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Students copy (PBS)

Task Listen to a talk on Healthy Eating Habits. Identify if 1 each statement is true or false. Tick your
answers. TRU E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Practicing good eating habits is one way to a healthy lifestyle. You must eat many times a day Eat at regular mealtimes It is all right to have dinner before bedtime It is all right to eat while watching television The faster you eat, the better it is for your stomach Using bigger plates for your meal makes you eat more Stop eating just before you are full FAL SE

Task 2

Listen to the conversation again and underline the correct answer.

Observe your eating ( meals / pattern ). Good Eating habits

Concentrate on your ( meals / looks ).

Cut down on ( food / snacks ).

Eat ( slowly / quickly ).

Use ( bigger / smaller ) plates.

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