Quiz (4) M

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Prejudice and racism are the same thing. Student Response False


In the story,"Newcomer," Mehri Yalfani's main character, Susan, had contributed forcefully to the class discussion about the revolution. Student Response False


Isabel Vincent--a second generation immigrant--was turned down for a newspaper job because she was perceived as too Anglo-Saxon. Student Response True


Marginalization leads to newcomer integration. Student Response False


The process by which a migrant adapts to and takes on the cultural attributes of the host society is called "culturation." Student Response False


Racism supports the notion of the superiority of one group over another.

Student Response True


New migrants earn less than native-born Canadians with equal skills and education due to lack of recognition of the foreign credentials of internationally trained professionals and people in skilled trades. Student Response True


Which of the following does not accurately describe the ideas of "smiling" or "quiet" racism? Student Response A. covert or secret B. insidious C. veiled D. "no holds barred" E. not explicit


Which of the following statements correctly describes Himani Bannerji? Student Response 1. He was born in Iran and immigrated to Canada in 1987. 2. She was a second-generation Portuguese immigrant and an award-winning investigative journalist and author. 3. She was born in Bangladesh in 1942 and teaches sociology at York University in Toronto. 4. She was born in Ghana, West Africa, and immigrated to Canada in 1974. 5. She was born in Russia in 1955 and teaches political science at Sheridan College.

1 0.

Isabel Vincent uses the motif of her mother's first pair of pants as a device to:

Student Response 1. demonstrate Canadian fashion. 2. frame her discussion of assimilation. 3. show racist tendencies in Canadian culture. 4. discuss the needs of immigrants from Europe. 5. set the stage for her writing in the "New Yorker."

1 1.

The story, Ajax laBas, by Yeshim Ternar: Student Response 1. deals with the plight of an overqualified immigrant pays her way through college by teaching at a day care. 2. demonstrates gender imbalance in Turkish society 3. reveals anti-French sentiment in Montreal 4. shows an ambitious young Turkish woman who works below her qualifications as a house cleaner. 5. ponders the difference betwen life in Cairo and life in Toronto for an Arab-Canadian.

1 2.

Which of the following statements about "culture shock" is false? Student Response 1. Culture shock is a reaction to a temporary unsuccessful attempt to adjust to new surroundings and people. 2. Culture shock is another barrier that newcomers to Canada face. 3. In "Newcomer" Mehri Yalfani describes a woman experiencing various manifestations of culture shock as the main character, Susan, returns to Iran. 4. Culture shock isolates people from their new environment. 5. Culture shock is experienced as a sense of loss arising from being uprooted from one's familiar surroundings.

1 3.

Which of the following statements about integration is false?

Student Response 1. Integration is a term that refers to the process by which migrants and refugees become part of the social, cultural and institutional fabric of Canada. 2. Integration and assimilation are terms that are interchangeable. 3. The success of integration into Canadian society depends in part on our language policies. 4. There are different forms of integration into Canadian society. 5. The process of integration helps newcomers settle in Canada and become recognized as participants in Canadian society.

1 4.

Which of the following descriptors best fits the term "political integration"? Student Response 1. refers to voting or being involved in ethnic organizations that lobby on behalf of immigrant and refugee communities 2. refers to the development of a sense of control by migrants and refugees in the host society (Canada) 3. refers to adopting some of the culture of mainstream Canadian society while retaining ethnic cultural elements 4. refers to the acceptance of social customs and protocol 5. refers to the learning of one of the official languages, French and English

1 5.

Which of the following is not a definition of "racism"? Student Response 1. Racism is the way that relations between whites and people of colour are organized such that whiteness is perceived as normal and neutral. 2. Racisim is a positive or negative attitude, judgment or feeling about a person that is generalized from attitudes, beliefs or stereotypes held about the group to which the person belongs. 3. Racism is a system of ignorance, exploitation and power used to oppress people of colour on the basis of ethnicity, culture, mannerism and skin colour. 4. Racism is an ideology promoting negative social definitions of a group identified by physical features, such as skin colour. 5. Racism is a set of attitudes, ideas and practices that deny people of colour their

dignity, opportunities, freedoms and rewards that the society offers.

