I had to get the taxes down.] [Option 1 = motorists must pay to enter inner-cities during peak hours; Option 3 = cars are banned from built-up areas.] #115: Kritarchy Kolumbes's Schoolchildren Not Learning The Lingua Franca WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages (-3 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +4 Employment, -1.5 Environmental Beauty, +1 Arms Manufacturing, +1 Basket Weaving, +1 Gambling, +1 Information Technology, +1 Insurance, +1 Mining, +1 Pizza Delivery, +1 Niceness, +4 Obesity, -3 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Manufacturing, +0.5 Tourism, -3.5 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather; +1% Education). [Option 2 = ???] #023: Uranium Deposit Promises To Enrich Kritarchy Kolumbes (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, tourists from around the world come to visit the country's famous rainforests (+1% Income Tax, -3 Averageness, +3 Eco-Friendliness, +37.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -1 Mining, -1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Lifespan, +3 Pacifism, +1 Taxation, +41.75 Tourism, -37.75 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +8 Weather; +1% Lost in Wilderness, -1% Heart Disease; +2% Environment, -1% Education, -1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #261: Plastic, Plastic Everywhere WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation's industries are scrambling to switch to biodegradable plastics (+1% Income Tax, -1 Averageness, +2 Eco-Friendliness, +14 Environmental Beauty, +14 Tourism, -14 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +1% Environment, -1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [OOC: Biodegradable plastics are a good idea, but we need more recycling centers to take care of the plastic bags made from cheap plastics. Now, having online stores that send groceries and other retail items to your home would be a nice niche to expand upon - especially given the current high Obesity score. :P] [Option 1 = shoppers have literally had their hands full since plastic bags were banned; Option 3 = scenic tours are unheard of after most environmental laws were abolished; Option 4 = the entire retail industry has been replaced by online delivery services.] #096: Water Supply Problems Becoming A Major Drain WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - No, the strategy has to be two-fold: 1) We need to provide water-saving technologies, and 2) We need more technologies to produce water. First we need to figure out ways on how to use less water, like for toilets, etc. Then we need to build more desalinization plants, we need to invest more research into combining hydrogen and oxygen without excessive energy requirement, we need technologies to recover water from the humidity in the air, we need technologies to recover water from urine, and provide for more rain-water collection technologies. By doing that we'll be helping the country in the long-run.] [Option 1 = wildlife near farms is slowly becoming extinct???; Option 2 = Major cities are suffering under water rationing; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = crooks and people with too many kids are being kicked out of the country???] #323: Get Teens out of MyFace? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #017: Corporations Demand Political Say (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #222: Terrorists Strike City Centre WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - We do not negotiate with terrorists. Since we know who did it we will set a bounty on their heads and send a small cadre of our special forces in to capture them. That way we get others interested to capture these criminals. No phone taps necessary. We don't need to turn our country into a police state by reacting on fear. Its best if we create an investigatory bureau to gather intelligence and perform background checks as a pro-active measure for tourists and foreign agents operating within the country. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = the armed forces are locked in an expensive and bloody war abroad to stamp out possible terrorists; Option 2 = phone taps are frequently carried out by the police; Option 3 = foreigners are treated with great suspicion???; Option 4 = The government seeks peaceful forum with terrorists; Option 5 = the government regularly crumbles to the demands of terrorists; Option 6 = the streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points.] #216: Eminent Domain: Inherent Right Or Daylight Robbery? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #085: Illegal File-Sharing Flares WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Copyrights are there to protect intellectual property in order for the artist to have the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, etc. The wars over Napster, other peer-topeer file sharing groups, the PirateBay etc. have been on-going since I was a boy. If u copyprotect the CDs then somebody will find or make a program to bypass it. If the government steps in then some college kid will be destroyed for life because of the fines. What we need is a way to make the works available in an open-source way, and to provide enough free outlets to spread the music in stores, libraries, and the internet to keep pirating to a minimum. The more exposure of a song, the more people are willing to acquire it legitimately. Our two esteemed bodies politic are not designed to get involved in these matters. If the artists can catch somebody in the act of pirating their work they have the right to prosecute them. Otherwise, just take the South Park approach of marketing. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = a cyber-war between file sharers and the music industry formats hard drives across the country; Option 2 = Copyright laws have been abolished (Civil Rights +6; Economy -5); Option 3 = CDs are regularly copy-protected (Economy -2, Income Tax +1).] #237: Tourists On Death Row (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's soft-touch approach to diplomacy has made it known as the 'push-over' of the region (+2 Compassion, +0.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Arms Manufacturing, -1 Information Technology, -1 Pizza Delivery, +2 Niceness, -2 Obesity, +9 Pacifism, -2 Rudeness, -0.25 Tourism, -1.75 Toxicity, +2 Weather). [OOC: I prefer Option 1, but let's see what the numerical results are for this option. I've made myself clear on my position the last time we got this issue. Yeah, this choice is really more for pacifistic nations who don't mind killing their economy.] #180: Mobile Maladies WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Far be it for us to be in the way of technological progress regarding this country, and it's not just the fact that mobile phones cause cancer by irradiating our brains. It's not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to say whether children can or should have cellphones for that is for the parents to decide. However, we can legislate that all cellphones must be sold with an earphone plug-in and special cases to shield against the radiation. Likewise, we can only erect mobile phone towers and masts in certain areas so that we do not interfere with our honey bee population. That way we can decrease part of the health problems and reduce the environmental impact, although cellphone prices will be slightly higher than elsewhere in the world. Is there a motion to put such a bill on the floor? Is there a second to the motion? Motion is carried. Please have the clerk set aside time for the next possible hearing. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: My Health rating is low enough as it is without falling for the trap of choosing Option 2.] [Option 1 = it is illegal to own a mobile phone; Option 2 = mobile phone masts are being erected all over the country; Option 3 = children have taken to using semaphore in light of the recent

mobile phone ban.] #312: The Empire Strikes First? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government is giving peace a chance (-1% Income Tax, -4 Averageness, -3 Defense Forces, +1 Influence?, +10 Pacifism, +1 Weather). [OOC: Oh man, this issue couldn't come at a worse time. Either I chose Option 2 and increase taxes and political freedoms, choose Option 3 to increase taxes and the military, or decrease taxes and my military. It never fails. Let's choose Option 4 and see what happens.] #191: Blood Banks Running Dry (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the poor are often seen pale and dizzy after selling their blood to make ends meet (-0.005 Authoritarianism, +2 Godlessness, +0.052 Health, +2 Public Healthcare, -2 Religiousness; -1% Spirituality, +2% Healthcare). [OOC: Pretty much the same results, just not as big of a Health boost compared to a LeftLeaning College State.] #285: A Right Not to Work? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, midnight pizza breaks are common among the work-from-home population (-1 Economy, +0.043 Authoritarianism, +46 Averageness, -22 Employment, +3.75 Environmental Beauty, -2 Ideological Radicality, +36 Income Equality, -1 Automobile Manufacturing, -1 Basket Weaving, -1 Furniture Restoration, -1 Gambling, -1 Insurance, -1 Mining, -2 Retail, -1 Lifespan, -3.6 Most Pro-Market, -25 Obesity, +16 Pacifism, -1.801 Rudeness, +12 Safety, +4 Safety from Crime, -1 Agriculture, -1 Manufacturing, -1.25 Tourism, -8.75 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -36 Wealth Gaps, -6 Weaponization, +4 Weather; +2% Old Age deaths, +1% Lost in Wilderness, -3% Heart Disease). [OOC: Well, we already know what Option 1 will do....And this choice royally sucks when it comes to your nation's economy. WTF, now I have to worry about needing to boost my individual economic categories again. Just can't get a break.] [Option 1 = emergency room admissions for 'stampede injuries' have skyrocketed since the introduction of weekly Sabbath Eve sales; police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down; Option 3 = retail stores offer sales every hour on the hour.] #318: Death Penalty on Death Row? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, criminals are put to death while cuddling their favourite teddy bear (+1% Income Tax, +1 Compassion, +1 Niceness, +3 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, -1 Toxicity, +1 Weather, +1 Welfare; -1% Commerce/Industry; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; +0.01% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: Well, most of the effects are the same, but there are definite differences between an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy and a New York Times Democracy. I guess I shall have to see the effects of Option 1 the next time around. You don't see many Hard Labor prison sentences anymore, but I'm sure that it can be done when it comes to an island nation.] [Option 1 = prisoners work-share to cut down rising costs of keeping them in jail; Option 2 = the populace lives in fear of painful execution for minor offenses; Option 4 = police officers have been re-kitted with designer uniforms and gold plated handcuffs; Option 5 = all judiciary cases are decided in the court of public opinion.] #009: Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons On The Dinner Table? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons are considered a delicacy (-2 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, -1 Compassion, +6 Employment, +1 Lifespan, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, +1 Agriculture, +1 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -1 Weather; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Spirituality, -1% Healthcare; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [IC - We have nothing against culling the large population of wild pigeons. Most of the population owns more than one pistol or rifle, so giving people a means to hunt for meat without a license will not create a problem to keep a check on the pigeon population. The problem is keeping a check on government expenditures when it comes to the inspection of marketed pigeon meat, dove cotes, pigeon coops and lofts. Industrialization always creates health risks, so we shall start

university factory farming projects of pigeons at 100,000 birds and have our eager Master and Doctorate students find a healthy yet efficient production median. We can market the white meat as a delicacy, and give the dark meat to our less fortunate members of society. Still, pigeon manure also makes for a decent fertilizer as long as it is properly composted first. Pigeon droppings are very high in nitrogen, so applying it directly to plants without composting can burn plants. Our agricultural industry will profit either way. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Hey, pigeons are considered clean meat despite their prolific breeding habits having the ability to turn them into a pest. However, this choice is only good if you're trying to create jobs otherwise it's pretty useless.] [Option 2 = a nation-wide cull of @@ANIMAL@@ is in effect; Option 3 = @@ANIMAL@@ is a protected species.] #130: Filibuster Bust-Up WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, legislation sometimes has to battle through weeks of filibustering to pass (+3% Income Tax, +1 Political Freedom, -0.010 Authoritarianism, -43 Averageness, +4 Corruption, +2 Defense Forces, +2 Eco-Friendliness, +4 Environmental Beauty, -4 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Government Size, +0.052 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, +2 Law Enforcement, -2 Political Apathy, +2 Public Healthcare, +2 Public Transport, +0.3 Rudeness, +1.6 Safety, +4 Tourism, -3 Toxicity, +2 Welfare; +1% Administration; +2% Public Sector, -2% Private Sector). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy: The minority has the right to have their opinions heard, but I want to hear solutions! If you start bickering like little children then I will treat you like children! If a bill comes before me that smells like crap, I will take that big, red pen of mine and change it until it smells like roses and send it right back to you. As long as I still serve as Kurmagnat and Lord Protector I shall make damn sure that this nation will not be undermined and I shall use my power to veto liberally if I have to do so! I do not have to explain to you that every bill is supposed to be about "one" issue, and "one" issue only! Can you blame a minority to speak up if that issue would step on their liberties and rights? If there is dissent then maybe the problem is that all of you didn't properly think the situation through! We will reconvene tomorrow - I'm too pissed off for justice to be served right now. *hits gavel on bench and tosses it in the corner* Court stands in recess!] [OOC: Politics can be such a frustrating thing. Especially when it comes to issues like these. But why is it that the stuff that's good for the little guys tends to jack of taxes, corruption, and everything else for that matter. A lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the direct political issue seems to sneak in. ] [Option 1 = The government is a clear-cut case of tyranny by majority (Civil Rights -6, Income Tax -3%); Option 3 = the government is forced to pander to the will of every fruitcake politician (Political Freedoms +10, Income Tax +4%); Option 4 = multiple polls have christened the newly-formed Filibuster Committee as "the least efficient government bureaucracy"???] #005: Child Casino Shock (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [Option 1 = gambling is outlawed; Option 2 = young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables.] #226: Expats Plea For Help In War-Torn Country (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: (+1% Income Tax, +3 Compassion, +1 Culture, +3 Niceness, +2 Obesity, +5 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +3 Safety, -3 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +1 Weather, +3 Welfare; -1% Education, +2% Welfare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector.) [OOC: Aww, man. Right now I feel like dismissing this issue because I'm trying to get the tax rate under control, but the other benefits are nice. Crap, it didn't record my previous dispatch. I had to try to remember most of the results.] #293: Maestro, Please (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, conductors wield diamond-encrusted batons to fit in with their freshly gilded surroundings (+1% Income Tax, +2 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, +2 Culture, +4 Employment, +1 Lifespan, -1 Unexpected Death Rate; +1% Old Age deaths; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1%

