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C# and .NET programming introduction 1 Introduction A course in C# and .NET programming Associated book: C# and .

.NET Programming for Engineers, John Allwork, Publisher: Elektor, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-905705-81-1
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 2

1. 2.


5. 6. 7.

9. 10.

Introduction, Development environment User Interface, controls Properties and events Dialogs and forms C# language basics C# language arrays and strings C# language -program flow Object Oriented programming Methods Object Oriented programming Classes File handling Multimedia & Graphs

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 3

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Debugging Run-time placement Threads Internet communication Databases Introduction and displaying Databases Creating Databases Accessing from code Plotting DLL and API Hardware interfacing - USB interface
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 4

Software Visual C# 2008 Download from Microsoft

Free but slightly limited version

Also install SQL 2008 used for databases Register the product
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 5

Development environment We will create Windows applications

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 6

Design environment:
Menus Solution explorer


Code editor



Properties/events window

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 7

The Form Most important - place controls the UI. Display by clicking Form1.cs [Design] tab

Form Textbox Button Label Listbox

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 8

The Toolbox Grouped by task Contains controls Common controls are: Buttons, Textboxes, Labels, Radio buttons etc.

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 9 The Properties / Events window Properties

Each control has properties e.g. Name Position (top and left) Size (height and width) Text Description of property
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 10

The Properties / Events window Events
Events happen to controls e.g: Button click KeyPress MouseMove MouseDown Others Form load


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 11

The Code Editor where you enter your code Double-click object to enter code Some added for you do not delete


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 12

Your First C# Program

Run C#, start a new Project, > Windows Application and call it Hello world Save the project. Select File>Save All. Display the form (click form1.cs[Design] tab). Add button (drag and drop) from Toolbox to form


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 13

Change the buttons text display (a property). Display the properties window, Scroll to the Text property, type in Hello world


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 14

Place TextBox and label to form Change labels caption property to My First C# Program. Form looks like:


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 15

Run program not much happens. Close it. Double-click button to add code for button click Add code: textBox1.Text="Hello world";


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 16 Run program, click button. Hello World is displayed Your first C# program ! Note use dot notation to access property C# is case sensitive


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming introduction 17 Summary

Free software from Microsoft Development environment Form, Code editor, Toolbox, properties/event window Drag/drop controls (buttons) to form Double-click to add code First program


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 18

Adding methods to class Static classes available to all objects Overriding default methods Inheritance Protected declaration


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 19 Methods

Add method Move Move Point one place in X and Y direction Code: public void Move( ) // declare public { _x++; // move X by one _y++; // move Y by one } // end move Use: myPoint.Move( );
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 20 Method overloading

Add second Move method pass distance to move public void Move(int Xdistance, int Ydistance) { _x = _x + Xdistance; _y = _y + Ydistance; } Use both: myPoint.Move(12,34); myPoint.Move( );

// pass X and Y // one unit in X and Y

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 21

IntelliSense knows about both:


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 22

Static Classes - dont have to be instantiated. Distance from Origin example of this available to all objects Code: class Calculate // pass x,y return distance { public static double DistanceToOrigin(int x, int y) { return Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); } } Use:
distance = Calculate.DistanceToOrigin (myPoint.X, myPoint.Y);
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C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 23

More useful ToString method ? - Override default ToString method Add code: public override string ToString( ) { return "My Point Object is at : " + _x + ," + _y; } Use: MessageBox.Show(MyPoint.ToString( )); Displays: My Point Object is at : 123,456
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 24

Inheritance Take a class and extend Seen this when we create our Form: public partial class Form1 : Form

Lets create Circle Class from our Point Class Can add radius and area Code: public Circle : Point


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 25

Add new class Circle: (Project > Add class) Call it Circle, code: class Circle : Point { } Can now create a circle: Circle smallcircle = new Circle( ); Because we are using existing code, its more reliable
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C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 26

Extend define radius Constructors: class Circle : Point { private double _radius; // internal private public Circle( ) { } public Circle(int xValue, int yValue, double radius) { _x = xValue; // _x and _y now declared protected in Point class // still private to outside world _y = yValue; _radius = radius; }
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 27