1 6.

The height and weight requirements for particular jobs which screen out groups of people who don't fit those specifics is an example of Student Response 1. individual racism 2. prejudice 3. institutional racism 4. acculturation 5. cultural integration

1 7.

The term "race" was used extensively for non-European groups Student Response 1. by the late 18th century. 2. in the 20th century. 3. during the first century AD. 4. during the Middle Ages. 5. in the 16th century.

1 8.

In the story, "The Other Family" by Bannerji, the picture the little girl brings home from school Student Response 1. serves as a source of pride for the little girl's mother. 2. demonstrates the ideal family in her mother's eyes. 3. changes the little girl's perception of racial identity. 4. demonstrates the racist policies of the school. 5. provides motivation for the family to integrate into Canadian society.

1 9.

Which of the following does not attest to Canadian commitment to social diversity? Student Response 1. The Multiculturalism Act 2. Provincial human rights codes 3. Canadian Human Rights Act 4. The First Amendment of the Constitution 5. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

2 0.

Which Montreal writer, born in 1956, wrote "The Book and the Veil"? Student Response 1. Yeshim Ternar 2. Isabel Vincent 3. Henry Codjoe 4. Himani Bannerji 5. Mehri Yalfani


1. Emigrants

The term emigrant refers to a person who arrives in a new country with the intention of permanently settling in that country. Student Response True Score:
2. The Census

Value 0% 0/1

Correct Answer False

According to the 2001 Census, 55% of the Canadian population can be described as visible minorities. Student Response False Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer False

3. Chinese Immigration Act

In 1885, The Chinese Immigration Act imposed a head tax on Chinese immigrants to Canada. Student Response True Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer True

4. "The Concubine's Children"

In the reading "The Concubine's Children," Denise Chong describes the arrival of a young Chinese woman to the shores of New York and her first meeting with her new husband. Student Response True Score: 0/1 Value 0% Correct Answer False

5. Immigrant Classification

Migrants who enter Canada under the economic classification must be sponsored by a close family relative. Student Response False Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer False

6. Canadian Mosaic

Select the description which best explains what is meant by the term "the Canadian mosaic." Student Response A. "The Canadian mosaic" Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

refers to the fact that Canada currently is comprised of people from vastly different ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds B. The "Canadian mosaic" refers to Canada's long history of tolerance for aboriginal people dating back to the 18th century. C. "The Canadian mosaic" refers to the fact that Canada is a bilingual country comprised of the English and French. D. "The Canadian mosaic" is not a term that accurately describes

the Canadian population at the present time. E. "The Canadian mosaic" refers to the fact that all immigrants are expected to leave their heritages behind when they settle in Canada Score: 1/1

7. Multiculturalism Act

Which of the following descriptions best characterizes the intent of the Multiculturalism Act? Student Response A. The Multiculturalism Act encourages immigrants to pursue their own traditions and customs while ignoring the Canadian way of life. 100% B. The Multiculturalism Act encourages immigrants to retain their heritage and Value Correct Answer Feedback

celebrate cultural differences. C. The Multiculturalism Act replaced bilingualism in Canada. D. The Multiculturalism Act ensured that Canada would become a melting pot similar to our American neighbours. E. The Multiculturalism Act is a provincial economic policy that ensures newcomers jobs. Score: 1/1

8. "The Immigrants"

Which author in Pens of Many Colours wrote the poem "The Immigrants"? Student Response A. Lyse Champagne B. Margaret Atwood C. Joy Mannette D. Denise Chong E. Helga Mills 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

9. Joy Mannette


In the reading "My Dearest Child" in Pens of Many Colours, Joy Mannette tells her son about his roots in which geographic area of Canada? Student Response A. Ontario B. The Prairies C. Quebec D. British Columbia E. Acadia Score:
1 Francophone Perspective 0.


Correct Answer




Which author describes herself as Francophone Ontarian with a strong sense of the different ways English Canadians and French Canadians construct history? Student Response A. Margaret Atwood B. Joy Mannette C. Pauline Johnson 100% D. Lyse Champagne E. Denise Chong Score:
1 Helga Mills 1.