Private Sector). [OOC: Option 1 is not really desireable because of the tax hike but the majority of the effects are nice to have, especially the boost in culture. Although I'm itching to see the results of Option 4.] #097: Landfills Filling Up WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We propose to empty the landfills through a combination of processes: 1) Construction of recycling centers for reuse of materials; 2) Construction of plasma converters for: a) alloyed slag as construction materials and value-added products, b) combustible syngas generation which can be used in various applications, e.g. electric power and thermal energy generation, and c) hazardous waste removal; 3) Thermal depolymerization to turn pigeon, turkey and chicken entrails into crude oil; 4) Pyrolysis for biochar generation for fertilizers; 5) Anaerobic digestion for methane production for power generation; and 6) Trash incinerators for power generation. This way we not only create work for the population, but also lower overall energy cost and reduce pressure on local energy infrastructure and resources. All power plants will have the necessary filters to keep emissions low. Any carbon dioxide generated will be either pumped by pipeline to be used in oil exploration, or to be filled into pressurized tanks and used in the Hyponica greenhouses. Any trash that we cannot use ourselves will be sold to other countries to be eliminated or stored. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: And that's how you use technology efficiently and to the best effect to be more selfsufficient and help the population overall.] [Option 1 = space shuttles regularly launch rubbish into space; Option 2 = cities are engulfed by smog; Option 3 = many of the country's largest dumps can be seen from space; Option 4 = waste is frequently shipped to other countries.] #287: Demand Return of the King (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #175: Is Kritarchy Kolumbes Too Promiscuous? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #294: Ghost Riders on the Sly (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Already stated what I think of earmarks and riders. I can't afford another 3 percent tax increase right now although I'd love to put government corruption way down.] #248: The Sky Is Falling (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, airport security is provided by private companies (-2 Averageness, -2 Law Enforcement, -2 Safety; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). [IC- Knowing that everybody on the airplane is carrying a small-caliber weapon on the plane is a good deterrence for hijackers. We need air marshals as a matter of international formality in order to have a governmental figure to take a criminal off the airplane and extradite him into the hands of foreign law enforcement agents. Likewise, on Kolumban soil they can assist in placing a criminal before the nearest Kolumban judge or magistrate. Please remember though that every Kolumban citizen has the power of citizen's arrest. I'm not against creating more workplaces by having airport security because the airport and their Admiralty/Maritime Judge pays for that - but it is a "reactive" measure. By causing people to be afraid, you not only help the terrorists but also get people to give up their freedoms. If need be we can use bomb-sniffing dogs and ion mobility spectrometry to detect explosives. If they're hiding them inside their bodies - well, nothing that a search warrant and a body-cavity search can't cure.] [OOC: Well, Option 3 is a bust when it comes to game effects, and Option 1 does not seem to speak about air marshals. I wish Option 2 would've had more effects, but maybe that's because my Economy rating is so high. Or maybe because we are a New York Times Democracy.] [See results on Legislative History 5] #018: Citizens Struggle Under "Unfair" Tax Burden (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government is reining in public spending (-8% Income Tax, +42 Averageness, -3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-Friendliness, -8 Employment, -6 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Taxation, -2 Government Size, -0.181 Health, -3 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, +1 Political Apathy, -7 Public Healthcare, -3 Public Transport, -15 Safety, -4 Safety from Crime, -1 Taxation, -6 Tourism, +14 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +4 Weaponization, -7 Welfare; +3% Commerce/Industry, +1% Education, -2% Administration, -2% Welfare, +1% Spirituality, -1% Healthcare; -5% Public Sector, +5% Private Sector;+1% Government Efficiency, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate; -4% Unemployment Rate). [IC - My people, it is with a sad heart that we have to institute these budget cuts. The nation is drifting too close towards socialism, the government has gotten too big and we have a 41% tax rate that needs to be slashed. We will do our best to redirect people into other forms of work and provide for severance packages that will allow for re-training, but measures have to be taken lest our spending goes rampant. We ask for the help of each fellow man and woman, the churches, the cooperatives, and B-corporations to help with the rise of people that will be deprived of the governmental benefits which they had before. Let each one search their heart, as God leads them, to help those who are in need and otherwise can't help themselves. If we stick together as a nation and a people then you will find that you do not need the government to take care of everything. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: This one is a tough one, because on one side I need to decrease income taxes but on the other hand I want to increase Civil Rights. But I guess Option 1 will win today. We'll do Option 3 the next time around.] #281: Free Internet For Kritarchy Kolumbes? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, electrocution deaths among computer technicians are at an all-time high (-3% Income Tax, +1 Economy, -0.027 Authoritarianism, +21 Averageness, -1 Defense Forces, -1 Eco-Friendliness, +9 Employment, -2 Environmental Beauty, -0.025 Health, -1 Ideological Radicality, -9 Income Equality, -1 Law Enforcement, +1 Lifespan, +1.8 Most Pro-Market, +9 Obesity, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, +0.9 Rudeness, -1 Safety, -2 Tourism, +1 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +9 Wealth Gaps, -1 Welfare; -1 Lost in Wilderness, +1% Heart Disease; +1% Private Sector, -1 Public Sector; -0.3% Unemployment Rate, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [OOC: As much as I hate this option, because safety regulations are always required, I need to get the tax rate down. You would think that companies like that would explain to their workers proper safety when it comes to working with high-tension wires and electricity. Period. It's common sense to properly ground yourself and to have safety harnesses, etc. And now I lowered the taxes too quickly, so that I now need to create more jobs and somehow improve the Trade net. You'd think that less taxes actually helps the economy. There's always something...] #148: Spare The Rod, Demand Welfare Activists (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, record sales of 'child-whacking sticks' have been reported (-4 Averageness, -1 Compassion, -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, +2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -1 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather, -2 Welfare, -2 Youth Rebelliousness; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Welfare; +1% Private Sector, -1% Public Sector). [OOC: Well, here I thought that I would get a drop in Civil Rights, income tax and government size rating but apparently that only works so many times. Here's hoping that I continue to get the right issues to get things under control again to then focus on raising Health and Public Transportation, and lowering obesity. At this point I have no clue what issues raise Defense spending...] #162: Animal Experimentation Laws Under Scrutiny (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [See results on Legislative History 4] #212: Police Wanting Help With Their Inquiries WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [See results on Legislative History 3] #019: Kritarchy Kolumbes Awash With Red-Rimmed Eyes WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all recreational drugs are legal (+2 Civil Rights, -0.006 Authoritarianism, -30 Averageness, -2 Employment, +0.75 Environmental Beauty, -0.573 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Beverage Sales, -1 Insurance, -1 Mining, -1 Retail, -1 Timber Woodchipping, -1 Trout Fishing, -1 Lifespan, +4 Nudity, +10 Obesity, +3 Pacifism, +5 Political Apathy, +21 Recreational Drug Use, -9 Safety, -3 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +1 Stupidity, -0.25 Tourism, +7.25 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +3 Weaponization, -1 Weather; -1% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, +1% Scurvy, +1% Heart Disease; +1% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat:This country does not have any laws or statutes on its books regarding legality or illegality of drugs. Making things illegal only causes more expenditures and increase of government. It's much easier to turn the dangerous and undesirable drugs into a social taboo or social more, in order for people not to take them. It will take two generations, but it works. Otherwise, the levying of excise taxes on undesirable drugs will create results in the short run, as well as revenue for the government. At worst it will create an increase in petty crimes for tax evasion. Portugal has shown us that legalization of drugs pretty much kept the crime rate the same, and nobody cares if you light up in public there now. The United States has shown us that it only causes more crime because it now becomes a black-market commodity and a gang territoriality issue, and the the CIA doesn't like people messing with their money flow as they manipulate the movement of drugs. Let the private sector create cannabis cafes and plenty of clubs if they don't like looking at people lighting up. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: And I'll tell you something else right now. I have the solution to the drug problem in this country. Nobody wants to hear it, but I have it. Not less drugs, more drugs. Get more drugs, and give 'em to the right f-ying people. Mmm mm, cuz every time you hear about some famous guy overdosing on drugs, it's always some really talented guy. It's always like Len Bias, or Janis Joplin, or Jimi Hendrix, or John Belushi. You know what I mean!? The people you wanna have overdose on drugs never would! Like Motley Crue would never f-ying overdose, man, never! You could put them in a room with two tons of crack. They come out a half an hour later, "Rock on, man!" "Sh-t, they're still alive. They're probably gonna make another double-live album now! Damn it!" You think that smoking too many drugs will cause violence? Have you ever seen a bunch of pot-heads? They're too mellowed out to start a fight. The ones that are strung out on oxycodone, crack, meth and pain killers - now those are scary addicts! Well, joke aside this option is not worth it to get a boost in Civil Rights. In fact, do yourself a favor and dismiss it outright.] [See results on Legislative History 1] #218: Two Mommies One Too Many? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [See results on Legislative History 3] #035: Refugees Want To Call Kritarchy Kolumbes Home WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees (+3 Compassion, +2 Employment, -0.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Godlessness, +1 Beverage Sales, +1 Insurance, +1 Retail, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Trout Fishing, +3 Niceness, +2 Obesity, +6 Pacifism, +1 Religiousness, -3 Rudeness, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +0.25 Tourism, -1.25 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, +3 Weather, +1 Welfare; +1% Acts of God, -1% Heart Disease; -1% Commerce/Industry). [OOC: Well now, this is an unexpected result compared to what I had before. I wonder what caused this boost in industries and other aspects?] [See other results on Legislative History 3] #025: Cloning Research Promises New Breakthrough (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Stem-cell research is one thing. Fertilizing an ovum in a test tube and implanting it in a womb is also acceptable. Trying to clone a baby boy or girl in a test tube to be a guinea pig for some abominable experiment is another. Request denied. Court stands adjourned.] #036: International Community Comes Doorknocking (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government extracts trade concessions from poor nations in exchange for humanitarian aid (-1 Compassion, +1 Corruption, +4 Employment, -1.5 Environmental Beauty, -1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Furniture

Restoration, +1 Information Technology, +1 Retail, -1 Niceness, +4 Obesity, -9 Pacifism, -1 Political Apathy, +1 Rudeness, -1 Safety, +0.5 Tourism, +0.5 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, -1 Weather; +1% Heart Disease). [OOC: It is something of a douchebag option, but I'm curious to see what the results are. I've got to get my trade net back up. Well, at least we know that it helps the economy at the expense of Corruption and loss of Compassion.] #058: Violent Violetists Demand Blood! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Yeah, no, I'm not falling for this issue again.] [Option 1 = homeless people are periodically found dead upon altars to assorted deities (Civil Rights +5, -1% Income Tax); Option 2 = "The Daily Sacrifice" is a routine segment of morning news shows (Civil Rights -7); Option 3 = a crusade against barbaric religious practices has begun (-1 Civil Rights); Option 4 = the government pours millions of CURRENCY into rehabilitation programs annually (+2% Income Tax). #320: Criminals to Vote? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - We're not going to have prisoners put in their voice into the voting process whilst sitting in jail. It's a prisoner's duty to serve his/her sentence and pay his/her debt to society. You will be kept busy enough doing hard labor, so worry about reflecting on your life and changing it for the better once getting out. Prison is neither a motel, nor a vacation. However, once the sentence is over, the stigma of having been a prisoner should not be used to discriminate against a man or woman being able to acquire work, and a man or woman are to be able to resume being able to interact in the political process.] [Option 1 = Citizens receive notices of disenfranchisement along with their parking tickets (-1 Political Freedoms); Option 2 = prison visits increase substantially during election years (+2 Political Freedoms).] #024: Budget Time: Accountants Excited WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes (-4% Income Tax, -24 Averageness, -3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-Friendliness, -2 Employment, -6 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Taxation, -1 Governmental Size, -0.068 Health, -3 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, +1 Political Apathy, -3 Public Healthcare, -3 Public Transport, -6 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -1 Taxation, -6 Tourism, +8 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization, +1 Weather, -3 Welfare; -1% Acts of God, +1% Scurvy; -3% Public Sector, +3% Private Sector). [Option 1 = a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway; Option 2 = military spending recently hit a new high (+1% Income Tax, -8 Political Freedoms); Option 3 = a wellfunded social safety net protects the unfortunate (+2 Welfare); Option 4 = citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes (-4% Income Tax).] #161: Where There's A Will There's A Tax (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, inheritance tax has recently been abolished (-2% Income Tax, +2 Political Freedoms, -42 Averageness, +2 Corruption, -2 Defense Forces, -2 Eco-Friendliness, -4 Environmental Beauty, -2 Freedom from Corruption, -0.044 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, -2 Law Enforcement, -2 Public Healthcare, -2 Public Transport, +0.2 Rudeness, -1.6 Safety, -4 Tourism, +5 Toxicity, -2 Welfare; -1% Heart Disease; -2% Public Sector, +2% Private Sector). [OOC: Now this is what I like to see - two tax decreasing issues in a row.] #319: Sizing Up The Competition (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the populace harbors a fierce hatred of the metric system (-2% Income Tax, -7 Averageness, +1 Culture, -1 Defense Forces, -1 EcoFriendliness, -2 Employment, -0.5 Environmental Beauty, -0.026 Health, -1 Furniture Restoration, -1 Information Technology, -1 Retail, -1 Law Enforcement, -4 Obesity, +6 Pacifism, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, -1 Safety, -2.5 Tourism, +2.5 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Welfare; +1% Scurvy).

