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Name: Kelly Dramos

Date: 26/03/2012

Design Evaluation
I. Create a scoring guide that you will use to evaluate each clock design:
Scoring Guide: Score: Description of Each Score: 1 Does not achieve the requirements needed for this project. 2 Attempts to reach the basic needs of this project. 3 Reaches the basic needs of this project. 4 Reaches the basic need of this project and goes a little beyond. 5 Reaches and understands the needs of this project fulfilling them almost flawlessly. 6 Reaches all levels and requirements for project flawlessly. Click here to enter text.

II. Evaluate each clock design using the scoring guide you created above: Design Specification (Copy from Investigate Stage)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Is it a clock? Is it made with recycled materials? Does it have a Mozambican inspired theme? Does it have more than one purpose? Is it useful? Is it colourful? Does it follow the original design? Does it work?

Design 1
6 3 6 6 5 4 4 5

Design 2
6 2 6 6 5 5 4 6

Design 3
6 3 4 4 4 5 6 5

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Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Design 1 It has a very simple frame because its just a rectangle. So I think that would be a weak point because there is nothing very interesting about a square clock. Design 2 I think that a weak point about it is that it has a rectangle frame and that it doesnt have much different about it, other than what is on the square below. Design 3 I think that a weak point of this clock would be that it doesnt have more than one specific purpose other than just being a clock.

III. Describe the weak and strong points of each of the clock designs:
Weak Points:

Strong Points:

I think that its strong point is that it has a white board place on it that you can write and put down ideas or things you need to do.

It has a mirror so that you can see yourself when you are looking at the clock, it also has little drawers where you can keep your belongings.

That it has a nice, and different frame, its not just a simple rectangle. It has flower-like frame made of wire.

IV. Choose the best design that you will use for your project. Explain/Justify your choice.
I think the best design would be DESIGN NUMBER TWO because it has clock, it can be made or recycled materials, and it can also have more use to me after I finish making it. It also fits my criterion better and i think that the other designs would be far too difficult for me to make. Therefore I choose DESIGN TWO

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