Correct Answer



In the reading, "Breaking the Barriers" in Pens of Many Colours, Helga Mills tells the stories

of which category of immigrants? Student Response A. Transnational migrants B. Family class immigrants C. Refugee women D. Male economic immigrants E. Only immigrants from Somalia Score:
1 Joy Kogawa 2.


Correct Answer




Joy Kogawa writes about which group of migrants to Canada? Student Response A. The Dutch B. The Koreans C. The Chinese D. The Japanese E. The Iranians Score:
1 "Itsuka" 3.


Correct Answer




In the reading "Itsuka" in Pens of Many Colours, What action taken by the Canadian government does Joy Kogawa describe?

Student Response A. The celebration of British royalty


Correct Answer


100% B. The apology given in Parliament to Canadians of Japanese descent for sending them to internment camps during World War II. C. The passage of the Multiculturalism Act D. The adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms E. The decision to enter World War II Score:
1 Gender and Racial Discrimination 4.


Which author in Pens of Many Colours describes her experience of gender and racial discrimination in the Canadian judicial system? Student Response A. Joy Mannette B. Vinita Srivastava 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

C. Denise Chong D. Susanna Moodie E. Margaret Atwood Score:

1 Demographics 5.


Which is the best definition for the term demographics? Student Response A. The study of the psychology and mental landscape of a given population. B. The description of the customs, traditions and religious practices of a group of people 100% C. The characteristics of a population, include size, mobility, age, gender, ethnicity and race. D. A description of a population's Value Correct Answer Feedback

political affiliations E. The study of environmental design Score: 1/1

QUIZ 3.....

Which of the following authors describes the frustration of learning a second language in Vancouver? Student Response A. Gary Engkent B. Denny Hunt C. Maxine Tynes D. Eva Hoffman E. Genni Gunn 0% Score: 0/1
2. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 2


Correct Answer


Who wrote "How can I teach her (my mother) to speak the language when she is too old to

learn, to want to learn"? Student Response A. Genni Gunn B. Eva Hoffman C. Maxine Tynes D. Denny Hunt E. Garry Engkent Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback


Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 3

Which of the following descriptions is not characteristic of the term "culture"? Student Response A. Culture is based on symbols. B. Culture is static. C. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. D. Culture is learned. E. Culture is dynamic. Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback


Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 4

Which of the following terms refers to the idea that one's own group is the centre of everything and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it? Student Response A. racism B. folklore C. acculturation D. ethnocentrism 100% E. integration Score:


Correct Answer



Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 5

Which of the following is not a type of nonverbal communication? Student Response 1. gestures 2. laughter 3. use of time 4. silence 5. song Score: 1/1
6. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 6


Correct Answer



What rationale do linguists give for the Inuit language to use the word "if" rather than "when" in reference to the future? Student Response A. There is no Value Correct Answer


word for "when" in the Inuit language. B. The Inuit live in a harsh environment where life is fragile and tentative. C. The Inuit have many different words for "snow." D. The Inuit use only non-verbal language. E. In the Inuit language, "if" and "when" mean the same thing. Score:
7. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 7



Which of the following terms does writer Shyam Selvadura not use in his discussion of "biculturalism"? Student Response A. dual identity B. social responsibility C. visibly otherness 0% Value Correct Answer


D. open space represented by the hyphen E. space inbetween Score: 0/1

8. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 8

In the period 1991-1996, immigrants accounted for what percentage of the growth in the Canadian labour force? Student Response A. 70% B. 60% C. 80% D. 40% E. 50% Score: 1/1
9. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 9

Value 100%

Correct Answer


In 1998, recent immigrants earned on average what percentage less in hourly wages than other Canadians? Student Response A. 20% B. 25% C. 15% D. 10% E. 18% Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer



Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 10

Maxine Tyes in the story "In Service" write about the following: Student Response A. Nova Scotian African women working as domestic help. B. the poverty of native women in western Canada C. going for an interview and neglecting to mention all her educational accomplishments D. Nadia and her husband who leave behind their privileged life in Egypt and come to an uncertain future in Canada E. a visit from a welfare worker to the apartment of a single mother with a child from an interracial marriage Score: 1/1
11. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 11

Value 100%

Correct Answer


Who wrote "Two Aspirins and a Comedy: How Television can Enhance Health and Society"?

