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2 a) Number of pump stages (design for 50 Hz at optimum efficiency) b) Pump suction and discharge pressure c) Motor output power requirement d) Motor power consumption (hp and kw) e) Real current (accounting for power factor and pump load) at 50 Hz Answers: a, b) Rate: 15228.57 RB/day at the optimum efficiency at 50 Hz of 67.7% Head/stage=20.5 ft With shrinkage 1.2 rate=
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= 12690.47

A single stage providing 20.5 ft of head using a pure water density of 0.43psi/ft gives 8.82 psi in pressure. The stage pumping 0.7 s.g. 8.82*0.7=6.2 psi of pressure. At 12690.47 stbpd suction pressure=2400 psi, discharge pressure=3430 psi. The pump requires delivering 1030 psi. To provide this
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= 167 stages are

required. c) Power requirement From fig 3 at 50 Hz and 15228.57 RB/day: each stage requires 3.65 HP/stage for pure water: 3.65 167 = 609.6 For the reservoir fluid: 0.7*3.65=2.56 HP/stage 2.56 167 = 428 d) Motor power consumption:
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= 0.5 The % of nameplate power is 50%

From fig 4: At 50% power the motor efficiency equals to 79%. Input Power requirement is
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= 542 or 404 kW.

e) From fig 5: at 50% nameplate power plate amps equals to 60%. 0.60*110=66 A. From fig 6. Power Factor plot: 50% nameplate power corresponds to 72 %. Real current: 0.72*66=48 A.

fig 1.

fig 2.

fig 3.

fig 4.

fig 5.

fig 6.

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