#284: Drug Legality Run Amok WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has begun selling heroin and ecstasy to help fund its projects (-3 Civil Rights, +0.005 Authoritarianism, +66 Averageness, -1 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size, +0.043 Health, -2 Ideological Radicality, +1 Income Equality, +1 Law Enforcement, -0.2 Most Pro-Market, -10 Nudity, -1 Obesity, +2 Public Healthcare, -47 Recreational Drug Use, -0.1 Rudeness, +4 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +4 Social Conservatism, +1 Taxation, -4 Toxicity, -1 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Scurvy; -1% Commerce/Industry, +2% Healthcare). [consuming ecstasy is a common rite of passage; the police have reaffirmed their tough stance on drugs???; the police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers???] #255: Welfare Programs Not Faring Well (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - We've already tried using tax revenues to provide jobs for the poor the last time we had problems with the welfare programs. A Franklin Delano Roosevelt "New Deal" program can only help in the short run, and makes the people too dependent on the government. We suggest that we focus on investing state monies to further the establishment of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Fisheries, Mining, and Petroleum. With a stable economic base, Manufacturing, Retail and Service industries will jump up afterwards and create even more jobs. We have 79,351,407 unemployed but able men and women out there that can be put to work. That is both wasted productivity and tax revenue, so let's put them to work. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Yeah, no. None of these options are viable right now.] [Option 1 = suit-clad businessmen have been taking advantage of the relaxed welfare qualifications by shopping with food stamps; Option 2 = the welfare administrations new sweeping authority has forced the poor and needy to shop from pre-approved grocery lists (-1% Income Tax, -1 Civil Rights); Option 3 = penurious citizens die from easily remedied ailments because they aren't 'taking enough initiative' (-2 Welfare, +17 Wealth Gaps); Option 4 = the government is using tax revenues to provide jobs for the poor (+2% to +4% Income Tax, -14 Economy {about -5 in better developed nations}); Option 4 = the government enforces a policy of 'from each according to their ability, to each according to the available budget' (-3% Taxes, -5 Economy).] [See previous results on Legislation 1] #242: Follow The Leader WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Leader has just been declared ruler of Kritarchy Kolumbes in an international press conference (No changes; unlocks editing of Leader name in Settings; ruled by <Leader> with a fair hand). [Option 2 = <Leader> has been self-declared as the Most Supreme Magnificent Overlord of Everything You Ever Saw; Option 3 = the Federal Council of <Nation> has been announced as the new Head of State; Option 4 = even the most lowly council pen-pusher has the same political power as a senior minister???; Option 5 = <Name> has been known to threaten dissenting citizens with a machine gun at press conferences.] #111: Southern Kritarchy Kolumbes Demands Semi-Autonomy (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, politicians are losing their jobs in a plan to make the government 'leaner and fitter' (-3% Income Tax, -3 Political Freedoms, +0.006 Authoritarianism, +41 Averageness, -4 Corruption, -3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-Friendliness, -2 Employment, -6 Environmental Beauty, +4 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Freedom from Taxation, -1 Government Size, -0.066 Health, -2 Ideological Radicality, -3 Law Enforcement, -3 Public Healthcare, -3 Public Transport, -0.4 Rudeness, -3.8 Safety, -1 Taxation, -6 Tourism, +4 Toxicity, -3 Welfare; -1% Old Age deaths, +1% Heart Disease; -3% Public Sector, +3% Private Sector; +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). #049: Diving For Kolumban Scillings (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are regularly found digging for treasure in their gardens (+1 Averageness, -1 Corruption, +0.25 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Safety, +1.25 Tourism, -0.25 Toxicity).

#244: Foreign Invasion Force Takes On Small Farming Community WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes is building an army to protect its overseas territories (+1% Income Tax, +3 Averageness, +2 Defense Forces, -6 Pacifism, -2 Political Apathy). [Option 2 = ???; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = the government is sending thousands of citizens overseas to defend a square mile of land.] #007: Animal Liberation Front Strikes Again (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, meat-eating is frowned upon (+2 Compassion, +0.177 Health, +2 Niceness, -4 Obesity, +6 Pacifism, -2 Rudeness, -2 Toxicity, +4 Weather). #029: Minorities Demand Representation In TV Soaps (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the alarmingly racist TV show 'Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things' is a hit (-4% Income Tax, +2 Civil Rights, -0.011 Authoritarianism, -82 Averageness, -1 Compassion, -2 Defense Forces, -2 Eco-Friendliness, -4 Environmental Beauty, -1 Government Size, -0.045 Health, +2 Ideological Radicality, -4 Income Equality, -1 Intelligence, -2 Law Enforcement, +0.8 Most Pro-Market, -1 Niceness, +6 Nudity, +4 Obesity, -3 Pacifism, -2 Public Healthcare, -2 Public Transport, +1.4 Rudeness, -2 Safety, -2 Social Conservatism,-4 Tourism, +7 Toxicity, +4 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weather, -2 Welfare; +1% Scurvy; -3% Public Sector, +3% Private Sector). [Option 1 = TV shows must meet strict ethnicity quotas; Option 2 = the government awards prizes to television shows featuring stereotype-breaking minority.] [See Legislative History 1 for previous results.] #000: Should Democracy Be Compulsory? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, voting is voluntary (+1 Political Freedoms, -0.004 Authoritarianism, -50 Averageness, +2 Corruption, -2 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, +3 Political Apathy, +0.201 Rudeness, -2.6 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +3 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization; +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [OOC: Let's see what the effects of Option 1 are. The last time I just dismissed this issue. Why is it that the political issues where you give more freedoms result in pretty much as much corruption increase as if you actually go the corruption route?] [Option 2 = voting is compulsory; Option 3 = elections have been outlawed.] #321: Cowboys and... Aliens? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, droves of former desperados are applying to join the border police (+2 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +1 Law Enforcement, +1 Niceness, +2 Nudity, +3 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +1 Safety, -1 Social Conservatism, -1 Toxicity, +1 Weather; +0.02% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: Let's see what Option 1 will get us. I can still write that off as the Coast Guard, since we are an island nation.] #241: A Capital City For Kritarchy Kolumbes? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 5: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has adopted a more thrifty attitude to administrating the country's needs (-8% Income Tax, -54 Averageness, -8 Defense Forces, -8 Eco-Friendliness, -16 Environmental Beauty, +4 Freedom from Taxation, -4 Government Size, -0.176 Health, -8 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, -8 Public Healthcare, -8 Public Transport, -8 Safety, +1 Stupidity, -4 Taxation, -16 Tourism, +16 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -8 Welfare; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Lost in Wilderness, +2% Scurvy, -1% Heart Disease; -10% Public Sector, +10% Private Sector). [OOC: We can wait one more time before declaring a Capital city. We need to get the tax rate down.] #265: To Bail or Not to Bail? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, thousands of former welfare recipients are in a revolutionary uproar as the rest of society is enjoying a hefty tax break (-8% Income

Tax, -67 Averageness, -4 Defense Forces, -4 Eco-Friendliness, -8 Environmental Beauty, +4 Freedom from Taxation, -7 Government Size, -0.087 Health, -4 Law Enforcement, -4 Public Healthcare, -4 Public Transport, -34 Safety, -10 Safety from Crime, +1 Stupidity, -4 Taxation, -8 Tourism, +28 Toxicity, +10 Weaponization, -16 Welfare; -1% Old Age deaths, +2% Scurvy; +3% Commerce/Industry, +3% Education, -8% Welfare, +2% Spirituality, +1% Healthcare; -5% Public Sector, +5% Private Sector). [Option 1 = the government is spending billions of taxpayer Golds to support the <Arms Manufacturing> industry; Option 3 = Businesses that prove successful are immediately broken up.] #319: Sizing Up The Competition (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the populace harbors a fierce hatred of the metric system (-2% Income Tax, -6 Averageness, +1 Culture, -1 Defense Forces, -1 EcoFriendliness, -2 Employment, -0.50 Environmental Beauty, +1 Freedom from Taxation, -0.021 Health, -1 Beverage Sales, -1 Cheese Exports, -1 Insurance, -1 Mining, -1 Retail, -1 Timber Woodchipping, -1 Trout Fishing, -1 Law Enforcement, -4 Obesity, +7 Pacifism, -1 Public Healthcare, -1 Public Transport, -1 Safety, -1 Agriculture, -1 Manufacturing, -1 Taxation, -2.50 Tourism, +2.50 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, -1 Welfare; +1% Old Age deaths; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). #214: Voting For More Money (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Members of Parliament operate under a PAYE scheme (+2% Income Tax, -1 Political Freedoms, +0.004 Authoritarianism, +20 Averageness, -6 Corruption, +3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-Friendliness, +6 Environmental Beauty, +6 Freedom from Corruption, -2 Freedom from Taxation, +2 Government Size, +0.065 Health, +3 Law Enforcement, +1 Lifespan, +3 Public Healthcare, +3 Public Transport, -0.201 Rudeness, +6.6 Safety, -1 Stupidity, +2 Taxation, +6 Tourism, -6 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +3 Welfare; -1% Scurvy; +4% Public Sector, -4% Private Sector; -1% Government Efficiency). #074: Kritarchy Kolumbes's Racers Growing Fast And Furious (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Not this time. That would increase taxes and obesity. I have a nation of fat-asses.] #050 Whips, Chains, And Leather, Oh My! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a niche industry catering to S&M enthusiasts has sprung up (+1 Business Subsidization, -1 Compassion, +1 Culture, +2 Employment, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, +1 Tourism, +1 Toxicity, -1 Weather). [OOC: Let's see what the effects are under a New York Times Democracy.] Think Tank Proposes Privatised Prisons (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Yeah, no. I like Option 3, but that creates a radical drop in Civil Rights for doing the right thing to violent criminals. Though Option 1 sounds good, prisoners are to be taught a lesson but not to be exploited as slave labor like they do in China and the United States. There's a difference between 15-years hard labor, and slave labor at 25 cents an hour with a tube of toothpaste costing 4 bucks at the prison store.] Much Ado About Abortion (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) Ban The 'Boards, Say Pedestrians (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #013: Too Much Yakking, Already, Say Delegation (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region (+1 Civil Rights, +2 Nudity, +1 Recreational Drug Use, -1 Social Conservatism).