Student Response A. Helga Mills B. Metta Spencer C. Henry Codjoe D. Denise Chong E. Erma Davies Score: 1/1
12. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 12


Correct Answer



"The Home Visit" is told from the point of view of Student Response Value Correct Answer


A. the welfare 100% worker B. the teacher C. Nancy, the mother D. Erma Davies, the grandmother E. the child Score: 1/1
13. Quiz 3 Multiple Choice 13

In "Choices" Nadia and Mona were fraternal twins who grew up in the same environment and went to the same schools in Egypt. Which of the following statement is true?

Student Response A. Nadia had a fighting spirit and adapted well to change. B. Nadia's youngest daughter was most like her mother: she was the kind who always invoked sympathy and protection.


Correct Answer


C. When Mona 0% and Nadia immigrated to Canada, Mona adapted well to change, but Nadia did not. D. Mona and Nadia has similar personalities and goals. E. Nadia was docile, gentle and very conservative. Score: 0/1
14. Quiz 3 True False 1

Culture shock results from the sense of loss from being uprooted from your country of

origin. Student Response True Score 1/1 :

15. Quiz 3 True False 2

Value 100%

Correct A True

The laws of Canada, such as the Multicultural Act, have successfully stamped out racism in Canada. Student Response True Score 0/1 :
16. Quiz 3 True False 3

Value 0%

Correct A False

The province of Quebec has passed provincial language laws to preserve the French language. Student Response True Score 1/1 :
17. Quiz 3 True False 4

Value 100%

Correct A True

In Genni Gunn's "The Middle Group," Claudio, Rosalba's son, convinced his mother to let him go to school alone in his new wheelchair. Student Response False Score:
18. Quiz 3 True False 5

Value 100%

Correct A False


The Chinese term, "fan gwei" means "white devils."

Student Response True Score 1/1 :

19. Quiz 3 True False 6

Value 100%

Correct A True

Denny Hunte was born in Italy and came to Canada when she was eleven. She has published a memoir on Italian holocaust survivors. Student Response False Score:
20. Quiz 3 True False 7

Value 100% 1/1

Correct A False

In 1998, with all immigrant categories taken into account, more immigrant men and women held university degrees than Canadian men and women. Student Response True Score: 1/1 Value 100%

Correct A True

QUIZ 4,,,,,,

Which of the following is not a consequence of migration? Student Response A. Newcomer parents tend to focus energy on creating a better life for their children. B. Newcomer parents often sacrifice their own needs to invest in the future of their children. C. Newcomer 100% children generally stay with the beliefs, attitutdes, values and behaviours that reflect the culture of their home country. D. Many families Value Correct Answer Feedback

show great resilience in continuing to promote bonds between parents and children. E. Families who migrate often leave behind their status within their communities. Score: 1/1

Which word best describes Mordecai Richler's family? Student Response A. conservative B. culturally balanced C. discreet D. calm E. orthodox Score: 1/1


Correct Answer



Which of these authors in your text does not deal with intergenerational conflict? Student Response A. Garry Engkent B. Mordecai Value Correct Answer


Richler C. Ann Jew D. Isabel Vincent E. Yeshim Ternar Score: 1/1



Which of these statements is a common stereotype based on gender? Student Response A. Women are weak, independent, nurturing and emotional. B. Women and men are the same. C. Men are weak, emotional, nurturing and dependent. D. Women are strong, rational, dominant and independent. E. Men are strong, rational, dominant and 100% Value Correct Answer


independent. Score: 1/1


In Vlassie's story, "A Bit of Magic," the theme is Student Response A. death and dying B. overqualified immigrants C. male control over women D. intergenerational conflict E. suicide Score: 1/1


Correct Answer



In which story is Lin expected to feed her dying grandmother while her mother bathes her and changes the sheets? Student Response A. "Letters and Other Worlds" by Michael Ondaatje B. "A Bit of Magic" by Kathleen Vlassie C. "My Father's Life" by Mordecai Value Correct Answer


