Associate Priest Job Description

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ThomasyAnglican Church Position Description

Position Responsible to Date Approved

Associate Priest Vestry, Rector June 23, 2003

The Associate Priest will: Play a full and active role in the education, nurture and development of lay leadership in the areas of pastoral care and small group development; Participate in the worship life of the parish by presiding and preaching regularly and sharing in baptisms, weddings and funerals as the Rector assigns and schedules; Attend regular meetings of statt'and when required vestry and committees to pa~ticipate in parish administration; Work closely with statf, vestry and corporation in coordinating and organizing the activities of the parish; Join specific committees or groups assigned to the Associate in consultation with the Rector; Assist in identitling and developing lay leaders and roles for lay persons in parish life; Report on concerns and issues in parish life to the Rector at schedules staff meetings; Offer administrative assistance and support to the Rector, as required; Participate in the life of the Diocese under the direction of the Bishop of Edmonton; Remain attentive to issues and concerns in the national and international church, Monitor their- own professional, educational, personal and spiritual development in consultation with the Bishop, Rector and/or other appropriate advisors; Participate in St. Thomas' five year Strategic Plan.

St. Thomas' Anglican Church Sherwood Park, Alberta Job Description PASTORAL ASSOCIATE


Delegated by Bishop's letter of licence

Position Requirements Master of Divinity degree, as required for ordination in the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Edmonton, or equivalent. Responsible to Liaison Person(s) Results Statement Bishop, Rector Rector, Parish Secretary, Wardens, The Pastoral Associate will be a part of a highly motivated dedicated team that combines the attributes of leadership, independent action, sharing and cooperation to achieve a caring effective and efficient staff group that leads and facilitates the life of the congregation of St. Thomas'. The Pastoral Associate is responsible for sharing in the following areas: a) conduct worship services b) administer the sacraments c) pastoral counselling and care of members of the congregation including visitation of new and sick members d) spiritual development of parishioners e) interpretation and teaching of God's word f) active participation in Parish and Diocesan life g) development of intercessory prayers h) coordination and training of the Altar Guild i) conduct bible study j) conduct marriage preparation k) baptismal preparation and follow up 1) preparation for first communion m) conduct services in extended care homes n) preparation of greeting and bereavement cards o) preparation of thank you notes p) other duties as assigned by the Rector Continuing Education The Pastoral Associate is encouraged to participate :in an ongoing continuing education programme.


Approved at Special Meeting of Parishioners ,March 2 1, 2000

PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: POSTION DESCRIPTION (314 TIME) ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN CHURCH, SHERWOOD PARK, ALBERTA This position description is established to document the understandings between the Bishop, Vestry, Rector and the Pastoral Associate and the role the Pastoral Associate has in the life of the Parish. For the purposes of this position description. 75% time is defined as up to. but no more than. 45 hours per week. St. Thomas' Church is a vibrant community, blessed with people who oRer a wealth of talent. time and financial support to God's works. The members are active in support of the Diocese of Edmonton and the world mission of the Lord. St. Thomas' is a "Congregation on the Move" and is a visible. hithful. evoiving Christian iommunity. It is at a point of transition between a pastorai organizationai model and a program organizational model emphasizing a clear need for the Pastoral Associate to heip energize the lay leadership and develop the organizational strengths that a program organizational model requires. St. Thomas' is proud of its Anglican roots. supporting those who are currently pan of the congregation and welcoming those looking for a church home. Realizing that the world is changing, it is looking for new ways to be a church able to meet the needs of the people today. The Pastoral Associate will be part of a dedicated leadership team that combines the attributes of organization. independent action. sharing and cooperation to achieve a caring and effective s t a f f g r o u ~ that leads. facilitates and nurtures the iife ofthe congregation of St. Thomas'. Within this context. the Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, Qualifications and Remuneration/Beneiits ofthe Pastoral Associate are set out as follows: AUTHORITY The Pastoral Associate's authority is delegated through the Bishop of Edmonton's Letter of License to hnction in that position.


With the Grace of our Lord. the love of God and the support ofthe congregation. the Pastoral Associate is responsible tor sharing in the following. These duties are intended to complement the duties of the Rector. but not duplicate them.
Worship Planning .4ssist in the planning for worship services by attending the regular weekly planning meetings. Worship Participation Share in the conducting of weekly liturgies and regular Sunday services as detailed by Vestry. Pastoral Visiting Focus on the visiting o i new parishioners and their families and as time permits. iisiring some ofthe established congregation members and their families. Pastoral Care Crisis intervention. counselling and referrals for individuals and families in need. as required. Strategic Planning Actively involved in promoting and championing the Five-Year Plan and the six goais that are integral to it. .Administration and Supervision .. .Assume responsibilitv tbr specitic St. rhomas programs like Sunday Schooi. r outn. .'\dult Education. Outreach and other Smail Groups. N.B. It is not the intention that the Pastoral Associate will deliver these programs. but would act a s a nunurer and resource. .Meetings and Events J Diocese- Attend Synods. diocesan meetings. events. conkrences and retreats at the request of the Bishop and /or Rector. b) Parish- It is intended that attendance at parish meetings and events will be divided between the Rector and the Pastoral Asso - .3te. as appropriate. Ecumenical and Community Deveiopment Attend approximately half of the locai ecumenical meetings as agreed by the Rector. Share attendance at monthly Ministerial Meetings in consultation with the Rector. Weddings and Funerals Be prepared to assist with arrangements and preside at selected events throughout the vear. (2)

The Pastoral Associate is accountable to the Bishop. Vestry. Rector and the parishioners of St. Thomas' Church.

The Pastoral Associate will: a) be an ordained priest in the Anglican Church of Canada b) have at least one years experience in ordained ministry, C) have training in pastoral visitation. counselling and church organization. d) have demonstrated an ability to work independently. and be a self-starter in a team environment with a minimum of supervision.


The Remuneration and Beneiits are as per the Diocesan and St. Thomas' policies.

BEP draft prepared 2003/06/03.



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Delegated by the Bishop's Letter of License.

Position Requirements: Master of Divinity degree. as required in the Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Edmonton. Responsible To: Resuits Statement:

Bishop, Vestry, Rector The Pastoral Associate will be part o f a highly motivated dedicated team that combines the attributes of organizational leadership, independent action. sharing and cooperation to achieve a caring and effective and efficient staff organization that leads the congregation of St. Thomas' as it moves xiom a pastoral organization model to the program organizational model. The Pastoral Associate is responsible for working and assisting in the following areas: assisring - in worship planning. conducting regular church services as aetaiieu by Vestry, \ isiting new parishioners and their Trniiies. counseiling indiviauais and famiiies in neea. promoting and championing the Five- Year Plan. administering the assigned programs like Sunday Schoo 1. Youth. Adult Education. Outreach and other Smail Groups. attending Diocesan and Parish meetings in con!uncrion with the Rector. attending various Ecumenical and Community Deveiopment meetings. assisting in the conducting of weddings and funerals.



Remuneration and Benefits as per the Diocesan and St. Thomas' policies.

BEP draft prepared 2003/06/03

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