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10 Principles for your Stength and Contitioning Program Boyd Epley, M.Ed.

The 10 principles are used in program development. 1. Ground based activities a. This can improve the force you can exert against the ground b. Jammer is a machine that allows standing 2. Multiple joint actions a. This improve synchronization b. Triple extension generates more force that any other exercise i. Develops synchronization to provide summation of forces 1. Ankle 2. Knees 3. Hips ii. A person who can triple extend and develop power but not necessarily fast on straight away 3. Three Dimensional Movements a. This can be done with free weights 4. Train explosively 5. Progressive overload a. Intensity amount of weight used in a rep b. Volume is sets x reps i. High increases girth ii. Low increases strength 6. Periodization applies to slow lifts a. Base phase volume 30 reps (3 sets x 10) @ 65% b. Strength Phase 15 reps (3 sets x 5) @ 75% c. Peak i. 85% and 3 sets of 3 = 9 reps d. Explosive stops at 5 reps 7. Split Routine a. Monday - explosive lift, speed/acceleration b. Tuesday strength lifts agility & conditioning c. Wed no training d. Thursday explosive lifts, speed/acceleration e. Friday Strength lifts , agility, conditioning f. But if you skip Tuesday you have two days to recover for those muscles g. You can rotate through these days if you need to workout on three days per week 8. Hard/easy system a. Monday explosive, speed/acceleration Hard 70% b. Tuesday strength lifts, agility/conditioning easy 65% c. Thursday is easy d. Friday is another hard day 9. Specificity of training

a. ATP system good for about 10 seconds i. No distance training for football players ii. Each play lasts about 6 second iii. Recover between plays 50 seconds iv. He says football players dont need the aerobic system v. 1 part work 10 parts rest for football 1. so use 10 groups when you do drills one group works and 9 groups rest 2. station training have players walk for two minutes between stations 3. sport specific stations can individualize 4. recovery provides intensity 10. interval training a. have training mimic what happens on the field b. Epley used a cool video to show a player doing a drill and then doing a similar movement during a game.

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