Richler D. "The Other Family" by Himani Bannerji E. "Everyone 100% Talked Loudly in Chinatown" by Annie Jew Score: 1/1

According to the United Nations Research Institute in Social Development, which of these statements is false? Student Response A. Immigrant women are overrepresented in marginal, unregulated jobs. B. Immigrant women are generally poorly paid. C. Immigrant women are likely to be domestic cleaners and health care supporters in Canada. D. Migrant women experience the Value Correct Answer


negative impact of gender stereotyping combined with the impact of being an immigrant. E. Migrant women are advantaged in their families and careers. Score: 1/1


Which author was born in Pesaro, Italy, in 1948, studied English at University of Toronto where he was encouraged to write by Margaret Laurence? Student Response A. Mario Puci B. Michael Ondaatje C. Austin Clarke D. Mordecai Richler E. Frank Paci Score:


Correct Answer




Which story explores black-white relations and different situations in the lives of West Indian immigrants in Toronto? Student Response Value Correct Answer


A. "My Father's Life" B. "Ajax LaBas" C. " A Bit of Magic" D. "Mancus and Sons" E. "A Wedding 100% in Toronto" Score:


Which word best describes the life of Michael Ondaatje's father? Student Response A. entrepreneurial B. heroic C. slovenly D. selfdestructive E. private Score: 1/1


Correct Answer



Who wrote the "Joy Luck Club"? Student Response A. Frank Paci B. Garry Engkent C. Ann Jew Value Correct Answer


D. Amy Tan E. Genni Gunn Score: 1/1



Which of the following authors was born in 1931, in a Jewish neighbourhood in Montreal, and died in 2001? Student Response A. Mordecai Richler B. Frank Paci C. Duddy Kravitz D. Annie Jew E. Leonard Cohen Score: 1/1

Value 100%

Correct Answer


Immigrant children tend to become the experts in the language and culture of Canada rather than their parents. Student Response True Score 1/1 :

Value 100%

Correct A True

"The Joy Luck Club" describes relationships between four Chinese grandmothers and their American raised granddaughters. Student Response Value

Correct A

True Score:

0% 0/1


Role reversal in which children assume the power and status of parents is one of the potentially stressful family dynamics in immigrant families. Student Response True Score:

Value 100%

Correct A True


Michael Ondaatje was born in Ceylon in 1943, in a family of French/German extraction that had been living on the island since the 1500's. Student Response False Score:

Value 100%

Correct A False


In traditional societies, males are expected to demonstrate aggressiveness and toughness, while females are expected to be passive and nurturing. Student Response True Score:

Value 100%

Correct A True


Statistics Canada stated that in 2001, 21% of visible minority women aged 15 or older had a university degree, compared with 14% of other women.

Student Response True Score:


Value 100% 1/1

Correct A True

In the story, "Mancuso's and Sons", the term ORESTEPANE refers to a bread named after the father in the story. Student Response True Score 1/1 :

Value 100%

Correct A True

St. Urban is a beloved street referred to in Ondaatje's poem "Letters and Other Worlds." Student Response False Score 1/1 : Value 100%

Correct A False

QUIZ 5...........

According to census data in 2001, the number of people reporting multiple or hyphenated identities Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

A. is similar to data in the previous decade B. is decreasing sharply C. will likely decrease slowly in the next decade D. will remain stable in the under 35 years of age population E. is increasing 100% Score: 1/1
2. Quiz 5-Question 2

Which of the following statements is false? The "hyphen" in "hyphenated Canadian" Student Response A. is not officially recognized in Canadian census data B. refers to a condition of dual or multiple individual identity C. is understood Value Correct Answer Feedback

as a common and consistent identity in Canada D. has decreasingly been the subject of Canadian literacy expression E. all of the above Score: 0/1
3. Quiz 5-Question 3


For some writers such as Sri Lankan-Canadian writer, Shyam Selvadurai, the hyphen is considered an open space between two cultures that produces a creative tension. Student Response True Score:

Value 100%

Correct An True


Quiz 5-Question 4

Who wrote about being caught between the cultural contraints of Korean culture and the norms of Canadian society? Student Response A. Shyam Selvadurai B. Cyril Dabydeen C. Camilli HernandezValue Correct Answer


