SM - Assignment PRE MT 13

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Superior University, Lahore

Services Marketing BBA-8 Pre-Midterm Assignment

1) Visit any well-known Services Marketing Organization like, Hotel, Club, Courier company, Airline, Health Services, Clothes washing and pressing, Automobile repair and maintenance, Rent a car, Banks, Amusement parks, Movie theatre, and Video centre, and find out the following information: a) What kind of services is being provided by the company to their customers? b) How does it provide services to its customers? Directly or through intermediaries. c) What is the role of contact employees in this firm? d) What activities are being carried out to retain the existing customers and attract the new ones? e) Do they have a service recovery strategy in place if so is it effective? f) Do they empower their contact employees? What kind of powers do their employees enjoy? g) What are your suggestions to improve the firms operations? 2) Write down in detail which is your favorite services marketing company in Lahore and why? 3) Please write down the answers of the following questions: a) Name any two famous health services firms in Lahore? And describe briefly about their services. b) Please name at least two top clubs in Lahore and write a brief not on the services they provide to their members. 4) How can service marketers get customer to visit their outlets more frequently and buy more services? Reply this question as if your are a customer. 5) Visit renowned service marketing firm and watch their customers while receiving services, identify the gaps, and suggest how can they remove those gaps? 6) As a service marketer if you develop your own set up what kind of strategy would you adopt to attract new customers and retain existing customers better than your competitor?

A) This is not a group assignment and will be completed by individual students. B) There will not be any formal presentation of this assignment. C) This assignment should be submitted on or before the day when sixth lecture will be delivered
before 9.30 PM.

Course Instructor: Prof. Asim Jameel

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