// add property - radius use get and set public double radius { get { return _radius; } set { if (value >= 0) _radius = value; } }
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 28

Extend further Add method Area:
// method Area public double area( ) { return Math.PI * _radius * _radius; }


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 29

Override ToString method: public override string ToString() { return "Circle at x,"+_x+" y,"+_y+ "radius,"+_radius; }


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 30

Circle smlCircle = new Circle( ); Circle largeCircle = new Circle(12, 34, 56); smlCircle.X = 98; smlCircle.Y = 87; smlCircle.Radius = 10; MessageBox.Show(smlCircle.ToString( )); MessageBox.Show(largeCircle.ToString( )); MessageBox.Show (smlCircle.area( ).ToString( ));
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming OOP2 - 31

Adding methods Static classes available to all objects Overriding default methods Inheritance extend class Protected declaration


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 32 Topics:

Serial port Parallel port API DLLs USB USB Module


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 33 Serial Port control

Non-visual control. Properties: BaudRate: 9600, DataBits: 8, Parity: None, PortName: COM1, StopBits: One.
Main event: DataReceived Occurs when data is received from the port
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 34

Needs: using System.IO.Ports; Set properties serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600; serialPort1.DataBits = 8; serialPort1.Parity = (Parity)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), "None"); serialPort1.StopBits = (StopBits)Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), "One"); Open device serialPort1.Open();
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 35

Send and receive data serialPort1.WriteLine(textBox1.Text); listBox1.Items.Add(serialPort1.ReadLine());

Or use DataReceived event


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 36

private void serialPort1_DataReceived (object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)



2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 37 Parallel interface.

One way of getting digital I/O. Data register: Bits 0-7 data Status Register: Bits: 0-2 not used, 3-Error, 4-Select, 5paper out, 6-acknowledge, 7 busy. Control Register: Bits: 0 strobe, 1-Auto-feed, 2-initialise, 3-select, 4-IRQ enable, 5-7 not used Base address (data register) is at 0x378 Status and control at 0x379 and 0x37A. Eight outputs Only status register bits are guaranteed inputs
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 38 Accessing the parallel port

Use inpout32.dll - Lake View Research ( Provides direct read and write of the I/O [DllImport("inpout32.dll", EntryPoint = "Out32")] public static extern void Output(int adress, int value); [DllImport("inpout32.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")] public static extern int Input(int address); Use: Output(port, data); temp = Input(port);

// writes data to port // read port, puts data in temp

2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 39 USB interfacing

Most popular way of interfacing to the PC.
Complete design involves: Hardware / USB interface PC drivers Understanding protocol and hardware limitations Difficult
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 40 The USB interface - 1

USB 2.0 three modes of operation: High speed (480 Mbits/s), Full speed (12 Mbits/s) and Low speed (1.5 Mbits/s).
Device indicates its speed by pulling D+ or D- data line high. Power can be taken from USB bus but strict limitations
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 41 The USB interface 2

The host controls the bus - initiates & controls all messages Up to 127 devices on the bus - a device may not run at its full speed. USB Connectors: The A-type is exclusively for a host B-types are for connection to slaves. Smaller B-type for small devices such as mobile phones and digital cameras.
2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 42 USB interfacing

Many manufacturers make USB / I/O modules One is from DLP design: DLP-245PB-G


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 43

The module features - 1:

USB 1.0 and 2.0 compatible communication at up to 2Mbits/s 18 digital I/O lines (6 as A/D inputs) Programmable Microchip 16F877A PIC Pre-programmed code to interface to USB


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 44

The module features - 2: Code provides access to: I/O (analogue and digital) EEPROM and external digital temperature sensors Access to the PIC data bus for further expansion. No in-depth knowledge of USB hardware or software is required 40-pin DIL pin-out: further expansion is easy.


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 45

Using the module Install drivers and DLL can then use from C#

Can read and write directly to I/O Need to understand protocol

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C# and .NET programming Hardware 46


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

C# and .NET programming Hardware 47


Serial port Parallel port API DLLs USB USB Module


2009 Elektor International Media C# Programming for Engineers, J Allwork

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