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Adana is in the south of Turkey

Adana has fifteen districts

ukurova Seyhan Yreir Karata Yumurtalk Ceyhan Saram Pozant Karaisal Alada Kozan Feke Saimbeyli Tufanbeyli mamolu

The population of Adana is about 2 million. It is the fifth biggest city in Turkey.

Adana was established around the Seyhan River.

Famous food and drink: kebap,algam,bicibici,rdan

Stockbreeding, cotton and citrus he lp with Turkey's economy.

There is a big university.

The first railway was built in 1886 in Adana.

The biggestTurkish mosque was made in Adana and its name is Sabanc Mosque.

There are many kinds of sports on Seyhan River.

Adana has two big football teams and one stadium.

He is a very famous writer who was candidate for Nobel Literature Award. Yaar Kemal has international fame in literature world. He has a very famous book which is called nce Memed.

The history of Adana goes back more than 3000 years.

Historical Bridges
The Varna bridge was made by Germans in 1900s The Stone bridge comes from Roman Empire. The Stone bridge that is on Seyhan river was made by architect Auxentus in D.C 384

Adana castle was made by Assyrians in 9th century B.C. or it was estimated to be built on the former place.

Snake Castle is called ahmeran.

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