Ramdwar D. Sun-Kyung 100% Yi E. David Suzuki Score: 1/1

5. Quiz 5-Question 5

Which of the following feelings is generally not faced by people of mixed race? Student Response A. feeling like a foreigner in Canada B. feeling as though you are culturally split down the middle C. feeling like an outsider D. feeling like 100% an integration of separate parts of dual origins E. feeling "exotic" Score: 1/1
6. Quiz 5-Question 6


Correct Answer


A high unemployment rate correlates with negative attitudes towards migration. Student Response Value

Correct An

True Score 1/1 :

7. Quiz 5-Question 7



Which of the following factors influences public attitudes towards multiculturalism? Student Response A. economic situation B. perception of competition for jobs C. fear of loss of social status and power D. fear of threat to Canadian values E. all of the above Score: 1/1
8. Quiz 5-Question 8


Correct Answer



Which of these statements regarding multiculturalism is false? Student Response A. Multiculturalism has been praised for ignoring issues of social and economic Value Correct Answer


inequality in favour of funding folk dancing and cultural festivals. B. Multiculturalism 0% establishes a respect for ethnocultural and racial diversity. C. Critics of multiculturalism fear that the government approach encourages recent migrants to stand apart from the majority of Canadian society. D. The government has included public resources to help migrants integrate into Canadian society. E. Multiculturalism has been under attack because it is seen as preventing a singular and bonding Canadian identity. Score: 0/1
9. Quiz 5-Question 9

The media gude, shape and sometimes transform the way we look at issues and interpret reality through the eyes of the dominant majority, Student Response True Score:
10. Quiz 5-Question 10

Value 100%

Correct An True


Racial minorities are over-represented in the media as news anchor and quoted experts. Student Response False Score 1/1 :
11. Quiz 5-Question 11

Value 100%

Correct An False

What is the title of the poem that includes this reference? CPR heaving with a head tax As I am Chinese in a crowd Japanese at the camps It is also World War 11. Panting, I am out of breath. Student Response A. "The Immigrants" by Margaret Atwood B. "Multiculturalism" 100% by Cyril Dabydeen C. "The Other Family" by Himani Bannerji D. "The Middle Ground" by Genni Value Correct Answer


Gunn E. "Ancestors--The Genetic Sources" by David Suzuki Score: 1/1

12. Quiz 5-Question 12

What is the best description for Ms Edge Innate? Student Response A. Crucible Corey B. Precipice girl C. Scapegoat Annie D. Yuppie Jane E. Peanut girl Score: 0/1
13. Quiz 5-Question 13


Correct Answer



Match the terms in Column 1 with the description in Column 2. Melting pot Melting pot Transnationalism Transnationalism Mosaic Mosaic can result in a weak attachment to the host society and a diminished sense of belonging to the host nation-state puts pressure on migrants to give up the culture of his/her origin demonstrates respect for and retention of diverse cultural

heritages creates tension between a person's ethno-racial identity and national identity, sometimes resulting in an identity crisis recognizes dual attachnents to 2 nation-states at the same time suggests possibility of assimilation into the host society Statement Melting pot Melting pot Response


suggests possibility of assimilation into the 16 host society puts pressure on migrants to give up the culture of his/her origin


Transnationalism recognizes dual attachnents to 2 nationstates at the same time


Transnationalism can result in a weak attachment to the host 16 society and a diminished sense of belonging to the host nation-state Mosaic Mosaic demonstrates respect for and retention of diverse cultural heritages creates tension between a person's ethnoracial identity and national identity, sometimes resulting in an identity crisis 1/1



14. Quiz 5-Question 14

David Suzuki was born in Vancouver in 1936. Of Chinese descent, he is a writer, educator, journalist, TV and radio host, environmentalism and world-renowned geneticist,

Student Response True Score 0/1 :

15. Quiz 5-Question 15

Value 0%

Correct An False

Camille Hernandez-Ramdwar was born and raised on the Canadian prairies, but is treated as an outsider. Student Response False Score 0/1 : Value 0%

Correct An True

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