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e. I usually take very good care of my items/ belongings. f. I hate lending people any of my stuff/ contents.

NAME____________________COURSE: 11 DATE: MARCH/8TH TEACHER: Ludy Copete Renteria

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Back behind dnate dump - hold onto - house - hold - rid - throw - away treasured


Which is the definition for each Word

Clutter, Efficiency, Neat, Mess, Organize, Tidy

__________to put things into an order or system __________ when you put too many things in one place without any particular order or care __________abitity to work well and obtain good results __________ situation where things are not in the right place and possibly dirty __________ Everything is in the right place Everything is in the right place and looking nice. 2. Choose the correct options to complete the text. I have a lot of/so much books and magazine. I dont have enough/ too much space for them at home. So I recently brought a few/ a Little of them to work. I have plenty of / too much space in my office. I think the bookselves look great with so many/so much books on them. But my boss disagrees. She says there are not enough/ too many. She says they make the office look cluttered and messy. 3. Choose the correct words. a. The sof is the biggest article/beloging of furniture in my living room b. I can name all the contents/tems of my bag without looking c. My cell phone is my most important possesion/ stuff d. My parents have a lots of useless old property/ junk at home. I wish theyd throw it away!

a. _________ these potos. Theyre part of your family history. b. If the package was damage when it arrived, you should send it _______ and get a refund. c. Please get __________ of those sneakers. They smell terrible! d. The suitcase wont shut youll have to leave some things ________. e. The flood damaged most of our ________ contents. f. Dont just _________ your old computer why dont you _________ it to charity? g. I wish people wouldnt ______ their trash here. h. These are my mos possesion

5. You are going to listen to the first part of a podcast about a museum dedicate to toys and games.mark the information you hear. a. What its called b. What it is. c. Where it is. d. When it opened. e. How many people visit it. f. What kind of toys it includes. g. What you can do there.

Do your best Good luck!

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