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Name: Anthony A Date: 1/03/13 +

How do I learn best?

This term the students investigated how they learn best. They looked at Habits of

the Mind and mindsets and how they

help them make good choices.

How can Habits of Mind help with my learning and thinking?

When Im learning with good habits of mind, I will be able to listen properly and focus on what the teacher is saying. When Im not doing well all I do is think that I should strive for Accuracy

How can I contribute to a positive learning environment?


Not calling out Behave properly Speak when been spoken to Use correct languege

What is a mindset?

A mindset is talent, your personality and your intelligence

How can I have a growing mindset?

By thinking that I can get better at things that Im good at or what Im bad at.

Your child can

Identify how the Habits of Mind help with their learning. Identify how they can contribute to a positive learning environment. Explain what a mindset is Identify how they can have a growing mindset

Child Teacher Child

Teacher Child

Teacher Child


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