[OOC: Well, let's see what else Option 2 does besides raising Civil Rights - I certainly would like to get that rating back up. Hmm, here I thought that it would have an effect on Youth Rebelliousness, but apparently not so.] #197: Breastfeeding In Public: Innocent Or Indecent? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1:Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, female newsreaders distract the nation by breastfeeding during broadcast (+1% Income Tax, +2 Civil Rights, -0.005 Authoritarianism, -27 Averageness, +1 Government Size, +0.358 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, +62 Nudity, -8 Obesity, -2 Social Conservatism, +1 Toxicity, +2 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths, -1% Heart Disease). [OOC: Not particularly fond of this issue or this option, but I need the boost in Civil Rights. I don't even want to know how this decreases Obesity...:P] #269: Stop The Presses! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat (+6 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +12 Employment, +2 Government Size, +1 Influence?, -1 Political Apathy; -1% Old Age, -1% Scurvy, +1% Heart Disease; +2% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Healthcare, -1% Spirituality). [Option 1 = morning coffees are no longer the same since the disappearance of newspapers (Economy -3, Income Tax -1%), Option 2 = the newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat (Economy +6, Income Tax +2%), Option 3 = daily newspapers are permitted to run only pro-government stories (Political Freedoms -9. Income Tax +2%); Option 4 = abacus sales outpace those of the personal computer following the closure of the Internet.] #028: Cancer Sufferer Demands Euthanasia Bill WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and the Landsraat: We said it before and we will say it again. It is unconscionable and beyond the powers of our bodies politic to legislate morality. If we allow euthanasia to happen then we will get the same cruel results as in Great Britain where food and water is being withheld from very young children and elderly men and women. It is a horrible sight to behold that nobody should have to go through.] #260: Taxpayers On Strike! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: [OOC: This issue will be on hold for a bit until the taxes have gone high enough. I'm not ready to take big hits on a lot of categories right now.] #168: Kritarchy Kolumbes Plagued By STD Epidemic! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #068: Ornery Overcrowding Problem WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - As we have a low unemployment rate and our economy continues to grow, we feel that the government should not step in to provide low-cost housing at the expense of the rest of the populace, due to higher taxes. We find that this matter can be more easily handled by the private sector, and as an incentive for high-rise construction we shall decrease the bank profit tax for Building Societies and the stamp duties for high-rise apartments and condominiums.] [Option 1 = the government regularly hires contractors to construct high rise apartments; Option 2 = factories are regularly demolished to make way for low-cost housing areas; Option 3 = families are only permitted to have one child???] #006: Appointment Of Spiritual Advisor WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #027: Cash for Colons? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys (-0.004 Authoritarianism, -32 Averageness, +4 Employment, +0.384 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, -4 Income Equality, +1 Lifespan, +0.8 Most Pro-Market, -4 Obesity, +0.4 Rudeness, +1 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +4 Wealth Gaps, +2 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths). [OOC: Interesting. It didn't give a boost to Civil Rights this time.] #147: Military Budgets Up For Approval (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation's gigantic air force is both respected and feared (+1 Economy, +8 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, +4 Defense Forces, +4 Employment, +1 Government Size, -23 Pacifism, +1 Manufacturing, +1 Weaponization; +1% Commerce/Industry, +1% Education). #219: Nobody Expects The Kritarchy Kolumbes Inquisition! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Option 2 is not worth the Civil Rights boost and tax drop to go against our principles.] #145: Hackles Raised Over Fur Clothes Debate (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, fur coats have become the latest fashion trend (-1 Compassion, +2 Employment, +2 Retail, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, +1 Rudeness, +2 Toxicity, -1 Weather). [OOC: Guess an increase in Economy only happens if you're nowhere near the top of its rating.] #076: Suits in Protest (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, protests are prohibited from blocking traffic (-2 Political Freedoms, +0.004 Authoritarianism, +32 Averageness, -4 Corruption, +4 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Law Enforcement, -0.4 Rudeness, +0.2 Safety, -1 Toxicity, ] [OOC: Let's see what the effects of Option 3 are going to be.] #200: Birds, Bees, And Breeding Teens WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a study has shown that many parents are too embarrassed to teach their children sex education (-4 Averageness, -1 Government Size, -0.588 Health, -1 Lifespan, +12 Obesity. -1 Public Healthcare, -3 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, +2 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization, -3 Weather; -2% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God, +1% Scurvy; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education). [OOC: Okay, what has a lack of sex education to do with Obesity? Are they becoming sexually frustrated and start overeating?] [Option 1 = schoolchildren have twice-weekly sex education classes; Option 2 = dark alleys and public toilets are filled with furtive sexual activities among teenagers and unmarried adults (Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = a study has shown that many parents are too embarrassed to teach their children sex education (Income Tax -1%); Option 4 = teenage fathers are forced to join the army (Civil Rights -3); Option 5 = the lowest age at which one can marry has been recently lowered to 12 (Income Tax +1%, Civil Rights +5).] #324: "Tourism Tanking!" Trumpet Tabloids (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a new generation of aquariumless hotels are being built under government supervision (+1% Income Tax, +0.005 Authoritarianism, +37 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +1 Eco-Friendliness, +10 Employment, +4 Environmental Beauty, +1 Government Size, -1 Ideological Radicality, +2 Income Equality, +1 Lifespan, -0.4 Most Pro-Market, -2 Obesity, -0.2 Rudeness, +8 Tourism, -5 Toxicity, -2 Wealth Gaps; +1% Heart Disease; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Healthcare). #183: Buy A Better Baby? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #251: The Trouble With Hobos (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy

Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the recently unemployed can often be seen at the local homeless shelter (+3 Averageness, -1 Ideological Radicality, +1 Influence?, +2 Welfare; +1% Welfare, -1% Spirituality, -1% Healthcare). [OOC: Eh, that didn't help much at all.] #014: Military Demands Increased Spending (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, military spending is on the increase (+1% Income Tax, -2 Political Freedoms, +0.006 Authoritarianism, +40 Averageness, -3 Corruption, +8 Defense Forces, +4 Employment, +3 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size, -25 Pacifism, -0.3 Rudeness, +2.4 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -3 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization; -2% Commerce/Industry, -2% Education, +5% Defense; -2% Private Sector, +2% Public Sector). [OOC: Well, that answers the question which issues increase Defense spending. But is it worth the drop in Political Freedoms?] #195: Right Of Way Or Wrong Of Way? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, public footpaths are being slowly eroded by the burgeoning number of ramblers (-2 Civil Rights, +0.006 Authoritarianism, +2 Employment, -12.75 Environmental Beauty, +0.181 Health, +1 Cheese Exports, +1 Information Technology, -2 Nudity, -2 Obesity, -4 Pacifism, +1 Agriculture, +2 Social Conservatism, -8.75 Tourism, +11.75 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization, -3 Weather; -1% Scurvy). [OOC: I don't think this Option is worth the hassle of all these negatives - especially Civil Rights. The few positives do not make up for those losses.] #088: Cannibals Demand To Taste What Kritarchy Kolumbes Has To Offer (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #071: Minority Group Demands Language Recognition (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a National Academy regulates grammar and usage (-6 Civil Rights, +0.008 Authoritarianism, +58 Averageness, -1 Culture, -2 Ideological Radicality, -1 Recreational Drug Use, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +5 Social Conservatism, -4 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization; -1% Heart Disease; -1% Commerce/Industry). [OOC: Time to regulate the grammar of Kolumbese and turn it into an official language. Still, the negatives to Civil Rights stink. Makes me wonder which WA category actually gives a boost to Civil Rights when choosing this option.] #090: Organic Outburst (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all-natural foods are becoming a major fad (+12 Environmental Beauty, +0.382 Health, -1 Cheese Exports, -11 Obesity, -1 Agriculture, +12 Tourism, -12 Toxicity, +6 Weather; +1% Old Age death). #121: A Uniform Plan For Kritarchy Kolumbes's Students? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas (+2 Civil Rights, +29 Averageness, +1 Ideological Radicality, +20 Nudity, -6 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, -2 Social Conservatism, +5 Toxicity, +2 Weaponization, +2 Youth Rebelliousness; -1% Consumer Confidence Rate, -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). #104: Public Loudspeakers Shrill With Controversy (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are bombarded with advertising from their compulsory miniature radios (+1% Income Tax, +6 Averageness, +4 Business Subsidization, +14 Employment, -3 Environmental Beauty, +1 Government Size, +1 Arms Manufacturing, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, +1 Beverage Sales, +1 Book Publishing, +1 Cheese Exports, +1 Furniture Restoration, +1 Insurance, +2 Mining, +1 Retail, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +1 Trout Fishing, +1 Lifespan, +8 Obesity, -13 Pacifism, +1 Agriculture, +1 Manufacturing, +1 Tourism, -1 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +1 Weaponization; -1% Old Age deaths, +1% Heart Disease; +2% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education; -1% Private Sector,

+1% Public Sector; -2% Unemployment Rate). #189: Dangerously Cheesy (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, cheese has become the new icon of political dissent (+2 Political Freedoms, -0.006 Authoritarianism, -30 Averageness, -1 Compassion, +4 Corruption, -4 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Niceness, -3 Pacifism, -1 Political Apathy, +1.4 Rudeness, +0.8 Safety, +2 Toxicity, -1 Weather). [OOC: Aww, no increase in Cheese Exports this time. I was expecting a higher increase in Political Freedoms as well.] #277: Say Cheese! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, photographers can be found hiding behind the curtains in His Serene Magnanimity's bedroom (+1 Weather) [OOC: Talk about disappointing. I was hoping for a boost in Civil Rights and/or Political Freedoms. I hope I haven't reached the epitome of my ratings that it becomes harder and harder to actually raise them...] [Option 1 = photographers can be found hiding behind the curtains in Leader's bedroom; Option 2 = photographers have to apply for a license to photograph <Leader>; Option 3 = ???] #037: Traffic Cops Needed on Information Superhighway? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, anti-government web sites are springing up (+2 Civil Rights, -0.008 Authoritarianism, +1 Averageness, -2 Corruption, +2 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Safety, -1 Safety from Crime, -1 Social Conservatism, +2 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, +1 Weather; +1% Old Age deaths). #063: Tykes With Tools? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - If a child is learning the family trade by helping with the family business, or if the child is enrolled in an apprenticeship we see no age requirements necessary. During school weeks, 1415-year-olds are allowed to work 3 hours a day, and 8 hours on Sundays, with a total of 16 hours a week. Whereas 16-17-year-olds are allowed to work 4 hours a day, and 8 hours on Sundays, with a total of 36 hours a week. During non-school weeks both categories are allowed to work for 8 hours a day, with 36 hours a week. The age requirement is lowered to 12-and 13 years of age, and the work week hours limit is waived in regards to agricultural work and packaging operations during non-school weeks. [OOC: It was hard to dismiss this issue again. I'm curious to see the effects of Option 2, but I don't believe in child labor.] #057: Electronic Plague in Kritarchy Kolumbes! WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Have every citizen unplug their computer from their internet connection. Cut our most important computers from the hardline and start immediate backups of our sensitive data. Put any stock market trading on temporary hold. Mobilize and conscript every hacker and software engineer we have in the country to put their heads together to create a cohesive program to battle the virus, dig into the budget to have local virus companies work overtime. Kill this computer virus before it effects our economy even more. The people will have to work the oldfashioned way for a little bit. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Yeah, no. This issue stinks.] [Option 1 = citizens must have a license to operate a computer; Option 2 = Much of <Nation>'s computer network is controlled by a rampant artificial intelligence; Option 3 = the recent ban on computers is causing havoc throughout the nation.] #016: Tourism Workers Strike! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Yeah, we're not going to create a right-to-work state, but neither are we going to agree to unions.] #107: Private Lab Holds Kritarchy Kolumbes's Sick To Ransom (repeat)

