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First of all, influences by the peer group can create gangsterism cases. As we all know, peer group plays an important role in moulding ones characters because they will be able to lead their friends in doing something whether to do good things or bad things. In the fact of teenagers who usually have the urge to do something new, they will slightly done bad things without thinking of the effects of that action in their life. Challenges from their peer group will make them not to feel frightened anymore in doing bad things especially in school, while they are involved themselves in gangsterism. Peer group is the main reason of the gangsterism happened among teenagers because usually teenagers tend to share their problems with their friends rather than discussing it with their family. For them, only their friends will understand better their feelings so, whatever their friends do, they will follow it eventhough they realize it is a wrong action. Another reason leads to gangsterism is the teenagers nowadays are always lack of parental love from their parents who are busy twenty-four hours to find money until they do not realize that their children are neglected by them. They also do not play their role as parents who are the people that are responsible to provide their children with a good spiritual and moral background. Besides that, the environment of the teenagers will also create gangsterism to be happened. Teenagers who have a good environment such as the conducive environment in their home will be able to keep a distance with this social problem, while teenagers who have bad environment will involved themselves in gangsterism easily because only this way, they will feel more released. Why Im saying like this? Broken family background always creates a bad environment right? So, it is parents responsibilities to prevent their marriage problem become one of the main reasons why their children involved themselves in gangsterism. Furthermore, the fourth reason why teenagers involved themselves in gangsterism is because mass medias influences. Of course in the television, there are so many advertisements, films or dramas, even cartoons always publish for everyone. The violent action in those things will influence the teenagers to follow whatever action played by the author. Last but not least, the reason of gangsterism cases among teenagers might be also because there are no specific rules and strict enforcement from the authorities. The teenagers seem like do not have any feeling of frighten to do gangsterism because they know the rules and strict 1

enforcement are not exist anymore to punish them when do something wrong especially in gangsterism cases.


Lately, we have heard many of our students who are involved with gangsterism in our school. As the head of the students Displinary Board, I am very concerned with the increasing number of complaints filed by the students on those who are involved with gansterism in schools. We must tackle this problem from spreading so that the good name of our school is maintained. Moreover, we must also continue to take care the good name of our teacher this school as well as the parents. I am suggesting the following measures to be taken immediately.

Firstly, when you see or you observed your friends who are involved with this bad activities, you must straight away report your displinary teachers or any other teachers around. Besides, the parents must also continue to monitor the movement of their children and worked closely with the school authorities. Any students who are involved in this activities must be fined or given harsh punishment to them. Any of the students who know of this activity and inform to the school authorities, they should be given reward accordingly.

Secondly, motivational talked can also prevent this bad activities. We can invite the head of police department to give a talk to our stdent on a paricular topic related to the gangsterism in school. Hopefully, the students will get as much knowledge and they will be scared of joining any outside gangster groups. In addition, the school authorities must also organise campaigns by handing out leaflets and brochus about the bad implication when the students are involved with gangsterism. Furthermore the student must be encouraged to spend their time with recrational activities through their clubs and societies. Activities such as rock climbing, jungle trekking can make the students fully occupied. Hence, they have no time to be involved with gangsterism. In addition, weekend activities like football,netball and futsal match can be organised. I can also suggest that teachers who in charge of clubs and societies such as

Tourism Club, Adventure Club to get their members involved with the community works. They can go to particular village and do gotong-royong.

Close monitoring by teachers also can help to reduce the number of cases of our students getting involved with outside gangsters. Any of our students found having a close communication with outside gangsters. They must be immediately pull out for caunselling sessions. It will help the students at the preminary stage. Some organisation they have disciplines using the toll-free lines. They will receive calls and help the students by sending students to appropriate authorities regular spot-checks. By doing so, we can prevent students from bringing handphones and drugs to school.

I hope the measures that I have mentioned above will help the students and remind them not to be involved with this negative trend. I also hope this problem can be tackle with at its best. Remember to use our time and focused our study, maintain our good name, the school reputation, the teachers and of course our parents. Lets join hand and dont ever get involved with gangsters.

if you are the school discipline teacher, how would you tackle the problem of gangsterism among students ?
Indiscipline among students is one of the major problems faced by schools today. Gangsterism in particular has become a menace due to its violent nature. Gangsterism involves bullying, extortion and even physical assault. The victims are mainly fellow students and there have been a few cases in the Philippines where the act of bullying and assault had been fatal. If I am the discipline teacher, I would first undertake to study the extent of the problem in my school as well as the reasons why students would get involved in gangsterism. I would then haul the bullies and suspected gangsters in the school to determine further the reasons behind their individual behavior. Statistics and studies on gangsterism indicate most student gangsters hail from poor backgrounds or broken families whereby they lack attention and love from the family members propelling them to behave in such a manner. Poor students become gangsters as a means to gain extra cash

by extorting money from other students. Those who are a product of broken families normally indulge in these kind activities to seek attention and as a outlet for their frustration and unhappiness. Thus, by engaging in a discussion with these gangster students from my school, I would be able to find out which category they belong to. I would then proceed to advise them on the dangers of their behavior which could land them in jail or in correctional institute for juvenile delinquents. If this method does not work, I would then engage the assistance of inspectors from the local police station to give regular talks at our school on why gangsterism is a crime and the penalties faced by the perpetrators. A school-wide campaign would follow suit on how students and teachers can tackle the problems of gangsterism. the campaign would involve talks by former gangsters and reformed criminals who resorted to bullying and violence to achieve their goals and how that in turn has affected their lives and their families. Students would then be required to take a pledge not to resort to such behavior even if they face severe pressures from other students or as an easy way to make money from others. Instead of caning or punishing gangsters, I would counsel them and use the soft-handed approach. These facing financial troubles who resort to extortion as a solution would be given assistance pending their promise not to repeat such behavior. These who engage in gangsterism to seek attention would be sent for professional counseling. Students facing constant pressure to become part of gangs, would be exposed tot he dangers of such behavior and encouraged to report, without fearing for their lives, to the school authorities. I would collaborate with the other teachers to expose students to fun-filled activities and outdoor learning experience to make school a more exciting place. This would prevent bored students from contemplating joining a gangster group to seek excitement and acceptance. Thus, I hope with all these measures in place, the problem of gangsterism would be dealt with effectively and efficiently.

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