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The authors of this book are Tim Vicary.

Tim Vicary is an experienced teacher and writer from Oxford Bookworms Library. They write story about a Queen of Scots, Mary. This story starts from Mary who was in Fotheringhay castle, in the north of England. It was January 1587. At the moment Mary wrote a story about herself to her son, James. Until Mary stopped writing February 1587, she died. Character in this book is Mary. She is the protagonist in this story. Mary is queen of Scots, when she was a baby. Mary is a Catholic people, and she is very religious. She was beautiful, clever, loved life, loved adventure, loved men, and she had many friends and enemys in this story. She has three husbands. They are Francis, Darnley, and Bothwell. Francis is a king of France, he was one year younger than Mary. And he died, when he was sixteen years old. She marry again with Darnley. And they has son, his name is James. Darnley is a tall man with beautiful face and big green eyes. But, he likes to get drunk and very bad. Darnley with his friends has kill Riccio. Riccio was a friend of Mary from Italy. He is a little man but he was very clever, interesting man and many helped Mary. And than, Darnley die. Mary marry again with Bothwell, he is a strong, clever and worked hard. Mary had friend in England, she is Elizabeth queen of England. She is a Protestant queen and inconsistent. She also imprisons Mary in English prisons and punish Mary until she die. The story started when Mary write story true of her live to her son, James. In Fotheringen castle in the northbof England. Mary write start from she become queen of Scot when she was a baby. And then, she went to France to marry the king of Frances son, Francis. Mary come back to Scotland after her husband Francis die. Mary a Catholic and Scotland is a Protestant country. That Sunday, Mary want go to Catholic church in Skotland. But the Scottish people dont like Catholics. But mary still want go to Catholic church, people were angry because of that. John Knox is a famous Protestant churchman, he give Mary suggestion in order that find a good Protestant husband. And than Mary marry with Henry Darnley a Protestant people. Mary very happy with Darnley, but after one or two weeks, Darnley has a lot of work. Darnley often went out with his friends in the town. They drank a lot, and laughed and sang. Mary feel lonely, and needed friends. And than, Mary friend his name Riccio a young Italian. But then, morays friends began to talk about Mary and Riccio. And than, one night Darnley came home when Mary with some friends, Riccio was there. They dinner in a small room, they were happy. Suddenly, Darnley open the door and join with they. Darnley feel jealous with Riccio. And than Darnley with his some friends kill Riccio. Mary very angry with Darnley. After that, Darnley feel afraid to his action kill Riccio. And than 19th june in small room in Edinburgh castle, James was born. Mary son from marriage from Darnley. But Darnley dont like with James. He often slept with other women. Mary very angry about that and more and more hate with Darnley. Mary and Darnley part, Mary in Edinburgh and Darnely in kirk ofield. Mary often visited Darnely everday. On subday 9th February, there was a big wedding in Edinburgh. After the wedding, Mary and Bothwell walked out to kirk ofield to see and talk with Darnley. And then, Mary and Bothwell came back to Edinburgh castle. And than, Darnley die at garden. After Darnley die, Bothwell invite Mary come to Bothwell castle. And he want marry with Mary. And than, Mary and Bothwell marry 15th May 1567. But Scots lords afraid of Bothwell because they think Bothwell kill king Darnley. And then, Bothwell went over sea and died in a prison in Denmark. Mary was prisoner in lochleven for a year. A lot of people Europe were angry about that. Queen Elizabeth wrote to the early of Moray. Moray is Mary half brother. And than Mary go to England, and was wrong. Moray

told lies about Mary. Mary and Bothwell killed Darnley, Moray said. But its not true. Elizabeth didnt know what to do. Sometimes she belivied Moray, sometime she didnt. She was afraid to kill Mary because Mary was queen. The English Catholic wany Mary to be queen of England, not Elizabeth. And than, Mary stopped writing because came Englishmen to Mary. He bring a latter from Elizabeth. In the letter writte Mary must die, tomorrow. And than, Mary die. The book not just have a good story but also have a moral message. The moral message from the story is Mary is religious personal. He is follower Catholic, it is different with the Scottisy. The Scotland are Protestant country. Though people in Scotland very hate with Catholic crunch, but she still want go to Catholic crunch to pray. Mary is a compassionate, though her husband, Darnley has kill Riccio. Mary friend a many helped Mary. Mary still give care to Darnley. When Darnley feel afraid a dark in Kirk Ofield. Mary still want visited Darnley. Though Mary could not forget the accident about kill Riccio by Darnley. Mary also dont greedy of throne and power, like Elizabeth and Moray. Elizabeth afraid with Mary because she think that Mary will kill she and take directionary from Elizabeth. And than, Moray inciting to get directionary. It is very bad. Dont try this at home. I really suggest you to read this book because this book telling about real story. This book telling about interest ones life journey and there are many social value that we can take from this book. When you read this book, you will feel like Mary, so you must read this book.

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