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #275: Wiki Worries (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The Kritarchy Kolumbes City Times is sold out (-2 Corruption, +2 Freedom from Corruption, -4 Political Apathy, +2 Safety). [OOC: Okay, this result was very disappointing compared to what this option gave before. But it seems to back my theory that you get diminishing results the more you choose the same option every time the issue repeats. See Legislative History 5] #062: Oh, The Angst! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, schools have extensive counseling programs for troubled students (+4 Averageness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +1 Weather; -1% Commerce/Industry, +2% Education; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #138: Keep The Greenbelt Green, Say Protesters (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Nope, there are better issues to increase eco-friendliness and environmental beauty. Build upward.] #142: Roads Like Roller Coasters, Complain Motorists (repeat) Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all streets are privately owned toll roads (-2% Income Tax, -44 Averageness, +1 Employment, -1 Environmental Beauty, +1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Income Equality, +1 Basket Weaving, +1 Gambling, +1 Insurance, +1 Mining, +1 Pizza Delivery, +1 Retail, +0.2 Most Pro-Market, +5 Obesity, -6 Pacifism, -4 Public Transport, +0.1 Rudeness, +1 Tourism, +1 Wealth Gaps, +1 Weaponization; +1% Old Age deaths, +1% Heart Disease; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). #055: Bigtopian Protesters Cry For Full Integration (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, minority children spend hours bussing to schools miles away from home (+1% Income Tax, +6 Averageness, +2 Public Transport, -1 Weather; -1% Commerce/Industry, +2% Education;+1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [OOC: Well, effects of this Option are not really worth it, but I shall take them to help restore my public transportation. I'm not against integration, but I do disagree on the execution of it. I didn't like having to be bussed from one city to another when I was young to get to school. The loss of sleep time already made me grouchy, never mind having to walk to the bus station, and then from the bus station to school. Horrendous pain in the butt.] #253: How Much Democracy Is Too Much? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [OOC: Referenda are good - just don't use them for everything. There are technological means that should be able to cover this problem.] #193: Robots Leaving Workers Jobless WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - It's not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to get involved in private business affairs or to interfere in contracts. The only thing we can do is provide unemployment relief and unemployment offices. You will have work, but you might not be in the same line of work as you were before, and you might not have the same income - but you will have work and you will be able to feed yourselves. We would ask that the companies would give their former employees either a good severance package, try to retrain them, or use Kurzarbeit to keep them on.] [Option 1 = unemployment is through the roof after the government enacted living wage laws???; Option 2 = Businesses often fire workers in favor of cheaper automatic systems; Option 3 = manual labourers must be willing to have cybernetic limbs to get a job; Option 4 = the loom represents the height of <Nations>'s technology???] #056: "Give Us Money!" Quoth the Poet (repeat)

WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, people reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight (+2% Income Tax, +30 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, +2 Culture, +4 Employment, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -1 Stupidity, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +1 Weather; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #133: When Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons Attack! (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - If a Pet Pigeon attacks somebody else, the owner is held responsible for the damages. Our esteemed bodies politic have no duty to get involved in a private dispute until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it is a threat to the nation. Court stands adjourned.] #022: Nazi Sympathizers Plan Rally (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the tenet of free speech is held dear (No change). [OOC: Whoa, this is a first. I can't believe that this didn't have any kind of effect at all.,,] #089: "Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #297: Intersex Athletes Demand Level Playing Field (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the 'kind of scrawny' 500 meter hurdle is a popular event (-1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Taxation, +2 Weather; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #247: Where There's Smoke (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, most citizens in Kritarchy Kolumbes are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government (+7 Averageness, +1 Government Size, +1 Law Enforcement, +4 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +1 Welfare; +1% Old Age deaths; -1% Commerce/Industry, +1% Law & Order, +1% Welfare, -1% Healthcare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #248: The Sky Is Falling (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the wreckages of bombed planes that litter Kritarchy Kolumbes are highly popular tourist destinations (-1% Income Tax, +3 Civil Rights, -0.008 Authoritarianism, -64 Averageness, -2 Employment, +1 Freedom from Taxation, +2 Ideological Radicality, -3 Law Enforcement, +2 Nudity, +30 Pacifism, +1 Recreational Drug Use, -18 Safety, -5 Safety from Crime, -4 Social Conservatism, -1 Taxation, -3 Tourism, +12 Toxicity, -161 Weaponization; -1% Law & Order, +1% Spirituality, -1% Defense; +1% Consumer Confidence Rate, +1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, +0.01% Unemployment Rate). [OOC: Interesting. For a result that says that it would help tourism it does exactly the opposite. Wow, talk about a huge drop in Weaponization. That I did not expect at all. It will take me forever to get that rating back up.] #092: Kritarchy Kolumbes Officials Needled About Mandatory Vaccinations (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #181: Radio Rebels Ruffle Government (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Kritarchy Kolumbes's airwaves are dominated by corporate-backed commercial radio (+2% Income Tax, -3 Civil Rights, -3 Political Freedoms, +0.062 Authoritarianism, +157 Averageness, -4 Corruption, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-Friendliness, -6 Employment, +2 Environmental Beauty, +4 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +0.025 Health, -5 Ideological Radicality, +6 Income Equality, +1 Law Enforcement, -1.2 Most Pro-Market, -6 Obesity, -1 Pacifism, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, -1.1 Rudeness, +2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +2 Social Conservatism, +1 Taxation, +2 Tourism, -9 Toxicity, -6 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, +1 Welfare; -1% Heart

Disease; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector; -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). #146: Evolution: Truth Or Witchcraft? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, children are sent to either religious or secular schools (+1% Income Tax, +4 Civil Rights, -0.010 Authoritarianism, -21 Averageness, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -2 Godlessness, +1 Government Size, +1 Ideological Radicality, +2 Religiousness, +6 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, -3 Social Conservatism, +1 Taxation, -3 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization; -1% Scurvy; -1% Commerce/Industry, +1% Education, +1% Spirituality; +2% Public Sector, -2% Private Sector). #292: Tourists Wearing Out Their Welcome? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, tourists outnumber citizens two to one (+1% Income Tax, +8 Averageness, +5 Business Subsidization, +18 Employment, +1 Cheese Exports, +5 Tourism; +1% Heart Disease; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Spirituality, -1% Defense; -0.01% Unemployment Rate; -1% Worker Enthusiasm Rate). [Option 1 = anti-tourism militias patrol the borders; Option 2 = tourists are kicked out if they express interest in their national sport; Option 4 = tourists need only sign on the dotted line to become citizens.] #243: A Question Of Faith WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a major religion has been named as Kritarchy Kolumbes's national religion (+1% Income Tax, +3 Averageness, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -2 Godlessness, +2 Religiousness, +1 Taxation, [Option 2 = ???; Option 3 = ???; Option 4 = ???; Option 5 = <Leader> is the self-declared God of all <Nation>.] #112: Put The Phone Down On Cold Calling? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) #156: Waste Going To Waste, Says Industry Lobby (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons with strange deformities like three eyes and tentacles have been seen prancing through the countryside where industrial waste is dumped (-2 Averageness, -2 Eco-Friendliness, -9.5 Environmental Beauty, -0.196 Health, +1 Book Publishing, +1 Furniture Restoration, +1 Information Technology, +1 Timber Woodchipping, +8 Obesity, -4 Pacifism, +1 Agriculture, -7.5 Tourism, +7.5 Toxicity, -1 Weather; -1% Old Age, +1% Scurvy; +1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Environment). #045: Baseball League Steps Up To The Plate (repeat) Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, major cities shut down as their local sports team takes to the field every day (+2 Averageness, +1 Business Subsidization, +2 Employment, -0.188 Health, +5 Obesity, +1 Political Apathy, +3 Tourism). #225: Prayer In Public Schools? (repeat) Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, religious education is a new government priority (+1% Income Tax, +2 Averageness, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -1 Godlessness, +1 Religiousness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -2 Toxicity; +1% Education, +1& Spirituality). #298: Cults: Harmless or Heretics? [Option 1 = new religious sects are squashed immediately by the government; Option 2 = ???; Option 3 = young people crowd pizza parlors praying to 'The Supreme Pizza, His Immaculate Munchiness'; Option 4 = believers must practice religion behind church doors lest the government smite them with a mighty fine???] #204: Lack Of Doctors Needs Cure (repeat) Option 1: #252: Great Balls Of Fire! Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has adopted a "Lightning Never Strikes Twice" approach to dealing with natural disasters (+4 Averageness, +3

Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -2 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +3 Welfare; +1% Old Age, -1% Heart Disease; -1% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, +1% Welfare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). [Option 1 = billions of <currency> are being blown on orbital weapons development; Option 3 = tourists are flocking to the newly-built MeteorLand family resort; Option 4 = god-fearing citizens can be seen in prayer circles around the Big Max impact crater.] #093: Affirmative Action in Kritarchy Kolumbes? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Rather than create the beginning of an affirmative action nightmare, it would be easier to provide grants, scholarships and stipends to have those students taught overseas in the field that they are seeking. It's not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to get involved in education or meddling in the affairs of rectors and university chancellors unless there has been an abuse of their positions. This way we further education and equality to the disadvantaged of our society. Court stands adjourned.] #245: Clash Of Cultures (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 4: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, all citizens must pass a 'multicultural sensitivity test' to be deemed fit for society (+1% Income Tax, +33 Averageness, +2 Culture, -1 Ideological Radicality, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Social Conservatism, -3 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization; -1% Commerce/Industry) [OOC: Don't agree with forcing mandatory courses on people. There's nothing wrong with learning about other cultures if it's done willingly.] #265: To Bail or Not to Bail? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government is spending billions of taxpayer Kolumban Scillings to support the Tourism industry (+2% Income Tax, +1 Economy, +13 Averageness, +2 Business Subsidization, +4 Corruption, +1 Defense Forces, -4 EcoFriendliness, +4 Employment, -19.5 Environmental Beauty, -4 Freedom from Corruption, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +0.023 Health, +1 Beverage Sales, +1 Mining, +1 Law Enforcement, +4 Obesity, -4 Pacifism, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, +3 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, +1 Manufacturing, +1 Taxation, -17.50 Tourism, +13.5 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization, -3 Weather, +3 Welfare; -1% Old Age, +3% Cancer, -1% Scurvy, -2% Heart Disease; +2% Industry, -3% Environment, +1% Welfare; +1% Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #166: Vote for 'None of the Above?" (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates (+1 Political Freedoms, -0.008 Authoritarianism, -25 Averageness, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Pacifism, -2 Political Apathy, +0.2 Rudeness, +3.4 Safety, +1 Toxicity; +1 Public Sector, -1% Private Sector). #079: Kritarchy Kolumbes's Western Bronze-Naped Pigeons: Going The Way Of The Dodo? WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the only places to see Western BronzeNaped Pigeons now are at local zoos (+2% Income Tax, +9 Averageness, +2 Eco-Friendliness, +8 Environmental Beauty, +8 Tourism, -8 Toxicity; +1% Environment, -1% Healthcare; [Option 1 = ???; Option 2 = the <animal> is believed to be extinct???] #140: A Grave Problem WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, tombstones are ten feet high to accommodate the names of inhabitants (-1 Civil Rights, +0.008 Authoritarianism, -2 Averageness, -3 Compassion, -0.75 Environmental Beauty, +2 Godlessness, -3 Niceness, +2 Obesity, -8 Pacifism, -2 Religiousness, +3 Rudeness, +1 Social Conservatism, +0.25 Tourism, +2.75 Toxicity, +1 Weaponization, -4 Weather; +1% Heart Disease; -1% Spirituality, +1% Healthcare). [Option 2 = cremation is compulsory for the deceased; Option 3 = houses and businesses are bulldozed to make way for ever-expanding cemeteries; Option 4 = the dead are minced up and sold to people in burger form]

