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Dear Dr. Elliott: I write in response to your March 9, 2013, request.

The evaluation-to-consent forms that you requested for the CAFE study are private data under Minn. Stat. 13.38; 144.293; and pursuant to confidentiality promises made under federal regulations for the protection of human subjects, 45 CFR Part 46. If the individuals or authorized representatives provide the University with authorization to release their evaluation-to-consent forms to you, the University will of course provide the forms. With respect to the CATIE study, there are no records responsive to the request because no human subjects were ever enrolled at the University of Minnesota for that study. I received your two data requests from yesterday. They will be put into the queue and will be answered as soon as possible. Sincerely, Susan Susan McKinney, CRM Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Responsible Authority Director, Records & Information Management 502 Morrill Hall 100 Church Street SE Campus Mail Code 0263D Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625-3497

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