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NEW DELHI (Commodity Online): India spices industry, biggest producer and exporter in the world, facing challenges

over food safety,sustainability and traceability. The safety relations imposed by many countries are affecting the spices exports especially from countries like Germany, France, England, Japan and Australia. These regulations varies for every country and it has become hard to amintain all the standards affecting the spices industry badly and thus sustainbility is a major issue. India contributes about 48% to the world spices demand. According to Spices Board of India, tIndia's spices exports during fiscal '12 till November is 351,900 tons valued at Rs 6,209.08 cr. India mainly exports chilli, turmeric, Cumin, Coriander, Pepper, Fenugreek, Ginger , Fennel, Nutmeg & mace, celery, Cardamom small and Cardamom Large, Garlic. Mainly exports to USA, UAE, Bangladesh, Pakistan, UK, Japan, Nigeria, Nepal, Germany, France, England, Japan and Australia.

Strengths major producer of spices globally Most fertile land Has International trade unions & thus get preferential treatment in spice trade. Easy availability of raw materials. Social acceptability of agriculture support from the central government. largest population engaged in agriculture. Large network of manufacturing facilities Vast domestic market

Weakness Low productivity Poor product quality at farm level Insufficient infrastructure Lack of scientific storage & processing Poor post harvest handling & SCM Insufficient mechanization Unable to meet quality req. of developed nations Inadequate surplus for exports Poor linkage between R&D labs & Industry

Opportunities Large crop & material base due to agro ecologicalvariability offers huge potential Integration of technology (biotech, materialscience etc.) is increasing productivity

Opening of global markets allows access todeveloped technologies and facilitate higher production and storage capabilities Advances in genetic engineering enable crops to be naturally resistant to diseases Improving export trends Threats Competition from global players Some countries have no domestic market for their produce and thus sell at cost price (e.g. Cardamomfrom Guatemala, Pepper from Vietnam & Clovesfrom Indonesia) Loss of trained manpower to other industries and professions Rapid development in contemporary requirementsof the industry fast lead to obsolescence

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