#216: Eminent Domain: Inherent Right Or Daylight Robbery? (repeat) WA Category: New York Times Democracy Option 1: (-2% Income Tax, +1 Civil Rights, -1 Economy, +1 Political Freedoms, +0.018 Authoritarianism, -27 Averageness, +3 Corruption, -3 Freedom from Corruption, -2 Defense Forces, -2 Law Enforcement, -4 Eco-Friendliness, -10 Employment, -2.5 Environmental Beauty, -0.018 Health, +1 Ideological Radicality, +10 Income Equality, -1 Beverage Sales, -1 Mining, -2 Most Pro-Market, -1 Lifespan, -14 Obesity, +4 Pacifism, -2 Public Healthcare, -2 Public Transport, -0.9 Rudeness, -3.8 Safety, -1 Manufacturing, -1 Social Conservatism, -4.5 Tourism, +5.5 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -10 Wealth Gaps, -2 Welfare; +1% Old Age, +1% Cancer, +1% Scurvy, -1% Heart Disease; -1% Public Sector, +1% Private Sector). #002: Reclaim The Streets! (repeat) Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the automotive industry soaks up huge government handouts (+2% Income Tax, +1 Economy, +13 Averageness, +10 Business Subsidization, +28 Employment, -2 Environmental Beauty, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, +1 Lifespan, +1 Manufacturing, -2 Tourism, +2 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -2 Weather; -2% Old Age, -1% Scurvy, +1% Heart Disease; +3% Commerce/Industry, -1% Education, -1% Spirituality, -1% Healthcare; +2% Public Sector, -2% Private Sector). #321: Cowboys and... Aliens? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: immigrant herding has become a national pastime (-1 Civil Rights, +30 Averageness, -1 Compassion, Ideological Radicality -1 Law Enforcement, -1 Niceness, -2 Nudity, -1 Pacifism, -1 Recreational Drug Use, +1 Rudeness, -1 Safety, +1 Social Conservatism, -1 Weaponization, -1 Weather) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Every person is entitled to offer judicial or police-services to willing others. As long as Harry Fjord and his subordinate magistrates are aware that they are taking liability to be sued there is nothing to object. Unless those people are political refugees, all visitors and immigrants are supposed to enter at properly designated ports of entry. If they seek naturalization through the Magistracy, they have to file the proper paperwork to remain within the boundaries of the Magistracy for at least two years and declare before a proper court their intention to become citizens of the Kritarchy Kolumbes. Otherwise they have to be sponsored into one of the Houses and appear before the pater familias of that House.] [OOC: This choice is absolutely useless. I should've dismissed it.] [Option 1 = droves of former desperados are applying to join the border police (Civil Rights +1).] #042: Turn Down That Racket Say Morality Police WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Unless there is an actual noise ordinance complaint brought forward, the courts cannot and should not interfere in the creative expressionism of these teenagers. Doing so otherwise would be an infringement on the Civil Rights of the citizenry and the natural and God-given rights of the freemen. Their creativity can potentially enrich the economy should they find a market niche for their music and their bands. However, our esteemed bodies are currently not scheduled to have any budgetary talks on the promotion of the arts. As Defender of the Faith we encourage the various churches to teach and warn their congregations about unseemly music and the mental influences it can have on God-fearing people. We also leave this matter in the capable hands of the parents to educate their children, to keep an ear out to what their children are listening, and reprimand them accordingly. If the Magistracy and Landsraat would get involved in all similar issues like that, we would end up with a Nanny State. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = radio stations are forbidden to play anything with too much drum or bass (Civil Rights -4); Option 2 = Elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume (Civil Rights +1, increases taxes for promotion of the arts). Option 3 = angst-filled teenagers are rushing off to buy government bonds for some odd reason.] #124: To Paint Or Not To Paint? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, artists are pillars of society. (-1 Civil Rights, +33 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +4 Culture, +1 Environmental Beauty, -1 Ideological Radicality, -1 Arms Manufacturing, -1 Automobile Manufacturing, +1 Basket Weaving, +1 Book Publishing, -1 Information Technology, -1 Law Enforcement, +1 Niceness, -2 Nudity, +5 Pacifism,

-1 Recreational Drug Use, -1 Rudeness, +2 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Social Conservatism, +1 Tourism, -5 Toxicity) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We encourage the promotion of the arts and allowing our fine young students to help expand the country's cultural identity. We hope that this will give many people the chance to show their creativity and allow themselves to see another means of putting themselves to work.] [OOC: This is a great choice overall.] [Option 1 = the studies of art and philosophy are banned; Option 3=only the brainiest citizens become academics.] #251: The Trouble With Hobos WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens applying for their first jobs face fierce competition from the homeless (+2 Tax, -2 Economy, +0.19 Unemployment Rate, +0.015 Authoritarianism, -26 Averageness, -1 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Ideological Radicality, +6 Income Equality, -1 Lifespan, -0.6 Most Pro Market, -3 Obesity, -0.03 Rudeness, +2.9 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -1 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -6 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, +3 Welfare) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Our esteemed bodies did not come to this decision easily. To provide homeless shelters can only ever serve as a temporary solution. The spread of disease, the amount of theft, and the violence that can ensue in such crowded places is not the answer. We have to get these people back to work. It's one thing to provide basic jobs, it's another thing to actually create jobs and improve the economy. We appeal to our fellow magistrates and the leaders of the Houses that the answer lies in enlarging the agricultural sector. There's always something to do on a farm.] [OOC: Not worth it. This is the kind of thing you want to choose if you want to go Socialist or Communist. This hurts you more than it helps.] [Option 1 = the recently unemployed can often be seen at the local homeless shelter; Option 3 = homeless people are frequently charged with trespassing on public property; Option 4 = citizens who become homeless are immediately executed (Civil Rights -1, Income Tax -1%).] #061: Should the Government Grant Estates and Titles of Nobility WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits. (-1% Income tax, +8 Economy, -0.041 Authoritarianism, +89 Averageness, +1 Defense Forces, +1 Eco-Friendliness, +11 Employment, +2 Environmental Beauty, +1 Government Size, +1 Happiness, +0.047 Health, -3 Ideological Radicality, -22 Income Equality, +1 Influence, +1 Law Enforcement, +2 Lifespan, +1.6 Most Pro-Market, +11 Obesity, +1 Public Healthcare, +1 Public Transport, +1.1 Rudeness, -5 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, +2 Tourism, -1 Toxicity, -2 Unexpected Death Rate, +22 Wealth Gaps, +2 Weaponization, +1 Welfare) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are deeply troubled by the idea that the people wish to bring in feudal titles of nobility. Whether you are aware of it or not, they are just offices and its occupants are title holders. The titles you already have all come with their own levels of authority, liability, power, prestige, and responsibility. They are far easier to achieve than any that are given at the whim of some monarch. It's one of the few levels of meritocratic thinking built into our system of government, allowing for faster upward mobility. By achieving those positions the mantle of authority placed upon you is there to help the people. Our God made this Earth in order to work harmoniously and in co-dependence with each other, but not through inter-dependence. You serve the people - the people do not serve you. May everybody in this great nation take these words to heart.] [OOC: Great, now I have to deal with getting the government size down to a manageable level again.] [Option 1 = Society and government have been organized according to a feudal hierarchy (Civil Rights -2, Political Freedoms -25, Income Tax -1%, Lifespan -1, Corruption +2); Option 3 = notable individuals are granted land and titles (Income Tax +1%); Option 4 = <Nation> has one of the region's most renowned medieval fairs (Economy +5, Income Tax +1%).] #247: Where There's Smoke WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: In order for the fire

protection service around the country to be more efficient, we propose that the fire departments within the Magistracy be government-funded, whereas we suggest that the various Houses allow the people to create Fire Protection Trusts for their areas, with a potential for overlap of neighboring fire brigades. These trusts will be privately funded, and monthly dues should be able to be offset by joining as voluntary firefighters to those trusts. If resources need to be called in from neighboring fire protection trusts, the bills for mobilizing extra equipment will be sent directly to the party or their insurance company. This way we can see which program is the most cost-efficient, as well as which works best for different sizes of area covered.] [OOC: Ah, so we already have a fire protection department. It's just slow, inefficient, and underfunded.] [Option 1 = reports of arson have doubled since the introduction of a privatised fire protection service (Economy +7, Income Tax -1%); Option 2 = the fire protection service is wholly government-funded (Income Tax +1%); Option 3 = Most citizens in <Nation> are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government (Income Tax +1%); Option 4 = the government's only official statement on the burning down of Capital City was that 'they shouldn't have been so careless' (Economy +2).] #273: Is Our Children Learning? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, students cut up leftover Kolumban Scillings during Arts and Crafts. (Reduction of crime rate from "low" to "well under control," -2 Economy, -0.036 Authoritarianism, -94 Averageness, -2 Defense Forces, -2 Eco-Friendliness, -2 Employment, -6 Environmental Beauty, -94 Health, +1 Intelligence, +1 Pacifism, -2 Public Transportation, -1 Religiousness, +15 Safety, -1 Stupidity, -6 Tourism, +1 Toxicity, -4 Weaponization, -3 Weather, -2 Welfare) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Although we do not agree with the minor official taking it open himself to change public policy or trying to go over the head of the Magistracy, we do agree that education is important, has a potential to decrease crime, and allows for innovation and improvement of the economy - as well as resulting in personal enrichment. We therefore shall allocate more funds towards education at the next budgetary hearing.] [Option 2 = rag-wearing teachers are often mistaken for homeless people (Economy +8, Income Tax -2%); Option 3 = schoolchildren are manufactured into a segregated bunch of soldiers, religious zealots, and computer technicians (Civil Rights -2, Economy +5, Income Tax -1%); Option 4 = wealthy students ride to school past mendicant dropouts (Economy +23, Income Tax -3%).] #060: Supreme Court Nomination WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 6: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the people elect the Supreme Court justices directly. (+7 Political Freedom, -1 tax, +3% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -0.44% Unemployment Rate, +1% Government Efficiency, -1 Business Subsidization, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Godlessness, -1 Government Size, +3 Ideological Radicality, -2 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, +1 Rudeness, +4 Safety from Crime, -1 Taxation, +1 Unexpected Death Rate) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: I believe it is necessary to keep the election of even the Supreme Court judges in the hands of the people. If we allow the Inns of Court, or our esteemed bodies, to interfere in that, then politics, nepotism, and all kinds of backroom dealings are going to interfere with justice being dealt out fairly and impartially. This should not affect our esteemed bodies in the least. We all have our roles and duties as based on the Concordance and Charter of Liberties.] [Option 1 = The judicial branch is strongly influenced by major corporations; Option 2 = the judicial system legislates morality; Option 3 = the Supreme Court vehemently protects civil rights and the right to privacy; Option 4 = ???; Option 5 = military spending is on the increase.] #076: Suits in Protest WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation, our esteemed bodies politic have agreed that the introduction of unions would not be wise. The damages that rioting union workers do in Africa alone are dangerous and detrimental to both the economy and life overall. Wages and work benefits can best be left to what the market can bare,

and we ask the people of our nation to show compassion to those that work for them. Our focus should be to move closer to self-sufficiency, so that people can sell their labor because they want to do so, not because they have to do so.] [Option 1 = Pinkerton agents are called in to forcibly break up white collar strikes (Economy +26, Income Tax -3%, Authoritarianism -0.030, Business Subsidization +1, Employment +15, Ideological Radicality +4, Income Equality -50, Information Technology +1, Mining +1, Lifespan +1, Most Pro-Market +2.6, Obesity +12, Pacifism +4, Rudeness +1.5, Safety -15, Safety from Crime -5, Unexpected Death Rate -1, Wealth Gaps +50, Weaponization +6); Option 2 = CEOs and corporate executives are frequently found striking for better stock options; Option 3 = protests are prohibited from blocking traffic; Option 4 = local executives are seen on the corner with cardboard signs reading "will oppress the masses for food" (Economy -8, Income Tax +4%).] #050: Whips, Chains, And Leather, Oh My! WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, a niche industry catering to S&M enthusiasts has sprung up. (+2 Economy, Government size from Medium to Large, +2 Averageness, +1 Business Subsidation, -1 Compassion, +1 Culture, +2 Employment, +1 Furniture Restoration, -1 Niceness, -1 Pacifism, -2 Public Healthcare, +1 Rudeness, +1 Tourism, -1 Weather) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Our esteemed bodies do not care what people do in private, but when it comes to public nudity we would prefer if you keep that to the designated beaches. Likewise, if BDSM enthusiasts wish to create private membership clubs in order to be able to walk around their "slaves" then it is not the government's business to interfere in consensual contracts of that kind - unless they lead to death. Now, if there is a large enough niche to produce equipment for these hobbyists, then perhaps we should allow the economy to capitalize on the opportunity it presents...] [Option 2 = leather-clad individuals can be seen walking their slaves in public parks (Civil Rights +1, Economy +2, Income Tax +1%, Nudity +5, Social Conservatism -1, Youth Rebelliousness +1); Option 3 = midnight raids drag couples from their homes in the name of decency (-3 to -5 Civil Rights).] #055: Bigtopian Protesters Cry For Full Integration WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: If Bigtopians wish to have their children attend a specific school district, then they need to live within that school district. We will not engage in a practice to bus in students all across the Magistracy and United Provinces in order for them to attend a school of choice. Parents choose where they live and that in turn is a choice of school. There is also the alternative for private schooling, Co-operative Trust Schools, home schooling, and Homeschool Cooperatives at cost to the parents.] [Option 1 = government police forces protect public schools from the threat of protest; Option 2 = minority children spend hours bussing to schools miles away from home; Option 3 = members of majority races are forced out of their homes to make way for Bigtopians (Civil Rights -4, Income Tax +5%).] #285: A Right Not to Work? WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, emergency room admissions for 'stampede injuries' have skyrocketed since the introduction of weekly Sabbath Eve sales. (+2% income tax, -2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -6 Economy, +0.026 Authoritarianism, -79 Averageness, -15 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, -7 Godlessness, +3 Ideological Radicality, +18 Income Equality, -2 Retail, -1 Lifespan, -1.8 Most Pro-Market, -9 Obesity, +5 Religiousness, -0.9 Rudeness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, +1 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, -18 Wealth Gaps, -1 Weaponization, +7% Acts of God deaths, -1% Consumer Confidence Rate) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As Defender of the Faith, I urge our Protestant nation to embrace this ruling of our esteemed bodies that businesses close from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset. God says, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Our Lord says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The Catholic church says, "Sunday is a mark of our authority. It is we, not the God of Heaven, that gives you rest." Time sheets can be changed, double shifts assigned for those who

