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Max Payne 3 Full Cheats Pack

NOTE: These are the main Max Payne cheats that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below. To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe with the command line parameter "-developer". Once you have the game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console with F12 and enter these codes: Coder - God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, etc. God - God Mode Mortal - Become Mortal ShowFPS - Show FPS NoClip - Fly Mode NoClip_off - No Fly Mode Getbullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out Showfps - Show Frame Rate Getpainkillers - Get 8 PainKillers C_addhealth ( 100 ) - Add 100 to Health GetAllWeapons - All Weapons GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo Jump10 - Jump Higher (set to 20 or 30 for even higher) SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded SetNormalState - Walk Normally GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat GetBeretta - Beretta GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1 GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2 GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun GetIngram - Ingram GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams GetMP5 - MP5 GetColtCommando - Colt Commando GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail GetGrenade - Grenade GetM79 - M79 GetSniper - Sniper Rifle GetHealth - Health GetPainkillers - Pain Killers GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time Jump10 - Big Jump Jump20 - BigBig Jump Jump30 - BigBigBigJump Inventory - Details of Player Clr - Delete Line Help - List Cheats The following keys will be enabled also: C - Cycle through three camera modes PageUp - Cycle mesh up PageDown - Cycle mesh down Ctrl + PageUp - Cycle TextureSet up Ctrl + PageDown - Cycle TextureSet down Home - Increase game speed End - Decrease game speed Home + End - Set game speed to 1.00x (default speed) Page 1

Insert - Teleport Max to next start point Delete - Teleport Max to previous start point F7 - Switches AI movement network connections visualization F8 - Switches AI movement network node visualization F11 - Toggle statistics on / off F12 - Open Console Arrow Left - External camera left Arrow Right - External camera right Arrow Up - External camera forward Arrow Down - External camera backward You can also use these command line parameters to enable/disable some features: -nodialog - Skips the Max Payne startup dialog when loading the game. -skipstartup: Skips the startup animation -screenshot - Enables the F10 key for taking screen shots. Screen shots are saved to "screenshots" folder under your Max Payne installation folder -disable3dpreloads - If the system runs out of texture memory while loading a level, this option may prevent the game from crashing due to a driver error -window - Runs the game in a windowed mode, in the resolution selected from the Max Payne launch dialog. All 3d accelerators do not support running in a windowed mode. From

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