are willing. Entrepreneurs can open retail stores to work night shifts to make up for their lost day. If we, as a nation, work together then any loss can be recovered and God will restore it.] [OOC: Really? You got to be kidding me. That's a bit harsh. People generally get everything done before 6:30 p.m. in Europe because they know that retail stores shut down, and almost everything's closed on Sundays, and it doesn't cause stampedes or injuries. We are not talking about Black Friday sales in the United States here. It's not like Retail businesses can't make up the potential loss of that day by staying open later or by having other retail chains pop up that work through the night. If you really want to screw with the industries then put a negative to all of them, because this has Communism written all over it. I'm also getting the distinct feeling that this game has a bias towards New Age Doctrine and Atheism, but that's just me.] [Option 2 = police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down (Economy -8, Income Tax -3%); Option 3 = retail stores offer sales every hour on the hour (Economy -1, Retail +1); Option 4 = midnight pizza breaks are common among the work-fromhome population (Economy -5, Income Tax +1%).] #293: Maestro, Please. WA Category: Left-Leaning College State Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, conductors wield diamond-encrusted batons to fit in with their freshly gilded surroundings. (+1% Tax, +2 Economy, +2 Business Subsidization, +2 Compassion, +4 Pacifism, +1 Corruption, +2 Culture, +2 Employment, -2 Rudeness, -24 Toxicity, +2 Weather) [OOC: I need to boost the culture of my people and to provide more spots for tourists to visit. For that I will take the increased tax rate hit.] [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We hold music in high esteem and would be delighted to restore the concert halls and enrich the country's culture. Victor Hugo once said, "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Likewise, Mencius said, "If the King loves music, it is well with the land." What would be life without music?] [Option 2 = concert pianists lie about their occupation to avoid ridicule (Economy -1, Income Tax -1%, Culture -2, Employment -1, Happiness -1); Option 3 = Commercial jingles have been hamhandedly forced into world renowned symphonies; Option 4 = Terrified tympanists are finding themselves on the front lines armed only with kettledrums.] #159: Think Tank Proposes Privatised Prisons WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, criminals are executed and their property seized (-8 Civil Rights, Civil Rights went from Superb to Excellent, dropped Crime rate from "well under control" to "totally unknown," +0.051 Authoritarianism, +2 Corruption, -3 Freedom from Corruption, -4 Ideological Radicality, +4 Law Enforcement, -28 Nudity, -2 Recreational Drug Use, +28 Safety, +9 Safety from Crime, +12 Social Conservatism, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, -21 Weaponization, +0.20% Unemployment Rate). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: After much deliberation, our esteemed bodies politic shall consider the following to be violent crimes for the enforcement of this law: Homicide and related offenses, covering murder (including conspiracies and attempts), manslaughter and driving causing death; rape; human trafficking; abduction and related offenses such as kidnapping; robbery, extortion and related offenses such as blackmail. Deprivation of liberty or false imprisonment will be charged with imprisonment and/or heavy fines. Assault & Battery will be on a case-by-case basis, resulting in imprisonment and fines, with harsher sentences (including death penalty) based on damage done and the prosecution needs to show conspiracy and attempt to commit murder. Sexual misconduct by people in a position of trust (such as teachers, doctors, etc.), sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse will be tried under different rubrics. Concerning statutory rape, a man can defend himself by proving that his victim was already sexually experienced prior to their encounter (and thus not subject to being corrupted by the defendant). Otherwise, statutory rape matters are best handled by the parents involving shotgun weddings or similar means that do not involve violent crimes.] [OOC: If two people are witnesses to any murder you commit you get executed right away. That means that if there are at least two credible eyewitnesses to a murder you committed, you don't wait on Death Row for 15 years, Jack! You go straight to the front of the line! Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty - my state's putting in the express lane. Signs at various ports of entry now show a picture of a guy sitting in an electric chair, with a marquee along the top saying: Welcome to the Kritarchy Kolumbes. Don't f*ck up.] Note: Kritarchy Kolumbes was reclassified from "Left-Leaning College State" to "Inoffensive

Centrist Democracy." (Well, it was necessary to get the murder rate to zero, but now we're considered to be either communist or fascist. Can't have your cake and eat it, too.) [Option 1 = hundreds of thousands of convicts work as slaves in @@NAME@@'s many privatelyowned prisons (Income Tax -3%); Option 2 = convicted murderers are free to walk the streets provided they attend rehabilitation classes (Civil Rights +6); Option 3 can be as low as Civil Rights - 3.] #021: Police Consider "Big Brother" Anti-Crime System WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is our belief that to handle crime deterrence, crime fighting, and crime prevention would best be addressed in the private. We should be an example to the World that a society doesn't need to be under constant video surveillance in order to be considered safe. If people and businesses think it necessary to install cameras to protect their property and feel safer, then so be it. The local communities can start Neighborhood Watches, can hire security escort services, and install alarm systems. The people already have arrest powers as well, so there really is no need to step on their toes.] [OOC: We can't infringe on private property and corporation-held property rights to disallow placing surveillance cameras. That would be foolish. You only need surveillance cameras in certain public areas (but changing rooms and toilets, for instance, shouldn't be one of them). Barcoding just reeks of fascism. The drop in crime, as well as civil rights and political freedoms is not worth it in my opinion. In fact, banning cameras actually helps crime.] [Option 1 = surveillance cameras are banned (Civil rights +6); Option 2 = all major public areas are watched by police surveillance cameras (Civil rights -5, Safety +3); Option 3 = citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements (Civil rights -30, Political freedoms -18, Safety +3, Safety From Crime +2).] #122: Pensioners In Protest WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, retirement homes are often fitted with luxurious suites (+132 Averageness, +2 Compassion, +2 Employment, +1 Government Size, +1 Lifespan, +2 Niceness, +1 Public Transport, +14% Cancer). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is with a heavy, saddened heart that we implement this program. We cannot account for what might've happened to these elderly men and women to arrive in such positions. What does rest on our mind is why their families cannot help their own. I remember that the elderly raised maybe an acre worth of crops for themselves, but the grandparents were an integral part of the family to help around the house. How very unfortunate that we have to step in because neither their families nor the churches are willing to help these souls. I ask that each pater familias reflect on these words and see whether they cannot help those of their estates and their hebru. We also propose that a retirement savings account be made available by labor/work providers into which contributions are "tax-deferred" (deducted from paychecks before taxes and then taxed when a withdrawal is made) as well as individual retirement accounts into which contributions are tax-deductible.] [OOC: Usually I would dismiss this because the tax rate just keeps on climbing, and this will cause yet another tax hike. However, I'm after the Civil Rights and Public Transportation boost of Option 1. Secondly, Option 2 seems a bit cruel to the elderly. Hopefully this will be the last that I have to do in regards to government handouts. A bit of protection is nice, but a Nanny State is another matter. You don't want to get dependent on the government - that is a fatal mistake. Sadly, this issue doesn't allow for a better pension program for government workers or for putting in something along similar lines of a 401k. That would alleviate some problems.] [Option 2 = Senior citizens can usually be found doing heavy manual labor (Income Tax -1%).] #191: Blood Banks Running Dry WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the poor are often seen pale and dizzy after selling their blood to make ends meet. (+1 Averageness, +2 Godlessness, +0.094 Health, +2 Public Healthcare, -2 Religiousness, +0.2 Safety) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As much as we do not wish to look at the poor as a resource, it does behoove us to give the poor another way to make ends meet. That way we have a win-win situation in humanitarian aid and providing income subsidization. We just appeal that the folk take it easy after giving blood. Our medical advisers tell us that it takes roughly 48 hours for the body to replace the blood volume (plasma).]

[OOC: Well, so much for a boost in Civil Rights. Bad NSWiki! Bad!] [Option 1 = Citizens are forced to donate blood once every three months (Civil Rights -3, Income Tax +1%); Option 2 = blood donations have been banned because of the risk of eternal unrest (Civil Rights -4, Income Tax -1%); Option 4 = jails have become colloquially known as 'vampire houses' (Civil Rights -2).] #020: Gunman Kills Three WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: It is tragic when out of the blue something like this happens. We extend our condolences to the families who have lost and for their suffering we grieve, but trying to ban guns is not the answer. Likewise, people try to find a scapegoat by blaming movies and computer games. If we make everybody register their weapons, it's only going to increase the size of the government. If the Great Houses feel it necessary that their nationals should record the firearms used in their provinces, that's their business. Parents, if you feel that certain movies and games are too violent for your children then disallow them to watch and play them. The movies and games are rated and marked for content.] [OOC: Not less guns; more guns! More guns and give them to everybody. Let's see how that will help decrease the crime rate when a burglar has to worry that there might be a shotgun lurking behind that door. It will also make other nations think twice about invading if there's a gun hiding behind every blade of grass. If there would've been more people armed near the event, perhaps the gunman could've been taken down before more people got hurt.] [Option 1 = all guns must be registered; Option 2 = guns are banned; Option 3 = movies and computer games are strictly censored for violence.] #260:Taxpayers on Strike WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the government has cut taxes in the face of widespread tax evasion. (-8% Tax, government size decrease from large to medium size, -45 Averageness, -3 Defense Forces, -3 Eco-friendliness, -6 Environmental Beauty, +2 Freedom from Taxation, -2 Government Size, +1 Happiness, -0.347 Health, +1 Influence, -3 Law Enforcement, -1 Lifespan, -7 Public Healthcare, -3 Public Transportation, -9 Safety, -2 Safety from Crime, -2 Taxation, -6 Tourism, +10 Toxicity, +1 Unexpected Death Rate, +2 Weaponization, -3 Welfare) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: You've heard the citizenry, freemen, and nationals. Since they want a tax cut, we'll have to cut the funding to all the major programs to accomplish that. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Until we can even out the budget with excise taxes and tariffs the people will have to make do with less. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Well, this looks like a good time to cut the tax rate. And the result is....boy this country looks fugly. No tourist would want to visit this place. The only reason people live on these artificial islands is because the government pampers them and because they have more rights and freedoms. Where are those issues that boost the environment, tourism, and manufacturing?] [Option 2 = Police crack down on tax evaders without mercy (Law Enforcement +1); Option 3 = Tax evaders are regularly visited by agents of the <Nation> Blood Tithe (Civil Rights -3, Income Tax -3%).] #064: Put the Board Back in Board of Education WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, and the nation is currently revamping its entire education system. (+3% Income Tax, +20 Averageness, +2 Employment, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size, +7 Safety, +2 Safety from Crime, +1 Taxation, -4 Toxicity, -2 Weaponization, -2 Weather) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are always happy to assist with education in order to help the growth of knowledge. It's important to have teachers, as are smaller class sizes, better buildings and equipment, and the necessary pay for those teachers and professors. However, we stand by our decision that the basic education provided directly by the government should only be writing and arithmetic. If the people become too dependent on the government, one day they will be in the hands of a Kurmagnat who does not have a level of enlightened self-interest or even compassion to bother to assist in the right way. As such we'll provide grants in order to assist home schooling parents, and to help the people

build private schools, cooperative trust schools, home schooling cooperatives, universities, as well as religious schools and vocational schools. Naturally, we shall provide university research and tuition assistance grants as well. May our intelligensia and all of the folk work together to help raise this country's level of education so that we can meet and face the challenge that global influences want to impose on us - I say we can do better. May our churches teach the word of God and produce enough pastors and preachers to send them forth into the world. Still, sometimes a teacher needs to enforce discipline. It's the same in regards to an apprenticeship. You always show respect to your teachers and your elders.] [OOC: I still remember getting a whack on the fingers from the teacher. Believe me, after one of those, you listen. :P Sometimes it's necessary for a teacher to discipline his students.] [Option 1 = teachers regularly paddle unruly students; Option 2 = teachers are routinely tested to keep their jobs; Option 4 = ???] #102: For Whom the Road Tolls WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 2: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, new urban roads are threatening city parks. (-1% Income Tax, -7 Averageness, -3 Eco-friendliness, -12.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Government Size, -1 Happiness, +1 Automobile Manufacturing, -3 Public Transport, +1 Manufacturing, -12.75 Tourism, +12.75 Toxicity, +2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, -0.20% unemployment, -5% Old Age death, +8% Cancer death, -2% Heart Disease death) [OOC: So much for environmentalism and tourism with that choice. Let's hope there's some other issue, because my country is only becoming uglier.] [Option 1 = motorists must pay to enter inner-cities during peak hours (Income Tax -2%); Option 3 = cars are banned from built-up areas (Income Tax +2%).] #183: Buy a Better Baby? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We encourage our intelligentsia to advance in the sciences, and we praise our scientists in the advancements of stem-cell research, organ growth, and gene therapy, but we draw the line at designer babies and super soldiers. We do not endorse eugenics in this country. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = wealthy parents-to-be can select their perfect baby (Civil Rights +1, Income Tax -1%); Option 2 = research into 'designer babies' is banned (Civil Rights -4, Income Tax +2%); Option 3 = government-run screening operations remove embryos with severe genetic disorders (Economy -1, Income Tax +1%); Option 4 = <Nation>'s army is full of two-metre tall supersoldiers (Civil Rights -2, Income Tax +1%).] #311: Victims Demand Their Pound of Flesh WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, murder victims' families receive windfall payouts when the murderers are executed. (+2 Averageness, +1 Compassion, -1 Corruption, +1 Freedom from Corruption, +0.393 Health, +1 Niceness, -4 Obesity, +1 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +1 Safety, -1 Toxicity, +2 Weather, -3% Heart Disease deaths, +2% Old Age Deaths, +1% Cancer Deaths) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: For the loss of life that these criminals brought upon society, and the pain and suffering they caused from the deprivation of loved ones to the various families, the prisoners will pay with their lives. However, the State will first recoup the costs of imprisonment of executed prisoners before the families receive the left-over proceeds of the organ sales. The State has a lien on that person which will be satisfied first to accommodate a balanced budget to keep the prison system running without a deficit. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: It's one thing to execute violent criminals, but selling their organs afterwards is going on a slippery-slope. The criminal pays his debt to society, and the families get some reparation without the State reaching into its own pockets. Still, the kind of result that would come from this is that prisons will probably use the guillotine rather than the electric chair, firing squad, gas chamber, or lethal injection to keep the body mostly intact. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.] [Option 2 = prosecutors routinely call transplant doctors as 'expert witnesses' in burglary cases; Option 3 = condemned prisoners spend hours a day sitting in lotus position looking perplexed.] #226: Expats Plea For Help In War-Torn Country WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, the nation has welcomed its expats

back with open arms. (+1% Income Tax, +5 Averageness, +1 Compassion, +1 Culture, +1 Niceness, +1 Pacifism, -1 Rudeness, +3 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -3 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +1 Weather, +3 Welfare, +4% Social Welfare, -1% Healthcare, -2% Education, -1% Law & Order) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We are happy to receive and welcome expat citizenry back into the fold. We hope that the patres familias and elders of the estates will take back their kin as well and integrate them back into society. Let us show compassion and be an example to the world that we take care of our people.] [Option 2 = Citizens who leave the country are officially classed as traitors; Option 3 = the world outside is only known of in folklore.] #112: Put Down the Phone on Cold Calling? WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: As annoying as cold calls and door-to-door salesmen can be, it is not the duty of our esteemed bodies politic to infringe on the livelihood of the people. Get caller ID and a no-calling list for your phones and door spy holes before opening the door. It is best for the people to handle this in private, without the need of violence. This issue is dismissed for inability to provide remedy. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = a ban on unsolicited cold calling in all forms is in effect (Civil Rights +7, Economy -3); Option 2 = door-to-door salesmen are frequently beaten up by 'vigilantes' (Economy +10).] #156: Waste Going To Waste, Says Industry Lobby WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste (+6 Averageness, +3 Eco-friendliness, +12.75 Environmental Beauty, +1 Government Size, +0.653 Health, -1 Arms Manufacturing, -1 Basket Weaving, -1 Beverage Sales, -1 Furniture Restoration, -1 Mining, +1 Lifespan, -10 Obesity, +2 Pacifism, -1 Agriculture, -1 Manufacturing, +11.75 Tourism, -11.75 Toxicity, -1 Unexpected Death Rate, +2 Weather, +1% Acts of God deaths, +10% Old Age deaths, -7% Cancer deaths, -6% Heart Disease deaths). [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Maybe it's ours ears, but we could have sworn that you were saying to put toxic waste in our food, that it's good for us, and then ask us to pay you for feeding us toxic waste? William Spirit and Xu Cho, in the name of the Magistracy, the Landsraat, and the people of the Kritarchy, you are hereby charged with contempt of court. Unless you have something worthwhile to add to the discussion we suggest that you keep your bloody opinions to yourselves in our presence. That kind of talk is bordering on treason, conspiracy against the people, practicing medicine without a license and illegal dumping. We suggest that your companies get in touch with some good chemists and try to convert your toxic byproducts into some useful fluoride salts or fluorosilicate glass. Otherwise you will dispose of that waste properly. We expect to see your disposal or chemical re-manufacturing proposals within one week.] [OOC: Options 1 and 2 will improve the economy but Option 3 will harm it. Unfortunately, the environment of my country is so bad that I have to start somewhere, even if it hurts the economy right now. *facepalm* Wow, that's a tough hit to my various industries & sectors.] [Option 1 = Animals with strange deformities like three eyes and tentacles have been seen prancing through the countryside where industrial waste is dumped (Economy +2); Option 2 = the nation's drinking water tends to glow green at night (Economy +31, Income Tax -2%).] #107: Private Lab Holds Kritarchy Kolumbes's Sick To Ransom WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Dismissed (+1 Averageness) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: If Professor Ella Dubois wishes to sell her cure to the highest bidder that is her business. God knows that other organizations had cures for cancer for over 30 years and they are still withheld from the common people due to the agendas of those organizations. However, we care for the people of this country. Consequently, we propose to fund natural remedies, nutritional health and preventative medicine in order to boost the immune system of our people. There is no better cure than a wellworking immune system. We will decrease healthcare costs and raise the level of health of our people to such a point that Professor Dubois will sit on her "cure" until her laboratory will either go bankrupt or she comes begging for a hand-out from the very people she tried to deprive in the first place. Court stands adjourned.] [Option 1 = only the rich can afford the latest medical innovations (Corruption +1, Health -2,

Income Equality -6, Lifespan -1, Public Healthcare -1, Unexpected Death Rate +1, Weather -2); Option 2 = pharmacies close down as medicinal drugs are sold freely by the government (Civil Rights -1, Economy -12, Income Tax +2%, Authoritarianism +0.016, Business Subsidization -2, Employment -17, Health +0.5, Ideological Radicality -3, Income Equality +9, Most Pro-Market -2, Obesity -41, Pacifism +2, Public Healthcare +4, Rudeness -1, Safety +3, Toxicity -5, Wealth Gaps -1, Weather +3); Option 3 = the religious lobby has the power of veto over health initiatives (Civil Rights -3, Godlessness -2, Religiousness +1).] #105: Compensation Culture Must End, Say Corporations WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 3: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, manufacturers are sued for almost anything not covered in their catalogue-sized manuals. (+5% Income Tax, +28 Averageness, +4 Defense Forces, +4 Eco-friendliness, +4 Employment, +8 Environmental Beauty, -1 Freedom from Taxation, +1 Government Size, +0.144 Health, +4 Law Enforcement, +4 Public Healthcare, +4 Public Transport, +4 Safety, +1 Taxation, +8 Tourism, -8 Toxicity, +4 Welfare, +6% Old Age deaths, -1% Acts of God deaths, +1% Heart Disease deaths, -7% Cancer deaths, -2% Worker Enthusiasm Rate, +0.20% Unemployment Rate, government size from "medium" to "large," +6% Administration budget, -2% Social Welfare budget, -3% Education budget, -1% Commerce budget, increase in criminals) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: We agree that corporations need to be more thorough in their quality assurance and providing the necessary information in their user instructions. If necessary we can hold more elections to bring in more magistrates and judges, and to increase the size of the courtrooms, to increase court capacity. However, the Concordance makes it quite clear that lawyering is punishable by death, Ella O'Bannon. Still, we are feeling gracious and shall spare your life. Ella O'Bannon, in the name of the Magistracy, the Landsraat, and the people of the Kritarchy, you are hereby banished from these shores. You are asked to pack your belongings and choose a port where you desire to be sent. If your family desires to follow you afterward, they and their remaining possessions are allowed to depart these shores as well. Court stands adjourned.] [OOC: Wow, although I'm on the best way to fix my environment as well as my tourism industry, I didn't expect such a tax hike. Now I have to figure out how to get the tax rate and government size down again.] [Option 1 = corporations cut costs by taking away safety-features on their products (Economy +2, Income Tax -2%); Option 2 = every product goes through extensive safety-testing by the government (Economy -1, Income Tax +2%).] #143: An Archeological Altercation WA Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Option 1: Following new legislation in Kritarchy Kolumbes, prime commercial land is being swamped with archaeological teams. (+4 Averageness, +2 Culture, +0.75 Environmental Beauty, -1 Book Publishing, -1 Cheese Exports, -1 Information Technology, -1 Retail, -1 Trout Fishing, -2 Obesity, +1 Pacifism, +2.999 Safety, +1 Safety from Crime, -1 Manufacturing, +1.75 Tourism, -1.75 Toxicity, -1 Weaponization, +2% Old Age Deaths, -1% Heart Disease deaths, +2% Education budget, -1% Commerce/Industry budget) [IC - Statement of His Magnanimity to the Magistracy and Landsraat: Our esteemed bodies politic are very much interested in the finds that the archeology department of the Kritarchy Kolumbes History Museum have managed to discover. We're always happy when we can help the sciences to expand and give students more things to discover and study. At least the students will get another chance to learn when helping their teachers unearth artifacts. The influx of tourists should help the economy overall. Consequently, the mall can be moved to another location.] [OOC: Well, this is probably going to hurt my retail economy, but help my culture and tourism. Since my nation is on a bunch of artificially created islands, I would think that the archeology finds would be underwater so not much prime commercial and real estate land to infringe upon. But hey, submarine and scuba diving tours of ruins and museum visits! :P *face palm* Awwww, man, my industries are thoroughly in the crapper. I need to get my economy up and fast. Talk about a lot of prime commercial land with artifacts...Time to start building cities underwater.] [Option 2 = major archaeological findings are frequently bulldozed to make way for new buildings (Economy +12, Income Tax -1); Option 3 = archaeological discoveries are often followed by mysterious hamster abductions (Civil Rights +3).]

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